Must... write... another... chapter... can't... stop... Review please!!

Danny and the rest of his wrestling team were hanging inside the cafeteria celebrating their victory. There was soda, pizza, hot dogs, and french fries. Everyone was having a good time being together, laughing, and talking. Nothing could ruin this fantastic party. Danny was with Jeff and Ronald, who was sitting by May.

Apparently, since the game, May decided to start dating Ronald and Victoria started finding Jeff more attractive. Whether she was dating him to get over Danny or not was a mystery, but it seemed like she finally was. Everyone was relieved that Victoria had finally moved on. The three couples decided to go on their first triple date, which was something you never heard of everyday. Ronald, then, noticed something.

"Jeff, Danny, where your girlfriends?" Ronald asked.

"Oh, they were here earlier. Those girls mentioned of doing a duet at this celebration party," Danny explained.

The cafeteria had a stage on the front. Sam and Victoria came out of the curtains and went up to the microphones. The music started playing on the DJ and the girls started singing. I changed some lyrics to fit Victoria and Sam's situation thoughout the story. "You Belong With me" is from Taylor Swift and the editing is by me.

"You're on the phone with your boyfriend. You're upset, You're going off about something that he said, You don't get his humour like I do, I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night, I'm listening to the kind of music you don't like, And you'll never know his story like I do, But you wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts, You're cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers, Dreaming about the day when he wakes up and finds, That what he's lookin for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands him, Been here all along so why can't you see? He belongs with me, He belong with me,"
Victoria sang.

Sam, then, starts singing her part. "Walkin' the streets with him in his worn-out jeans, I can't help thinking that this is how it should be, Laughing on the park bench thinkin' to myself, Hey isn't this easy? And he's got a smile that could light up this whole town, I haven't seen it in awhile, since you brought him down, You say you know I know him better than you, Hey why are you treating Danny like that, I wears high heels you wear sneakers, I'm cheer captain and you're on the bleachers, Dreaming 'bout the day when you wake up and find, That what he's looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands him, Been here all along so why can't you see? He belongs with me, Standin' by waiting at his back door, All this time how could you not know that? Honey he belongs with me, he belongs with me,"

Victoria started singing her solo. "Oh I remember driving to his house in the middle of the night, You're the one who makes him laugh when you know he's about to cry, You know his favorite songs and he tells you about his dreams, I think I know where he belong. Now I think it's with you."

Victoria and Sam, then finally sing a duet after their solos. "Can't you see that I'm the one who understands him? Been here all along so why can't you see? He belongs with me, Standing by or waiting at his back door, All this time how could you not know that honey, He belongs with me, He belongs with me, Have you ever thought just maybe, He belongs with me, He belongs with me."

Everyone in the cafeteria clapped for the girls as they exited the stage and sat with their boyfriends. The six friends made a toast and started laughing together.

"That was awesome, girls," Jeff complimented.

"It sure was," Danny agreed.

"Thanks guys. It's too bad we'll have to go back home tomorrow and here we were growing so close," Sam said.

"It's a good thing Mayday and I live in the same suburb," Ronald grinned.

"That's why you continually stocked me."

"Yeah, but Jeff and I don't live that close," Victoria said.

"Hey, I'll call ya, girl," Jeff grinned with his arm around Victoria.

"Sam and I will be busy making plans for when school comes back. We have practices for our new comers."

"Man, and just to think only yesterday I thought cheerleaders had nothing better to do than to mock over people. I can see why Chichi and Mara are such losers," Victoria chuckled.

The rest of the crew chuckled as well.

"The only reason they're losers is because they get their butts kicked every time they compete against us," Danny corrected Victoria as the six kids laughed.