C.M.D: here it is!! The Long awaited sequel to Rocking The Cradle. I hope everyone enjoys, and much thanks to everyone who reviewed and favourited Rocking the Cradle.

Summary: Bedridden because of his own recklessness, Naruto has to try to find something to do during the long days while Sasuke's busy at work. It's to the internet, to cure his boredom! Then Naruto comes across something to keep him preoccupied. An online journal gets him remembering his highschool life. Laughs, embarrassments, homework problems and highschool romance. Oh the joys of reminiscing...

A man was resting in bed, his leg propped up by a couple pillows, while a second man plumped the larger pillow behind the first man's head.

"And what if I get bored?," the first man asked. His gaze was locked on his older partner, who moved from the side of the bed to a chair by the window.

"Then you can do your schoolwork," the other male replied, picking a book bag off of the chair and carrying it over to the bed's night stand.

The younger man pouted, looking at his bag distastefully. "But schoolwork's boring. What if I get tired of that... what then?"

The second person pinched at the bridge of his nose in annoyance, hand brushing at black bangs as he pulled it away from his face. "Then read a book, play a game, go on the internet, keep a journal... do something to amuse yourself with."

"Not everyone can do that stuff constantly every single day Sasuke," the other male retorted.

Sasuke fixed the younger man with a glare. "And whose fault is that...Na-ru-to?"

The mentioned blonde chuckled embarrassingly, hand scratching at the back of his head. "I still stick by the fact that the stair moved of its own accord."

The raven shook his head at the ridiculous lie and even Naruto knew it was weak. The stair hadn't moved, he'd slipped. But it wasn't really his fault, he thought. 'It was the rain's fault. Making the steps all slippery like that.' That day it had started out beautifully, and was quickly darkened by thunder clouds that appeared out of nowhere and burst their load upon the area.

Naruto, unfortunately had gone out for lunch (at this place called Ichiraku's that served the most delicious thing he'd ever discovered: ramen!) and was halfway back to the school when the storm snuck up on him. Trying not to get soaked, the blonde decided to run the last bit of distance back to the University. Not thinking, the blue-eyed teen rushed up the stairs and slipped on one of the steps. The Uzumaki wind-milled for a bit, before falling backwards and back down the steps he'd climbed up.

Lucky for him, he came out of it with only a few minor scratches and a broken leg. Sasuke wasn't really happy with him though, when he came to the hospital to find the blonde still damp, lying in the white hospital bed. Well, the raven was more upset than angry, not that he'd ever admit it but Naruto could tell. It made him feel a little guilty for making the Uchiha worry so much.

But now, he was stuck in bed with nothing to do. Sasuke had convinced the University to allow him to still stay in his courses, paying them a hefty amount of money so that all the notes and assignments would be sent to Naruto's email for the blonde to complete and hand back in via the internet. Of course, the workload wouldn't deter from the fact that he still couldn't get out of bed.

"What if I want to go outside?," Naruto whined. His fingers were already undoing the strap on his bag, opening it up so he could pull his laptop out. Sasuke walked back over to his side, grabbing the laptop's power cord and striding over to the closest outlet.

"Then I'll have someone bring a wheelchair around, and carry you downstairs," Sasuke answered, standing back up after plugging in the cord. Naruto huffed, turning on his laptop. Apparently he wouldn't be going outside, because both him and Sasuke knew that he had too much pride to be carried around.

Sasuke noticed his reaction, and swallowed back another sigh. God...ever since Naruto had walked back into his life, he'd been feeling more exasperated often and sighing alot, just like he had when he had first met the blonde. "I'll have dinner brought up in an hour," he announced, heading toward the door. He paused, looking back at the Uzumaki. "You're not to get up. The doctor said you had to refrain from doing anything that will exert yourself."

Naruto began to pout at the order, blinking as the words totally sunk in. "So wait...," he said. The Uchiha turned around to fully face him, waiting for the blonde to finish his thought. "That means I can't do any physical stuff, right?," he asked. Sasuke blinked, then nodded his head. Naruto felt his lips twitch into a small grin, his brows furrowed a bit. "So...that means no sex, right?"

