Disclaimer: KHR is not mine. If it was, well, Tsuna would be a girl. o.o Crap, what about rabid 27 fangirling!? Oh what agony!!

A/N: Well, nothing much to say. XD Wonderful beta + proofreading + h-adding by chumee(-sama). Thank you so much!

Warning: This chapter contains YAOI. Yes, you read that right, YAOI. Not the very mild type, mind you. Though it has been modified to the extent by chumee(-sama) to make it easy on the eyes… and hearts. XD THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS PURE 8027. No Gokudera (yet) XD

Anyway, on to the fic!

Chapter 1: Boys will be boys


No classes. Check.

No one home. Check.

Reborn out of sight. Check.

Porn. Check.


Sawada Tsunayoshi, a healthy teenage boy, was going to have a little adventure, a little sexual adventure involving himself and a few magazines. He was healthy after all. And healthy teenage boys, with their raging hormones, would do these things once in a while.

He was glad to see that he was, actually, all alone. Finally, the time has come to look upon his brand new, plastic-wrapped, vacuum-sealed "treasures". He had his share of pains ordering them from the net, and even worse, hiding them from his frequent visitors or rather, his housemates. And so, finally, finally, it was time. And he knew he was going to enjoy it.

As silently as he could, he sat on his bed, so silently that it didn't creak. And then, he unwrapped the glossy-covered magazine off of its tightly-sealed packaging.

Blushing as he did so, he carefully opened the magazine to reveal its first shameless page of a woman bent over, a hand on her breasts & the other, lightly touching her lips, as if enticing the reader. His eyes scanned the next page, which sported another model, who was, this time, wearing a flimsy bikini that wasn't meant to be worn by normal women on the beach. Speaking of beach, she was on a beach. And she was spilling juice over her body. Tsuna gulped and mentally cursed himself for not buying sanitized gloves. His fingers were getting sweaty as well.

These kinds of scenes continued over the next few pages, the models being policewomen, nurses, teachers and other whatnot fantasies of men. Tsuna, being the healthy, but innocent boy that he is, could already feel the white heat building up in his lower abdomen. Gulping, he fumbled with the zipper on his pants, and flung it across the room after hastily taking it off. He got his little "tsutsu" out and started stroking the slowly growing member.

"Nnnhh…" He moaned as he started pumping himself. White hot liquid started pooling at the tip and at the moment he thought he was going to explode, someone chose to interfere right then and there.

The door opened slowly. Tsuna's eyes widened. He tried to get his pants, which were strewn on the floor, in the farthest side of his bedroom. He also tried to hide his little "tsutsu" which was now, not so little anymore. But sadly, he couldn't. Instead, he was a deer caught in the headlights, and his little "tsutsu" stood face to face with the eyes of the intruder.

"Oh… Sorry Tsuna, I kind of just entered since the door was open. I didn't know you were… Ahahaha" Yamamoto apologized meekly. But then at the same time, couldn't help but get slightly aroused at the sight.

"Ya-Yamamoto!" Tsuna exclaimed, furiously blushing as he tried his best to hide whichever was supposed to be hidden. Yet, in his frustration at keeping his little, big "tsutsu" out of plain sight, he left his precious "Big Boob Monthly" sprawled on the floor.

Yamamoto, who was a healthy teenage boy just like Tsuna, can't help but notice the lewd pictures plastered distinctly on the magazine.

"Tsuna, I never knew you liked big boobs" Yamamoto commented as he entered the room and sat on Tsuna's bed, flipping through a few pages of the magazine.

"Oi! B-be gentle!" Tsuna, slightly enraged at the careless handling of his treasure, but more embarrassed at the sudden intrusion of his close friend, crossed the room and decided to simply close the door. He was glad it was Yamamoto who came. He was a guy too, and he could more or less understand his situation.

'Thank god, it wasn't Kyoko-chan.' Tsuna thought to himself, while getting his pants on the floor and putting them on once more.

