A Jackie/Hyde fic.
Chapter Four.
Disclaimer: I don't own That 70s show in any way, shape, or form.
A/N: I hope you're all liking this so far, I know I'm enjoying writing it. For those of you wondering, there will be some Jackie/Hyde interaction in this chapter, woohoo!
Anyways ... I was getting writer's block just writing the Author's Note, so on with story, huh? (And as a Canadian, I rarely say "eh?". I say "huh?" or "hmm?". I have never said the word "about" as "aboot" ... that's just weird. And it would be effing awesome to live in an igloo ... I never get cold, but I heat up very easily, so winter is my favorite season ... this, however, cannot be said about all Canadians ... )
Blah, enough out of me ... and on with the story!
As always, please read and review, I live for feedback!
Hyde slowly made his way up to the spare room in Donna's house. He had wanted to ignore her, just let her be ... but with him being Best Man, and her being Maid of Honor, they were going to have to talk eventually. So, he figured sooner was better than later.
He heard her talking as he got closer to the room, and slowed down to hear what she was saying.
"Oh, Copper, it's just awful being back here. I know you love it, getting to see and smell all these new people, but you don't know how hard it is for me to be back here. To see him."
Jackie paused, and Steven stopped outside her door, being as quiet as he could.
"It's been five years, Copper. You'd think that would be enough time for me to get over what he did. And I want to. I look at him, and I can remember how he used to make me feel. He was the one man I ever really loved. You didn't know me then, Copper, I was so different. I was this stupid, air-head bimbo ... I was pathetic. And what happened with Steven is only part of what changed me ... I mean, there was that guy in New York who ... attacked me. I think that was really a huge eye-opener for me. Showed me that the only person who was gonna save me was me. And then I got you, you stinky puppy, and you know that you complete me," she said, playfully tussling his hair.
Jackie sighed. "I just have to get through these two weeks, then I can get back home ... back to the only one-bedroom apartment that allows dogs."
Suddenly Copper took off for the door, pushing it open to reveal Steven Hyde standing there, jaw clenched, a surprised look on his face.
"Steven, were you eavesdropping?" Jackie wondered, annoyed.
He didn't say anything, barely acknowledged Copper scratching at his jeans, wanting him to play with him.
"How much did you hear?" she wanted to know.
He looked down at her through his shades. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"That you were attacked," he said.
Jackie looked away. "You weren't there. It wouldn't have made a difference."
"I would have come," he said honestly. "I would have protected you."
Jackie snorted. "I don't need you to protect me, Steven. I haven't needed you for a long time."
She tried to push past him, but he blocked her.
"What?" she asked, louder than necessary.
"Look, I came up here for a reason, okay."
"You mean other than to listen in on my conversations?" she asked icily.
Steven pursed his lips, and cocked an eyebrow.
"Fine, what?"
Steven sighed, saying, "Look, this is going to be a long two weeks. Especially with you being Maid of Honor, and me Best Man. So can we, I dunno, call a truce or something?"
Jackie hadn't even considered the possibility of him being Best Man. This was going to be a nightmare.
"Fine, whatever, truce," she said.
He held out his hand, and she shook it quickly, looking down at her dog.
"I need to take Copper for a walk, excuse me," she said.
"I'll join you," he said, overcome with a sudden urge to never let her be alone again.
Jackie clenched her jaw, but nodded once, and the three of them left Donna's house.
"So, uh, what have you been up to?" Hyde inquired.
You mean since you cheated on me and broke my heart? "Not much. Just work."
"Oh, that's cool. Uh, what do you do?"
You mean besides spending every day trying not to think about you? "I write for Vogue Magazine, mostly critiquing bad fashions. You?"
"I uh, own the record store in town. Grooves. It's actually my dad's store.
"Didn't he run out on you again?" Jackie wondered.
Hyde chuckled. "Oh, that's right, you weren't there for that."
It would physically kill you to explain yourself in one full sentence?
"Weren't there for what?" she asked instead.
"Uh, well, turns out my 'dad' wasn't my real dad," he said. "My real dad is WB. He owns a chain of record stores. He's also black."
Jackie stared at him. "No way."
"Wow ... although it does explain a lot. Your fro, your hatred of 'the man', your coo- ... it does explain a lot," she said.
Hyde smiled. "Yeah, that's pretty much what I said. Anyway, I started working for him at the store in town, and about two years ago he handed the store over to me. I work there with my sister."
"You have a sister?"
"Yeah, she takes over my dad though ... I mean, physically speaking."
Jackie nodded. "Okay. Well that's kinda cool. I mean, who would have thought ..."
Jackie trailed off, realizing that she was talking to Steven.
"Anyway, it must be cool," she finished monotone.
Hyde's faced dropped, but he nodded, hiding his disappointment in his eyes, hidden behind his glasses.
"Yeah, it is. He's pretty cool," Hyde said. "A lot better than the dad I originally thought was mine."
Jackie nodded, continuing on with the rest of Copper's walk in silence.
"So, do you think those crazy kids will get back together?" Eric wondered.
"Crazy kids?" Donna repeated. "You sound like an old fogie."
Eric rolled his eyes and pulled her into his arms. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, Chuckles."
"I hope they do get back together," Donna said. "They were good together, as wrong as it was. They sort of ..."
"Complimented each other?" Eric finished.
"In a weird way, yeah."
"Well, who knows? It's two weeks until the wedding ... maybe the time together will do them some good."
Okay, end of chapter four.
I hope you guys liked this one. Don't be shy about leaving feedback, good or bad.
Until next time ...!