Sasuke looked at him blankly, before spinning around and leaving the room. The Uzumaki burst into a fit of laughter, trying to restrain himself from moving his injured leg. Obviously, his lover wasn't so happy with that one detail of his recovery process. Naruto himself didn't mind so much. He had waited eleven years to see the raven again, and to have sex as well, a month or two wouldn't make a difference now.

Also, since his coming back, sex was a regular occurence for the couple. It was just a little too much of a daily thing. Finally calming down, Naruto wondered how Sasuke would manage.

"So...he's sleeping in the guest room?" Naruto placed his spoon down, ignoring his miso soup to hear what Hinata had to say. She was a very pretty woman, patient and kind, and it had shocked him when he'd heard her last name. It turns out that she was Neji's cousin. What were the odds? The shy little raven-haired woman who worked part-time as Sasuke's house keeper blushed, gazing down at her feet.

"Yes. informed me that he'll be taking the guest bedroom. So that you can heal quickly, he said," Hinata answered. Naruto frowned a little at her response, but shrugged, returning to his meal. Sasuke not sharing the bed with him meant he wouldn't get molested in his sleep. Though he would miss the man's presence.

"Uzumaki-san, sir, is there a problem?," the Hyuuga questioned. She stepped forward, tray pressed against the front of her skirt, worry in her eyes. Naruto's attitude had suddenly dimmed considerably. Was he upset with the meal? Naruto noticed the woman approaching him, and scratched at the back of his head embarrassedly.

"Sorry, Hinata. I missed that."

"I asked if you were alright, Mr. Uzumaki," she repeated.

"Oh!," Naruto exclaimed. "Yeah, no worries! I'm totally fine. And Hinata, I told you to call me Naruto. Mr. Uzumaki is my dad."

The raven female blushed a little. "I-i'm so-orry...n-Naruto...," she apologized profusely. It was always a little harder for her to talk to the man. Perhaps, if he wasn't already in love, she might have had a chance with him. She mentally sighed, trying to cool down her burning cheeks. She would never endanger 's and Naruto's happiness for a crush.

The door opened behind her, and she turned to see Sasuke enter. "Uchiha-san," she greeted, bowing. The older man inclined his head in her direction. "Hinata, leave us alone for a moment please." She bowed again, obeying the order and leaving the room.

Naruto finished off his fish, sitting back in bed. "What's up, Sasuke?," he asked, burping quietly. He excused himself when the raven gave him a look. Sasuke strode over to the bedside, taking away his dishes and putting them on the nightstand. "I came to say goodnight," the Uchiha answered. He seated himself on the edge of the bed.

Naruto stared at Sasuke puzzled, humming in appreciation when pale fingers ran through his blonde spikes. "Sasuke, I'll be fine, sleeping by myself. I've done it for years," the Uzumaki spoke up. He figured that that was what the bastard really wanted to know. His heart raced, glad that though silent as they were, Sasuke showed that he cared in his small ways.

"I'm leaving early tomorrow morning," Sasuke announced suddenly. Naruto looked at him, spotting the frown. "I won't be able to come see you in the morning."

"But you'll be here for dinner, right?," Naruto inquired, running a hand down the Uchiha's forearm. The raven nodded, and the blonde beamed. "Then no worries! I'll see you when you get back."

A small smile flitted across the raven's lips, disappearing from view as he leaned in, placing a kiss on the younger male's forehead. "Go to sleep, dobe," Sasuke whispered, pulling away. Naruto frowned at the nickname, shuffling a tiny bit, yanking the blanket over his form.

"Aren't you going to tuck me in, teme?," Naruto questioned the man's retreating form. Sasuke paused, turned around, a smirk spread across his face.

"Why, of course... Naru-chan."

The blonde blushed, but bit his lip to keep from making a retort, allowing Sasuke to come over and tuck him in. His eyelids fluttered close, while the raven was bunching the blankets along his sides. The smell of Sasuke's musk, and the heat coming from the man sent him off to sleep. The Uchiha pulled back when he was done, an eyebrow lifting as he noticed Naruto had fallen asleep.