Already zipped up, he sat beside Yamamoto who was now carefully looking through the magazine as he was told. Looking through the pictures, once again Tsuna could feel the slightly pleasant tingling disturbing his body even without touching his "tsutsu". He turned to look at Yamamoto and was surprised at how the athlete looked so unfazed.

'Wow, as expected. Yamamoto… Ugh, It's so hard to be unpopular' Tsuna mentally slapped himself for being such a virgin. Yet, he couldn't just slide off the fact that he was getting aroused by big boobs on print. He started a mental struggle if he would do himself at that moment. He didn't want Yamamoto to once again see the sad scene of himself jerking off.

Yamamoto noticed the sudden shuffling beside him and put the magazine aside. He gazed down at Tsuna who was struggling with his little problem.

"Ahaha, Tsuna, do you need some help with that?" Yamamoto asked, a smile beginning to form at the corner of his lips.

"Wha--?" Tsuna looked up at Yamamoto, figuring how he could say something like that with his normal everyday look. 'Wait, what did he mean by 'help'?'

"D-don't mind me, Yamamoto. I-I can handle myself…" Tsuna said, and as he started to fidget, he turned slightly away from Yamamoto. He didn't want his buddy to notice the actions of his little "tsutsu", and right then he was ashamed, but really, he couldn't help it.

Yamamoto was more or less acting normal. Yes, he has seen several porn magazines before, mostly due to his baseball club mates, but those have simply grown…old.

He grew accustomed to them and that's why right when he was browsing through Tsuna's favored commodities, he wasn't really feeling much of anything. However, the scene that was occurring right now was getting him more excited than any other material he had ever encountered.

Unknowingly, Tsuna's downturned face had already flushed a deep red. His small frame slightly trembled from his light panting. His fingers numbly clutched the bed covers. The warmth within him was slowly getting hotter and hotter that he only wished to explode. His close proximity to Yamamoto only made the painful heat worse. But why? Wasn't he a healthy teenager? And Yamamoto, undoubtedly, was not a girl. And healthy boys were not supposed to be aroused by other healthy boys. Or at least they weren't supposed to.

Just when Tsuna was about to succumb to the temptation, he felt a foreign warmth on his hand. Yamamoto's hand was on his. He turned to see the slightly blushing face of Yamamoto. 'What? So he could get affected too huh?' Tsuna thought, not knowing what's going through Yamamoto's mind.

"Hey Tsuna…Can you let me help you?" Yamamoto closed down on Tsuna's face, eyes pleading. Tsuna backed away and reasoned, "No, it's embarrassing!." But his pleas were a failed attempt as he felt the pressure of Yamamoto's hand down his crotch.

"—Aah..! Ya-Yamamoto! What are you… umph!" Tsuna bit his lip. Though he was so embarrassed and so frustrated that he was seen and is now being done by Yamamoto, of all people, he couldn't help but notice how pleasing it was.

"Don't worry, Tsuna, I'll take care of you…" Yamamoto gently whispered to Tsuna's ear and proceeded to unzip Tsuna's tightened pants. Tsuna, falling prey to the pleasure of Yamamoto's hand movements on his clothed self, didn't say a word of protest.

Tsuna slightly gasped as his heat came in contact with cold air and Yamamoto's warm hand. He arched and fell back on the bed. Yamamoto chuckled and slowly raised Tsuna's shirt up to see his dusky nipples. He ran a finger lightly over one.

Tsuna, who didn't expect the touch, gasped and covered his mouth. "Y-yamamoto..!" he started, "That's my…Ah!"

"Hm?" Yamamoto innocently asked as he bent down to lick the other nipple that wasn't toyed by his other hand.

"Tsuna thought he would die from embarrassment and pleasure as both his penis and nipples were getting stimulated. He fought back moans of bliss as Yamamoto continued to stroke, lick & touch him all over.

