DISCLAIMER: I don't own +Anima or its characters except for Alex.

Blood of a Rose

It was almost ironic. He had found her dying in a field of the very flower she was named after. Roses. The dark red of the dark flowers made it hard to tell which was her blood and which were the petals. But he had no time to wonder about that.

He ran to the injured girl and picked her up in his arms. She tried to say something, but the large gash across her neck denied that access.

"Sister!" It was Pinion. The gray haired Kim-un-kur turned his head to the small boy who was kneeling in the flowers, tears streaming down his face. He was luckily untouched by any scratches or bruises, unlike the older sister Senri now held in his strong arms.

"What…happened?" Senri inquired.

Pinion trembled as he spoke. "S-some men saw sister's +Anima and attacked us. Sister protected me and I was forced to hide…"

Pinion's tears turned into terrible sobbing and Senri-as though by instinct- stood up with Rose still in his arms and ran back to the campsite, Pinion following soon afterwards. He could feel her body become colder by the minute and her heart and breath slow by the second. Her crimson blood was sinking through his clothes and against his scarred abs. He ran even faster as her breath became raspy and her body started drooping. He finally stopped when he found his friends.

Alex and Nana were the first to see him and the two automatically ran towards him and took Rose out of his arms to tend to her wounds. Pinion finally caught up with Senri and Cooro and Husky took the liberty to talk to him, asking him what happened and things like that.

Senri didn't pay attention to what they were saying, he was too worried for Rose for that. He observed Alex and Nana, who had now been forced to remove parts of her clothing just so they could treat the injuries. He felt weak in the legs when he saw her badly damaged stomach and probably broken legs.

It took too long for Alex and Nana to finish their work, and by then, Pinion had fallen asleep from crying too much. Senri had started facing the ground earlier, unable to watch the sight of Rose's smashed up body for too long.

"Senri…" It was Alex. Senri looked to the now sixteen year old blond who was stained with blood. His beautiful dark ocean blue eyes were sad making Senri fear the worse. "You…did the right thing. You found her just in time. Rose-san lost a good amount of blood, but she'll live."

The twenty year old Senri smiled and Alex smiled a tired smile back. Nana left for a bath and when she came back, Alex took one as well, and finally Senri when Alex returned.

As Senri slept that night, he felt something tugging on his heart. He awoke and his legs led him to Rose. Even blood stained she was still beautiful. The moon fell on her face and made the pale skin shine. Though, he much more preferred her in the sun.

She was sleeping silently and Senri sat there for awhile, just watching her chest move up and down to show she was breathing. After a few moments, Senri moved his head forward, moved a piece of her hair, and kissed her on the forehead. He squeezed her hand for awhile before heading back to bed, silently praying for her revival.


Grace Raven: I was originally going to make this an oneshot but decided to split it into a few, short chapters. Damn, this kinda sucks. But still, review please :3.