
"Hey, Amu!" Yaya cheered. "Ready for prom tonight?".

"Not yet," Amu smiled. "We have to go to the salon like we planned-". Yaya interrupted her by grabbing her arm and dashing out the school doors.

"Rima is already waiting for us!" she explained as they headed for a silver Volvo. (Edward! *squeals* Jk.)

Just like Yaya said, Rima was already waiting in the drivers' seat. "We better hurry if we want to make Amu turn from ugly to pretty."

"We can't do that in only 3 hours!" Yaya smirked.

"Shut up, guys!" Amu punched Yaya's arm playfully as they drove down the road to the hair salon.


"So guys, you never told me what your dresses looked like," Amu finished up after talking about her own. Rima, Yaya and herself were now in the salon, talking about prom as the employees worked on their hair.

"Well, all I'm saying is that when I win prom queen tonight, nobody is going to take their eyes off of me!" Yaya giggled.

"Your so stuck up!" Rima answered playfully."But I do hope you get crowned prom queen. I rather see you up there than Saaya."

"You mean 'Her royal Whore-ness'," Yaya replied. The three all looked at each other and laughed.

"Come on, Yaya!" Amu laughed. "Your still using that? We called her that in seventh grade, for God's sake!".

"Well, she is a rich slut! She changes guys every week! I bet she bribes them with her whore money!".

"Hey! That 'whore money' just got us a prom in a five-star hotel! We should at least be nice to her, for prom night anyways," Rima pointed out.

"I think Rima's right, Yaya," Amu agreed. "Just relax and enjoy the night with your friends."

"Speaking of friends, I know who Amu's going to enjoy the night with," Rima snickered.

"Ikuto!" Yaya joined in.

Amu blushed. "This is what I get for backing you up, Rima?". Suddenly, the hairdresser pulled a mirror out so Amu could get a look at the back of her hair. "It looks great! Thanks!". As she was checking her hair in the mini-mirror, Amu spotted a familiar figure outside of the glass window. She looked closer and gasped: the killer! She spun around to look outside the window but there was no one there.

"Umm, Amu? Are you okay?" Rima asked. Amu turned back to look back at her friends.

"Uh, yeah. Just thought I saw someone I knew....".

(At Amu's Uncle's house)

Amu looked at herself in the bathroom and approved. She looked absolutely amazing. (pic on my page!) Ikuto won't be able to hold himself back when he sees her; she giggled at the thought. Amu opened up the mirror-cabinet (if you watched the movie, you know what I'm talking about) to put away the curling iron when her eyes met the prescription bottle. She reached out to grab it, but retreated back. No way, not tonight. She closed the mirror and screamed when she looked into it.

"Oh my god, don't scare me like that!" Amu gasped as she held her chest.

"I'm so sorry Amu, I didn't meant to," Amu's aunt, Karen, was holding her own chest. "I just came to check up on you and I saw you didn't take your medication". Amu looked down at the floor. "Amu, that's why you've been having the nightmares again! How long?".

"Um, four days?" Amu responded meekly.

"Four days?!? Amu, why?".

"Because it's my prom, Aunt K! I just....I just didn't want to have that feeling at it. I don't want to be numb...".

Karen looked at Amu's pleading face and wrapped her arms around Amu. "I understand Amu. I just want you to be safe."

"I'll be fine, it's all over, remember?". Amu cursed herself inside as she mimicked her principal: she was such a hipocrite.

Her aunt let go of Amu to look at her. "You look so beautiful, Amu! I wished I looked like that to my prom, but something is missing." Amu was confused. How could something be missing? She thought that everything was perfect! But her eyes grew wide as her aunt pulled out a beautiful champagne-colored scarf. Her mom's scarf.

"No, I couldn't," Amu rejected her offer. She didn't take her meds for a reason.

But she wasn't taking no for an answer as she slid the scarf around Amu's neck. "You know she would want you to, Amu."

She knew, alright. That's all what Mama talked about; the dress they had found window-shopping and how her scarf was a perfect match. Amu felt warm inside as she sniffed in the faint aroma of her mom (remember ep. 1? 'Amu is a scent pervert' lol)and felt the cool cloth against her skin. It was pretty comfortable. Nice, too. Amu smiled. "Thanks, Aunt K."

Karen's eyes clicked. "Oh yeah! You scared me so I forgot to tell you! He's waiting downstairs for you!".

Amu gasped. "Aunt K! Why?". She grabbed her purse and stepped downstairs with her aunt following close behind. Oh, well. At least she didn't seem desperate. But she soon regretted it as she saw Ikuto and her uncle. It wasn't that she didn't want to keep Ikuto and all of his sexy glory waiting, no...well, okay. Just a little. I mean, he was in a tux, for crying out loud. No, it was that he was downstairs. With her uncle. Talking. With her uncle! Oh god! If he said anything embarrassing to him...

"Speaking of the princess, here she comes!" Amu's uncle, Jack, remarked as he saw Amu gracefully walk down the steps. Oh, god. Did she just heard him say speaking of the princess?? They were talking about her?!?! And what's with the princess??? But Amu couldn't help but glue a smile on her face as Ikuto put a big grin on his. Whatever happened to the smirk she knew and loved?