Yamamoto looked at Tsuna all the while he was pleasuring him. He wondered why he never thought of Tsuna as being as sexy as he is now; Tsuna, with his face red from blushing, his teary eyes and his quivering frame. Ah, Yamamoto could only curse himself mentally at why he hadn't thought of doing this before. If only he knew Tsuna would be this sensitive. 'But of course he is' his mind told him. 'He's an innocent virgin after all.'

Having a sudden thought, Yamamoto looked around the room & saw Tsuna's necktie on one of the hangers. He stood up, went across the room & got it.

Tsuna, who suddenly felt cold air surrounding his body, opened his eyes and looked around to see where Yamamoto had gone. He felt his hands being pulled & he looked up to see Yamamoto tying his hands to the bedpost.

"What is--? Y-yamamoto..?" Tsuna asked, a hint of fear being heard from his voice.

"Don't worry, Tsuna." Yamamoto repeated, this time he said it with a huskier voice. "I'll take care of you."

"Y-yama..! AH--!" Tsuna gasped and tried to turn away. Yamamoto had taken over the lower half of his body & had his mouth closed on the tip of his little big "tsutsu".

"Mmm…" Tsuna managed to muffle a moan. His eyes were clenched shut. He was biting his lip. His bound hands were tightly clasped on the bed's fabric. He was blushing furiously and was sweating profusely. 'Is he enjoying this?' Yamamoto thought to himself. 'Or not?' He took one last look at Tsuna's face before diving down. 'Maa maa, I guess it's too late…'.

"Uwaa! Yamamoto!!" Tsuna was startled, yet at the same time, very much excited at the new sensation little "tsutsu" was undergoing. Yamamoto's hot breath on him made his spine tingle. "Ah!" He couldn't help but let his voice out as Yamamoto's mouth came in contact with his whole being.

Yamamoto pulled back a bit & let a smile form on his lips. "You're embarrassed, Tsuna."

"O-of course I am..!" Tsuna retorted and tried to twist his lower body away from Yamamoto's clutches. But Yamamoto would have none of it and only held Tsuna more firmly.

"Yamamoto..!" Tsuna gasped as Yamamoto started to lick "tsutsu's" tip. "This isn't a game!" he cried in desperation.

There was a moment of silence and Tsuna thought Yamamoto understood and that he would soon untie him and leave him by himself, once again, to jerk off. But Yamamoto suddenly spoke, saying, "I know."

"Then why...?"

"It's because you're too cute."

"Cu—AH..! That's ..nngh..!" Tsuna's protests turned into moans as Yamamoto deep-throated him. He turned his head to one side to prevent Yamamoto from seeing his face burning with shame and pleasure.

The assault stopped so suddenly that Tsuna snapped his head to look at what happened. "Yama…moto?" he asked, his voice pleading as he nudged Yamamoto's lips with "tsutsu". "D-don't stop…please." Tsuna begged shyly, his lips managing to pout despite his embarrassment, partnered with his heavy breathing and matched with the seductive rose red tint on his cheeks.

Yamamoto grinned, as if Tsuna's approval was what he was waiting for and indulged once more in paying attention to "tsutsu" with his mouth.

Tsuna was so confused. Yamamoto was suddenly giving him oral, and just a while ago he was jerking off by himself. He was confused, yet he couldn't think straight anymore. He was overwhelmed by the feeling Yamamoto was giving him.

His moans didn't help stop Yamamoto either.

"Mnn..! Don't just lick that spot—nnnh!"

And once again, white heat filled his insides. He knew it. It was time. He was going to…

"Ya-yamamoto, I have to…" Tsuna tried to warn his buddy that was currently in his own little world playing with their so called mafia boss. They were both so engrossed, Yamamoto giving attention to "tsutsu" and Tsuna, moaning embarrassedly.

Being as busy as they were, they couldn't possibly have noticed the rumbling footsteps coming towards them from downstairs…


To be continued…

A/N: Once again, thanks to the nth degree to chumee, my beta and h-factory (who went easy for the sake of what's left of my non-existent innocence). I kind of edited the layout. XD oh well. REVIEW PLS! XD
