
Sara woke to the sound of her alarm going off; she moved over to the side unit and hit the off button, lying on her back and looking up to the ceiling she brushed a tear fro her eye, no your not going to cry, it was his choice, she thought as she looked to the picture beside the alarm clock, one day we might meet again but till then I just need to get on with life without Gil Grissom as I have been doing.

Sara sat on the sofa in her robe after taking a shower she held the mug of coffee with both hands staring out the window,

If only he would have agreed to a vacation,

I know he needs to be at the lab,

But I also need him,

Why couldn't he have just came here with me for a few days,

But Grissom knows best work, work and more work,

I bet he is doing a double right now.

The sound of her cell made her jump "Shit", the mug nearly fell from her hands,

Sara looked at the cell on the side of the sofa next to her and looked at the screen Grissom Sara sighed and for the third time she let it ring out,

He had already left two voice messages, but she never listened to them, a third was left and she took a drink from the mug and continued to look out the window,

Sara liked her apartment as it had a good view of the park across the road, she would sit and watch as people came and went, couples walking hand in hand, dogs being walked by there owners and children laughing as they played.

Sara watched as a man walked his dog he threw a stick and the dog ran to fetch it, she imagined Grissom in the park with Hank, she missed them both Hank was a big softy, he would lie on his back and let Sara rub him and when she would stop he would look at her with those big sad eyes and knew she would continue, she missed waking up with Grissom, she thought if he would miss wakening up with her, I loved to watch him as he slept, and snuggle up to his warm body,

The cell phone rang again this time it was Jim's name on the screen, has Grissom got Jim to call me, Jim wouldn't do that he would wait till he was alone, Sara thought as she picked the cell up,

"Hi Jim, I hope your not in the same room as him", Sara said into the phone,

"No, he did ask me to call but he is away out to a scene, I did try and get him to take a few days off, but you know Gil", Jim said,

"Yeah…I know him, sorry I didn't see you before I left Jim, but I just had to get back", Sara said,

"It's ok, how are you?" Jim said,

"Fine", Sara said trying to sound convincing, but she knew Jim would know she wasn't,

"Sara…I know your not fine, he misses you Sara… miss him, you should be together", Jim said,

Sara didn't say anything, "Sara", Jim said,

"I know Jim but I asked him to come away…a vacation, just a few days, but he said he couldn't as it would leave the lab even more short…………Jim I can't see us …", Sara said but Jim said, "Sara, I'm going to kick his backside and tell him a few home truths",

"No Jim, he has to do it on his own, not have you or Catherine or anyone else telling him, I only want him with me if he really wants to be with me", Sara said, she was trying real hard not to cry, and Jim could hear it in her voice,

"I understand, but Sara answer his calls, please, I will tell him you are fine, but you are going to have to talk to him", Jim said,

"I know, just not yet Jim…..I will talk to him in a few days", Sara said,

"Ok, you look after yourself, and if you need anything just call, ok, I'm always here no matter what time it is", Jim said

"Thanks Jim, take care, bye", Sara said as she closed the phone over.

Sara sat for a while before getting up and going to get dressed, she sat on the edge of the bed looking at herself in the mirror,

Well Sara Sidle you can't sit and feel sorry for yourself, Sara thought as she stood and looked in the mirror.


A few days later and Grissom had called three more times but left no messages; she still had three messages on her cell from him, but still hadn't read them.

Sara sat on the floor her back against the sofa looking at some brochures, We could have had fun together, spent time together, we didn't do a lot of that before I left, Sara thought as her cell phone rang, she let it ring and then dropped the brochure and stood up and walked over to the cell phone, she saw it was Grissom and picked it up,

"I love you", Grissom said, not giving Sara a chance to speak,

Sara didn't say anything, she just stood with the phone to her ear,

"Sara", Grissom said, he knew she was there as he could here her breathing,

Sara thought he sounded different, "Gil", Sara said,

"God Sara l love you so much, please don't hang up on me, I need to talk to you",Grissom said,

"I think you said enough Gil, don't you think", Sara said as she sat down on the sofa,

"I take it you didn't listen to my messages then", Grissom asked,

"No…Gil are you ok you sound …well different, where are you", Sara said,

"I'm fine Sara, I'm at home, Hank's here he misses you, I miss you Sara", Grissom said,

The next thing Sara herd was a loud bang,

"Gil, Gil, are you ok", Sara shouted down the phone.

Grissom was sitting in the kitchen on a stool he had had a few drinks, the glass was in front of him empty and as he reached for the bottle to refill the glass he lost his balance on the stool and ended up on the floor,

"Sara, are you still there?" Grissom asked trying to get up from the kitchen floor,

"I'm still here, are you ok?" Gil have you been drinking?" Sara asked

Grissom gave up trying to get up and just sat on the floor with Hank lying next to him; he looked at Hank and patted him on the head with his free hand,

"No…yes I'm fine just dropped something…I fell off the stool…..well I've had a few, Jim brought the bottle over last night and he,we didn't finish it, so I thought I would have a few", Grissom said as Hank got up and moved away into the other room.

"Gil, I will call you tomorrow, go get some sleep, and I will call you tomorrow", Sara said,

"I want to talk to you just now Sara, you won't call, I've tried to call you and you don't answer", Grissom said as he tried to get up from the floor again,

"Gil, listen I will call you tomorrow, we can't talk just now", Sara said

"Promise", Grissom said as he gave up again trying to get up,

Sara could just picture him, "Gil put the phone down and go get into bed, I promise I will call you tomorrow", Sara said,

Grissom nodded then said, "Ok, I will, but if you don't call I will call you, goodnight Sara", Grissom said,

"Ok Gil, will talk to you tomorrow, goodnight Gil", Sara said putting the phone down

"I love you", Grissom said into the phone but Sara had hung up.


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