"Idiot...," he mumbled affectionately, leaning down again and brushing a kiss on plump lips. He straightened back up, grabbing the Uzumaki's dishes, and striding out of the room. Hinata stood just outside the door, patiently waiting.

"He's fallen asleep," Sasuke told her, handing her the supper dishes. "He won't need any attention until tomorrow morning, when he wakes."

Hinata bowed her head. The Uchiha turned away, and headed to the guest bedrooms down at the other end of the hallway. "Have a good rest, Master," the Hyuuga said after her employer's retreating form. Not waiting for a response, because Sasuke never gave one, she turned in the opposite direction; heading to the kitchen, and then to bed.

"I'm bored. Bored, bored, bored." Naruto sighed, looking up at the ceiling of his canopy bed. "Bored. B-o-r-e-d. Boooo-red. Borrrrrred. Borie, Borie, Bored," he continued to chant. He added a little jingle to it. "I a boooo-bored, borrrred, borie, bored, borie, bored!"

'Nope, not doing anything,' he thought frustratingly. He had hoped maybe doing something, anything (even making a commercial jingle out of the word 'bored') would eleviate his boredom. No such luck. "Stupid Sasuke. Leaving me here to rot away, while he's out, living it up!," Naruto huffed to himself. Okay, that definitely wasn't true. Sasuke didn't 'live it up', and the raven sure as hell didn't want to leave him alone for the day. But he was bored, and so Naruto was allowed to make up whatever ridiculous truths he felt like creating.

Sighing again, the blonde propped himself onto his elbows, moving ever so carefully until he was sitting up fully. Cerulean orbs turned to the side, looking out into the sunny day just beyond the glass. The sun was high in the sky now, so it had to be some time after lunch. "This is just pure torture," the Uzumaki grumbled. He had asked Hinata, when she came in to give him his breakfast, if she would draw the curtains for him.

He figured, if he was going to be bedridden, he might as well get a little sun out of it. But now, the drawn curtains were only showing him a view he was not allowed to step out into. And it was doing nothing for his boredom, either. "Just what am I to do?," he asked aloud, turning his head back to his bed. On Sasuke's side of the mattress lay a few books that Hinata had been kind enough to bring him (too bad he hated all of them), his PSP (which had died, and he couldn't find the charger), an assignment package on binary code and A.I (which he had finished, and was tired of homework), and his laptop.

Mulling his options over in his head, Naruto decided he might as well surf the net. He reached over and grabbed the orange equipment, dragging it over and plopping it in his lap. He turned the power on, lifting up the top and watching as the laptop booted itself up. As soon as the user screen came up, the Uzumaki typed in his password (miso ramen). The first thing he did when everything had loaded up, was open his media player, and started off by playing Platinum Blonde. What? He liked the oldies.

While the mellow beats of 'Doesn't Really Matter' filled the room, Naruto set himself to finding something to occupy himself with. At least until dinner time. He played a little solitaire, signed into msn (stupid time change. Noone was on!), then checked his email. After deleting a bunch of spam from Kiba, and replying to a couple emails from his other friends, the blonde went off to find a new wallpaper for his desktop. He searched for fifteen minutes, before settling on an amazing CG print of a ninja. Even when he finished putting it up, Naruto couldn't help but stare at the image.

The setting was a dark night with only a sliver of moonlight placed in the midnight blue sky. A few stars sparkled above, but a strong source of light took the attention, a yellow-green glow filling the bottom edge of the picture. Perched on the edge of a rooftop, partially covered in shadows, was the ninja. Long black hair slightly blew in the night wind, black eyes on a pale face looking down at the scene below. The man looked serious, maybe even contemplative, as he was holding the edges of his face scarf a few centimeters above his chin; either pulling it off or putting it back on. In his other hand, the ninja was holding a katanna. The blade was hidden on the inside of his navy clothed arm, so that no light would be reflected off the metal. Like a hawk, the ninja sat there poised, waiting for the perfect minute to strike. In a way, the ninja reminded Naruto of Sasuke.

"Okay, now I'm just being silly," Naruto breathed, blushing. He reopened the internet, randomly surfing for a bit. He saw a link for a blog and, somewhat interested, he clicked on it. The page opened up, LiveJournal reading across the top of the page. "Online journal, huh?," Naruto mused, directing his mouse to entries that were suggested. "Well, Sasuke did say that I should write a journal to pass the time."