"Hey," Amu inserted casually as she glided towards Ikuto's extended hand. "you look rather dashing tonight".

Ikuto's grin slid slyly to a smirk. That's more like it. "I'm dissapointed. I thought I looked rather stunning." Amu loved playing along like this. That's the only reason why her aunt and uncle actually let her date a guy five years older than her; they thought he was 'sophisticated and mature'. Boy, was he the complete opposite. But Amu's thoughts were interrupted by a familar voice.

"Well I think you look rather sexy today, Ikuto," Ami, who was now 10, complimented slyly. "Excuse my sister. Her eyes are not as good as they used to be." Ikuto's smirk grew wider at her accuracy of words while Amu just giggled. Sometimes she wished she was more honest.

"AMI!" her aunt and uncle both yelled at the same time. Even though she was dangerously correct, she was still ten for god's sake. Ami blew a kiss towards Ikuto and ran away giggling.

Amu's smile grew wider as Ikuto suddenly slid a white rose corsage on her wrist. "It's beautiful, thanks." But she grew lost at words as she faced his eyes. Who else on earth has eyes as beautiful and blue as his?

The two must of have been standing there for a long time because Amu's aunt and uncle were soon pushing them out the door. "Have a wonderful time, you two!" she called after them.

"Remember what I told you, son!" Her uncle followed. Amu cursed him inside. But as they climbed into the limo, Amu couldn't help but think that this was so alike to the day her parents died... She shook away the idea and slid into the limo after Ikuto.

Inside, the two were greeted by cheers, whistles and loud music that just made you want to dance. Amu smiled. Everyone had a date this year. Yaya was still growing strong with Kukai, Rima and Nagehiko were a cute, shy couple, and the last time she heard, Tadase had finally been set up with Lulu. Tadase. Amu grew guilty everytime she saw him or even hear his name. He had confessed to her last winter, but she turned him down because she wanted to be with Ikuto. All of those years of elementary and middle school where she had a crush on him, wasted when he finally gave in. But she did feel a little better when suddenly Lulu was in the picture with him.

"Amu, why the depressed face? You were staring at me with drool coming out just a minute ago," Amu was glad she had Ikuto's perverted self to keep her mind off things.

"Sorry, I was just just thinking what a shame it is; we forgot to bring whip cream to bring to the hotel," she exaggerated her sigh, but her eyes grew wide as she saw her smirking neko pull out a spray can from beneath his jacket. "Ikuto, you jerk!".

(Okay, guys. Let's just pretend that Kairi is...30! And Seiichiro is...26! Also, I will be using their last names so in case you don't know: Kairi is Sanjo and Seiichiro is Suzuki! Okay, on with the program!)

Detective Sanjo (lol, Kairi suits detective perfectly) took another sip of his coffee. He had a big case on his hands and was sure he was going to stay up all night. Just then, he heard a knock on his door. "Come in".

"We just got a call from Tokyo's Maximum Security Prison, he looks like one of them escaped while there was a big fight going on," Detective Suzuki plopped a file onto Sanjo's desk. "I think I remember reading that his name was Yuu Nikaidou (sorry, but I couldn't think of anyone else!)."

Sanjo choked on his coffee. "No way!". He grabbed the file and opened. Sure enough, the maniac's face was staring right back at him. Sanjo grabbed his coat and started out his office. Suzuki was confused.

"Um, why the sudden outburst? Who is this guy?".

Sanjo ignored him. "How long has he been gone?".

"About 3 days".

"Three days??".

"Why are you so worked up about this?". His voice echoed in the parking lot as he ran to catch up with Sanjo.

Sanjo climbed into his patrol car and motioned for Suzuki to get inside. As they drove out onto the road with a screech, he finally started talking. "About a year ago, a biology teacher got obsessed with his student, Amu Hinamori, 17 at the time. The parents complained and the school fired him. But then he started stalking her outside of school. They filed a restraining order against him and thought that was it. The guy went crazy, insane and went to her house one night. Came inside, started yelling and asking where she was. Ended up killing the parents. We got him before he could do anything with the girl. It happened on this very night, which creeps me out".

"Sounds like a scary story you would tell at a campfire".

"Yeah, except this one is real".

Me: Longest chapter yet! Hope you guys liked it! I'll be posting more dresses later but for now I only have Amu's on my page. Excuse the tiara, please.

Rima: You went off again.

Me: I know, I know. But honestly, this movie needs more humor.

Rima: You can say that again.

Me: And what's that supposed to mean?

Rima: -shrugs- Face it, sweetheart, you've got jokes not even a hyena would laugh at.

Me: FYI, that joke was corny.

Rima: FYI, you can't think of anything funnier.

Me: You want to know what's funny? Me kicking your butt out of here! Your fired as my critic!

-both stare at each other-

Rima: That was funny! -rolls on floor- Hahahahaha!

Me: I know! I don't own Prom Night or Shugo Chara! So don't sue!

Rima: -still laughing-

Me: -_-; Cut it out. It wasn't that funny now.