A: Nwell here it is, the last chapter of secrets in a shoebox.

Secrets in a Shoe Box


Hermione awoke feeling complete. She felt like nothing could take away the feeling of pure bliss that was currently feeling in every bone of her body. She rolled into the waiting arms of the person she loved, his arms instinctively tightened around.

That's when she remembered exactly what they had done last night and the repercussions it would have.

"Ron, Ron wake up." she panicked s she shook his slumbering form.

"mmm, 10 more minutes love." he mumbled as he pulled himself closer to Hermione.

"No Ron, wake up now." she demanded, causing him to reluctantly open his eyes.

"What is it Hermione." He asked, his eyes racking over her bare skin.

"Ron, you do remember what we did yesterday, don't you?"

"Of course," he said as he begun trailing kisses over her bare shoulders. "Happiest day of my life."

This caused an involuntary smile to make its way upon Hermione's face. That was until she remembered for what purpose she had woken Ron up.

"Everyone is going to hate me." She said solemnly. This caused Ron to stop the attention his was giving her with his lips, to look into her eyes.

"Nobody will hate you mione." He said, in what he hoped to be a reassuring tone.

"Yes they will," the tears started to form in her eyes. "Especially your mum."

"Mum could never hate you Hermione, she loves you too much, granted she may be a little angry but she won't hate you."

"Ron, she will hate me, she's been planning our wedding for the past 7 months, how will she feel about us just going off and eloping?"

"She'll get used to it, when she realises that neither of us wanted the big fuss of a wedding she was planning. Besides she'll just love the fact that I have finally made an honest women of you." He said as his placed light kisses over her eyes, effectively relaxing her.

"Are you sure?" she asked, needing reassurance.

"I'm positive, and if she doesn't who cares, all that matters is that you're my wife." He gave her his crooked smile.

"I love you"

"I love you too, so do you want my wedding present now" he asked.

"You got me a present." She smiled.

"Of course, you didn't think I wouldn't get you one, tut tut Hermione. Besides are you telling me you never got me one?" he gave her a knowing look, the blush on her cheeks told him that she had in fact got him a present.

Ron pulled himself out of the comfort of their bed, his skin bare as the day he was born, Hermione's eyes never left him. He walked over to the wardrobe, pulling out a plain white box.

"Here," he said as he handed the box to Hermione. "What do you think?"

"Erm Ron," she said after opening the lid. "I think you misunderstood the point of presents, the box is empty" she said confused.

"I know," he sat behind her, pulling her into his chest. "I figured you could make another of those box things, only this time it will be with things from our marriage, I know over time it will get filled but then we can get more and more boxes." He smiled wisely. "Don't worry I did get you something else but that's over at Harry's so you'll have to wait."

"That's so sweet Ron, thank you" she turned and gave him a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"So, where's my present?" his body bouncing with excitement, causing a giggle to escape Hermione.

"Well the first isn't here yet and won't be for about 5 days."

"What is it?"

"Well, you are always going on about that stupid Chudley Cannons fridge, so I got you one, it took me a while to find one but I did."

"wow, mione, have I told you how much I love you, because it's a lot, a whole heap, loads and loads and loads." Ron was acting just like a child at Christmas. He kissed every inch of her face.

"Well, if you're that excited about that present I can't wait to see you face when I give you your second"

Hermione reached over to her bedside table and removed something from her top draw. She handed the small white stick to Ron.

"And that present won't get here for about 7 months" she smiled.

Confusion washed over Rons face as he inspected the funny looking stick in his hand. He turned it over a few times to see if there was any clue as to what it was.

Suddenly he understood.

"Hermione is this..."

She nodded.

"So we're..." he motioned between the two of them.

She nodded.

"I'm going to be a daddy" he said to no one particular.

She nodded.

"Thank you" he said as he kissed her, pouring all the love he felt for her into it.

He abruptly stopped the kiss and jumped out of bed. He ran straight over to the wardrobe, Hermione was still sat on the bed startled. Ron began pulling on his clothes.

"Ron what on earth are you doing."

"Well I need to go shopping, we need all the things for the baby, is it a boy or a girl or both. Plus I don't think my wedding present cuts it compared to yours so I need to buy the entire book shop. No wait I need to buy all of Diagon alley." He spoke quickly, causing Hermione to laugh at his behaviour.

"Ron, calm down, we have months before the baby gets her. Plus the baby is as much my present as yours. Besides, I won't allow you to go anywhere today, I believe that newlyweds aren't supposed to leave their marital bed for the entirety of their honeymoon, so get that cute butt of yours back to bed."

Ron smiled before complying with Hermione.

"I love you"

"I love you too Ron."

A: N well that's it I hoped you liked it, tell me in a review. It's funny because I had this ending in my head before I was fully aware of where the story was going. I liked the fact that the beginning kind of make you think it's the day after they first got back together.

Just to let you know some things

They have been together for about 2 years when this happens.

For those of you who want to know, Chrissy is now happily living in Hogsmead with Dean Thomas, they met when he was coming back from visiting Neville at Hogwarts. They are currently engaged to be married. So she will get her happily ever after.


Well bye for now, it's been great.