The Uzumaki thought about it for a moment, before making his decision. He clicked on 'Create Account', and filled all the necessary information. Just as he was about to explore his new account, there was a click and the door opened. The blonde's head snapped up, to see Hinata step into the room. "G-good afternoon N-naruto," she greeted politely.

Naruto beamed at her. "Hey! What's up?"

Hinata blushed a little, standing aside and opening the door more. There was a man standing there, holding a collapsable table and a chair from the foyer. The stranger walked in, making his way over to Naruto's side, unfolding the table and setting it down. "What's this for?," Naruto asked, watching as the man started putting a table clothe on the table.

Hinata walked over, her arms laden with a heavy tray piled with plates and cutlery. "U-uchiha-sama called. He's on his way home, and he asked that a table be set up in your room," she answered, putting the tray down on the table. She gave the blonde a smile. "Master said th-that he would like to eat dinner with you tonight."

Naruto's cheeks burned, an embarrassed smile working its way onto his face. He turned his head down, grinning to himself. He glanced to the side and noticed that his things were still strewn all over the bed. "Then I guess I'd better tidy up a bit, huh?," Naruto asked, more to himself than the other two.

The raven giggled. "I'll h-help, Naruto-kun." Together the two worked to put the items back in the Uzumaki's bag, or into the drawers of the nightstand. After that, Hinata went to the bathroom, telling the other man to set the table. When she came back out she was holding a tub of warm water, a wash clothe, two towels, and a bar of soap. She laid the first towel on Naruto's lap, holding the small tub while the blonde washed up.

She went back to the bathroom again, dumping the tub and refilling it, bringing a toothbrush and toothpaste with her. "Hinata...," Naruto whined. "You should really just let me get up and walk to the bathroom so I can do this." Hinata shook her head.

"You must not walk if you want that leg to ever heal," she explained. "Besides, Sasuke-sama w-would be quite up-pset if he h-heard that you were up and about when you sh-shouldn't be." Naruto grumbled around his toothbrush, spitting into the tub. 'Well, at least he didn't order her to brush my teeth for me,' the Uzumaki thought.

Hinata went to the bathroom one last time, taking all the items with her, coming out with only a brush. She attempted to comb the male's hair, but he refused to let her do such a thing. "Seriously, Hinata. I'm a big boy, and I can do this myself!," Naruto protested, yanking the thing out of the raven's hands.

The Hyuuga gave up, bowing just slightly. "U-understood, Na-aruto-kun," she replied. She walked over to the closest, and pulled out a clean, white shirt. "I-i'll leave so you can dressed now. I'll be back soon w-with dinner," she told the blonde, handing him the shirt.

"Alright. Thanks Hinata," Naruto said. The two left, closing the door behind them. He quickly stripped off his orange tee, and slipped the white shirt over his head, smoothing out the creases. Down with that, he slowly turned himself in the bed, so that he was seated facing the table.

While he was admiring the crystal dishes, the blonde heard the door open again. Thinking it was Hinata, he turned his head to greet the dark-haired girl, but instead found Sasuke standing in the doorway.

"By dinnertime, I had said," Sasuke spoke, as he crossed the room. Naruto rolled his eyes, letting the raven kiss him, before the older man took his seat across from him. "I hope your day was exciting, dobe."

Naruto playfully glared at the man, who smirked back in response. "Bastard...," he mumbled. The Uchiha knew just how boring his day was, and was rudely pointing it out. Not that Naruto really cared. Most of his boredom stemmed from being stuck in this house all day, and not seeing Sasuke at all since he woke. Not that he'd admit it. The Uzumaki would never hear the end of it.

Hinata entered the room, and placed their meals before both men, then leaving. "Let's eat," Sasuke said, lifting his glass in a sort of mock toast.

"Yeah, let's," Naruto agreed.

C.M.D: Oh my god, to better understand how LiveJournal works, I actually went and made an account as I was writing this chapter. And I don't even like LJ. -Sigh- ...the things I do for my fanfics.
Remember to review!!