I do not own J.K.Rowling therefore, I don't own Harry Potter. Only saying once.

"Books may well be the only true magic." Alice Hoffman

Harry Potter was currently sitting on the top of the school roof. He didn't understand how he got up here. All he had been trying to do was jump behind the trash cans at school. "The wind must of caught me on the way up." Harry mumbled coming up with another pathetic excuse. " It's not like I can control the wind."

Truth be told Harry knew their was way too many things in his life he just excepted without questioning. He sighed wishing that he had more control over his life. Then it hit him, no I don't figuratively, but literally hit him in the back of the head as if to say 'Look over here you Moron!' And Harry did and what he saw startled him so much that he sat their for five minuets just looking at what hit him. 'Was this a trick from Dudley? No he could never be intelligent enough to do this.' but his thoughts where interrupted by at dinging noise.

The Bell was ringing and that meant it was time for classes. Harry was stuck on the roof, and he had to get down. Not because anyone would notice his absence in class, but because most likely someone would come up here, for some silly reason, and find an eight year old boy. His relatives would be contacted and Harry would be locked up in his cupboard for at least a week. Maybe with no light, and Harry wanted to find out what this gift(?) was.

Harry looked around the edges of the roof to see if there was a good way to get down. On one of the walls their was gutter that went all the way down to ground. He didn't have time to find another option, Harry had to climb down. Harry edged his way off the roof, both hands and feet clinging to metal. Harry a light as he was made the gutter shake very much.The mantra 'Right foot, left foot, right arm, left arm' kept playing in his head. He was almost their only two meters to go, when the custodian, Mr. Materson, came out . Harry froze, prying silently, not to be caught, not now. In fact he wished he was invisible. Mr. Materson walked by Harry with slight whistle on his breath, not noticing anything at all. As soon as he was sure Mr. Materson was gone, Harry quickly climbed down the rest of the way.

'Why didn't Mr. Materson not see me. I mean walked right past.' Harry wondered about the strange things that where happening to him as he walked of the school grounds and to the park. The park was about ten years old and not kept up very well. The swings didn't swing anymore because they where so rusty, the slide was covered in graffiti, and if you even dared to sit on the spinning top, it would most likely fall over. There is a tall oak tree by the side of the park was one of those places that you can imagine had lots of important things said their. Big, tall, and strong. The best sort of place to solve a mystery.

Harry walked to the tree and sat at the base. Shaded from the sun by the green leaves he read the cover of the book again. Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone, by J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter. 'That's my name, does this book have to do with me?' "No Potter, books with your name on them randomly hit you on the head all the time." He sarcastically muttered to himself. 'Philosopher's'. That was a type of magician, right?' ' I guess the only way to find out is to read it.'

Harry opened the book, at the beginning there was the normal pages about copyright

'1995! It's from the future.' Harry thought, but that wasn't the only surprising thing, on the page before the first chapter, which is usually blank, where words.

Dear Harry Potter,

You know who I am, and I am Death. Now it may seen a little alarming to find out you're getting a book about yourself from Death, but don't worry, this is the truth. First let me tell you something about myself. I do not go around killing humans. Because only Humans can kill Humans. Well, animals can too, but thats not the point. I only go around collecting the souls of deaf Humans and bringing them to the afterlife. I did not kill your parents, Tom Marvolo Riddle did. Tom was an evil man corrupted by his sad childhood, a thirst for power, and his fear of myself. He even went to call himself a name that in french can be translated into "Flight of death" which he always has done. His name also can be translated into "Theft of Death" and he did steal from me. But enough about Tom, the reason I gave you this book is that I am afraid of your mother. Don't get me wrong she is a wonderful person, just not when she's ticked off. She loves you very much, that proof is written in black and white, and she would do anything to make your life better. So Lily asked (screamed is a better word) me to give you something to make your future much easier to deal with. So you have this book, this is a book about about what would happen to you if you never received this book. This book was written in another dimension, by a woman named J.K. Rowling. Her dimension is only made of muggles, and a few who can see into the other dimensions. These people are called "Writers" you can find them in any dimension. Their are seven books in the series, one for each year of your 11 to 17 year old life. When you finish one book you can read the next by pressing the title in the "Also Written By J.K Rowling" section. You can always go back and re-read a book but you can't skip ahead, and jump from the 4th to the 7th, or you'd ruin the story. Remember, these are just guide lines, not rules. Do what you want in your life, not what this book tells you. Be who you want to be. Don't give a damn about what other people think. Unless you like them, then give a damn. But do what you think is right, 'Cause Harry, truth be told, you have excellent instincts, sometimes their wrong, but more then not, there right. Don't rely on just good luck harry, even though you have more then the average person, at the worst possible time, it will run out.

Yours truly,


If Harry was any older then eight and actually knew how swear like a sailor, he would have after he read that. But Harry, being his small, little innocent self just sat their and mulled over what he just learnt. 'Well, my parents were murdered by this Tom person, not in a car crash, that means my Aunt and Uncle have been lying to me my whole life. Not surprising. There many different dimensions, that different. And my mum loves me. She didn't just get herself killed, and she's still looking after me.' Harry.If you could taste laughter, this would be like a a bit of chocolate after a hard day, or in Harry's case a hard life.

AN: Harry will be a bit more sarcastic in my version. The pairs will be the same as in the book.