Title: Of Fights and Puppies
Couple: Jake/Ryan (Jyan? Rake? Whatever...)
Summery: (Movie: Never Back Down) Extended scene I thought up for Ryan and Jake's encounter in the Bathroom. The movie had a sort of Homoerotic tone around those two so hey. Slash.
Disclaimer: I do not own Never Back Down, nor the characters used in it's plotline. Though I own them in my dreams. (Guy in suit comes in) Sorry, you don't. It's in the contract, Sub-paragraph D, section 5...(Shoots guy)...no one saw that...
A/N: I just did this because I needed to end my writer's block. Not sure if I did, you tell me. Anyway, my sis rented the movie, and it is awesome, so If you haven't seen this, watch it...seriously...I'm not sure if this will remain a one-shot, cause I like the little scene with Ryan and his Dad, little confrontational...maybe Jake was around somewhere to cool Ryan off?...(eyebrow wiggle)...ok...story time...
Of Fights and Puppies
"How's it going, Badass?" I look up in the mirror and see Ryan walk into the bathroom. 'Oh no. Just what I need right now.' I think to myself as I turn to face him. "You think I'm impressed?" He asks me. He stops in front of me and we just stare at each other. 'I wish he'd get on with this already.' I think to myself. I already know it's coming. We stand there, smug looks on our faces, and even smugier smiles. 'If only he knew what I was really smiling at.' I think. I knew I liked him. From the first time we fought. It wasn't like he was my nemesis, my arch enemy or anything like that. It was deeper. Like we connected. When he said I had a good center of gravity, I was blushing, though since we were going at it so hard- I like that sentence- I was already flustered, so no one noticed.
I liked Baja, still do, but I love Ryan. Baja could leave me and never come back. I'd be fine with that, but Ryan. If he left...I don't know if I'd survive. The right comes quick, but I know it's coming, so I block. I knee at his side, trying to knock the wind out of him. I wish that it worked, but he blocked my knee. He then grabs my leg, and trips the other so I go crashing onto the cold stone floor. I see stars floating around his head, and mine, as he steps on my throat with his right foot. I stare at him. His oh so beautiful face. His gorgeous eyes. I can't help but want to kiss him really. If he only knew how I felt.
"A couple of wannabe's...in a yellow Hummer?" He somewhat asks. I glare at him. Glad that he was standing over me in this way. Over my stomach, so he couldn't see below the waist line. "I could wreck you...here and now." He says as if it were a fact. I knew it was true too. I may have had a lot of training, but I knew I wasn't a badass. I wanted to be, but I knew I wasn't. I knew I couldn't take him. Maybe with a few more trips to the gym, but not now. "What fun would that be? This is a spectator's sport." He says. I wish his body was on top of me instead of his foot. "You think you can make it through the beatdown?" He asks. I have no idea what he's talking about, but I swear, if it's a rumble, I'm in it. As long as he's in there to. As long as I get to fight him, touch him, in anyway. "I have, won the whole tournament. Twice." I just struggle like I've been doing as he leans in a little closer. "That's where we'll get it on." I almost came right then and there. "That's where this ends." He let's up off of me and before I can even think of getting up, he kicks me in my shin. I let out a yelp and grab it, curling up into a ball. "Not impressed...not even a little." He says. I wanna cry out, but I bite the yell back. "Enjoy the floor." He says getting ready to leave out.
A/N: This is where I go to my little Extended scene I added. If you have the DVD, sorry, it's not a bonus features...
I don't know how it escaped me, but I let out of cry. It wasn't a yell, more like a dog whimper. It was quiet, but Ryan had just opened the door, so the sounds of the other kids hadn't drowned me out yet. I hear the door close and I start to get up. Out of no where I'm dragged to my feet and slammed against the wall. "What was that?" I hear. I open my eyes wide and see Ryan holding me by my neck, with one hand, to the wall. "Let me go." I choke out, pulling at his hand. "I said, 'what was that'?" I take a swing at him and he ducks and grabs my arms, holding them above my head, again, with one hand. "Was that a whimper?" He jokes. "Oh this is too good. The big badass on campus at the moment. Well, second big badass," He corrects, fixing his coller with his free hand. "Actually whimpered like a scared, pathetic little puppy. Am I right?" I don't know what came over me, but for the first time in a while, I wasn't angry.
"Yes." I say looking down at my feet. "What?" Ryan says. "I said yes. Your right. I am a scared, pathetic, little puppy," I think my brain shut down in the next couple of seconds, or I never would've done it. "And I want you to be my owner." I say looking up at him. He stares at me shocked. I feel his grip lossen, but I leave my arms in his hand. "What did you just say Tyler?" He asked. I took that moment to lean in a kiss him. He tried to pull back, but I leant forward, placing my now free arms around his neck. "Jake what are you doing?" He says pusing me back a little, but not pushing me far enough to break my embrace around his neck.
"I like you Ryan. I mean really like you. Maybe even love you." He tenses up instanly. I take that as my que to continue, so I do. "Ever since we first fought, I've been steaming over it. Why did I feel bad about losing to you, why did I like the fight so much. It wasn't cause you whooped me, or that I like to fight. It was because I loved the contact with you." I say, taking step closer to him. "Contact that, when I lost, I hated to end. I couldn't stand not being near you. I swear just now I almost did something that would probably put me in jail, and put you through therapy for the rest of your life." I say with the utmost coyness and seduction in my voice, looking him up and down. He takes a step back, and I take a step forward, making my stride bigger so we got even closer.
"I need you Ryan." I say to him. I lean in and he drops back, much to my dismay, out of the embrace. I look down and tears start to form in my eyes. "I'm sorry Ryan. You can kick my ass all you want, I don't care anymore." I said. I went over to the wall and sunk down against it with my back to it. I curled my knees up to my chest and just sat there, waiting for him to leave. He starts to walk towards the door and I lower my head into my knees. I just sit there, not moving. I look up towards the door, hearing it click, but not hearing it open. I see Ryan still standing there, hand moving away from the lock.
"Ryan what are you-" "Shut up puppy." He says. I inwardly, and a little outwardly smile at the nickname he'd just given me. "Yes owner." I say mockingly, moving closer. "It's master, alright, and don't you forget it. You got that, my little Fighting Puppy?" He says, smiling himself. "Yes master." I say, grinning as he kisses me. I lean into the kiss and start to let my hands roam all over his body. I'd only gotten to touch his body in a few places, so I'd thought of a select few other places to touch if this ever happened. Whoever makes wishes come true. I sorry I got mad when I didn't get that hotwheels set when I was 7. "OPEN UP!!" We hear someone yell. To, again, my dismay, he backed off. "I'm sorry." He says. "It's alright, we can continue this another time." I say kissing him one last time. I start to walk to the door. "That's true, but that's not what I'm sorry for." I turn around to see a fist come at my face, with no time to block it or dodge it. "Ryan what are yo-DAMN!!" I hear as Ryan opens the door for the guy.
"Like I said Tyler...not impressed." I remember that we had to keep up appearences, but he didn't have to act so good. "Dude you ok?" The guy ask me. By then, about four or five other guys were over me with camera phones. "Yeah, I'm good." I say, standing up and walking, just barely, out of the bathroom. I start to get angry again, possible from the ass kicking I just got. Possible from being away from Ryan, but I knew I was still content, and so I let myself get angry, cause I knew I wouldn't go overboard, at least not this time.
Alright, That's it, I hope ya liked it. Like I said, not sure if this will remain a one-shot, but only time will tell, until then, R&R...