Chapter 13-The Bloody End

Death. Died. Dead. All these 3 words mean the same thing but we use them differently. Before this word never really used to disturb me but since that day, I was afraid of those words.

At Ayame's funeral, I didn't say a word. People asked me questions or tried to talk to me but ignored it. I thought that when she died that I would feel worse but I didn't because when I saw her in her tomb she looked so peaceful. I knew that she wouldn't cry anymore, or have any more pain. I then watched the tomb go deep into the ground and the wind blew through my hair and my last tear fell for her.

"AIDOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Someone shouted, while I was in my dorm, tidying. Yes, me tidying almost seemed impossible but there was nothing better to do. Three weeks had already passed since Ayame died.

Anyway, that person who bursted into my door happily was Takuma with Shiki by he his side but he just stood there like a statue.

"What do you want Takuma?"

"Me and the others thought of something fun to do!"

That was the last thing on my mind. Fun.

"No thanks."

He then looked at me seriously and put his hand on my shoulder. "If you stay in this condition, Ayame isn't going to be happy. Wouldn't she want you to be happy?"

"Of course she would!!" I shouted as I glared at him.

"Then make the effort."

I clenched my fists.

"If she was here she would either slap you around the head or tell you to be happy…right?"

I just stood there thinking of the situation and I realised that she would, so I then nodded my head.

"I'm not going if Kaname is there."

"Don't worry he already said he doesn't want to come."


I didn't want him there. After all if he gave his blood to Ayame, she would still be alive.

"So c'mon lets have fun! We're going to a bar!! LET'S GO!!!" He then pulled me by the arm. It wasn't long ago when I used to be so happy. What happened to that person? He died. He died within me. Maybe that person or that soul is with Ayame right now and they are having fun. All that was left of me was my broken soul.

We got in the bar there were quite a lot of people, most were drunk and most were just blabbering away. I just drank a fizzy drink. Not in the mood for blood really because if I wanted blood right now I would want Ayame's blood and no one else's.

We sat by a stage filled with lots of music, by bands that weren't really known but I didn't take any notice of it. There was one band I liked a lot. It was just because of the melody of the song. Though the part that really stood out the most was the lyrics. It just really related to me. The piano started with that beautiful melody and I heard the lyrics…

Within Temptation-ForgivenCouldn't save you from the start.

Love you so much it hurts my soul.

Why couldn't I save you from the start? Couldn't I do anything to you from dying and seeing only darkness…it hurts my soul too…my broken soul…

Your silence makes me hold my breath.

Oh, Time has passed you by.

Does your silence make me hold my breath? Or is it a lot worse?

Our time together and the time you've dead really has passed by hasn't it?

Ooh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world.

"Ayame-Chan!" I shouted while looking into the sky with the rain pouring on me.

"I'll try my best to protect you."

Ooh, You couldn't face the freedom on your own.

She had to spend most of her time staying in the hospital not doing anything at all.

So you could only relay on other people is that you were stubborn sometimes?

Here I am left in silence.

Even though I'm in a crowded place why does it feel silent with only the lyrics in my head?

You gave up the fight.

"No…I told them to give me up…I want to give up this fight for life…it's hard…I can't live like this…"

You left me behind.

"And what about me?"

"It's not about you!!!" She shouted while glaring at me.

All that's done is forgiven.

Even though you didn't care about leaving me behind, I forgive you for that.

You'll always be mine.

You're dead so no one can claim you now. Actually I already claim you.

I know deep inside.

All that's done is forgiven.

And that will never change.

I watched the clouds drifting away.

I did that a lot hoping time would pass and thinking she was there.

Still the sun can't warm my face.

It never did but I wonder why…

I know it was destined to go wrong.

You were looking for the great escape.

To Chase your demons away.

Were you looking for a way to get rid of your illness other then relaying on the doctors?

Ooh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world.

Ooh, You couldn't face the freedom on your own.

Here I am left in silence.

You gave up the fight.

You left me behind

All that's done is forgiven.

You'll always be mine.

I know deep inside.

All that's done is forgiven.

I've been so lost since you've gone.

I have…I've lost a part of me since you've been gone…I wish you were never ill

Why not me before you?

I wish deep inside that it were that way…

Why did fate deceive me?

I wonder why it did?

Everything turned out so wrong.

I wanted us to be together forever.

Why did you leave me in silence?

…Why did you die?

You gave up the fight

You left me behind

All that's done is forgiven

You'll always be mine

I know deep inside

All that's done is forgiven.

I realised that even though I was suffering a lot at the moment, the people around me must be also suffering in different ways.

I will move on with my life and maybe I will find a new lover.

But if that lover still cant accept the fact that I might still care for Ayame I will automatically know that, that person is not for me.

I miss you Ayame.

Authors Comment: I Really had fun writing this story. Since Aidou has this kind of split personality you can say. I mean at times he is flirting with the day class girls and then at times you'll see him really serious with the issues with Kaname. I'm generally talking about the way he acts in the anime. I hope you enjoyed this story since that was the last chapter! To make sure everyone understands those parts in bold were the lyrics to a song called Forgiven by Within Temptation, which is written and the parts in italic are the things that either Aidou or Ayame has said in the previous chapters. Then with the normal writing are just Aidou's thoughts! Now if you don't know this song you can easily go on: .com and search for it or if you prefer AMV's just search Vampire Knight-Forgive Me on youtube and click the first one. It's a YuukiXZero AMV but its great.