The Snack by Utena_Anthy_Antics 9-26-01

            Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN SAILOR MOON!!! Do I have to repeat it?

Usagi opened the door, wincing when the un-oiled hinges squeaked. Shutting it behind her, she tip-toed into the kitchen, laying her jacket down on the counter, and opened the refrigerator door. Pulling out a foil-wrapped bowl, she removed a fork from the drawer and sat down at the table.

            "Mmm," she murmured, smelling the leftover scent of lasagna, and proceeded to wolf down the food.

            Suddenly, the light switched on, and Usagi froze, an unhappy pout beginning to form on her face. "I was just going to e-e-a-t!! That's not fair!"

            "Life isn't fair, young lady. Put away the food and go to bed, now!"

            Usagi hung her head and got up from her chair, walking dejectedly over to the refrigerator and deposited back the lasagna, a self-pitying look on her face. She turned to her mom at the doorway. "Couldn't I just have one bite--?"


            "Sheesh, Mom, calm down. It's only food."

Usagi's stomach betrayed her by growling. She winced and rubbed her tummy. "Food I need," she murmured under her breath. "Mom, you are so mean."

"I may be mean, but it's for a good reason. It's past 1:00! Go to bed before I call your Father down."

Usagi frowned and then nodded her head. "Okay…fine. You win. See if I talk to you in the morning."

Her mother smiled. "You never talk to me in the morning, sweetie."

"Hey! What do you want me to do? I won't talk to you at night, then." Usagi challenged, a small smile on her face.

"Well, we'll see about that. I have my ways. Now, off to bed." Ikuko ushered her teenage daughter out of the kitchen and shut the light after them. "Good night, Usagi."

"Goodnight, Mom," Usagi whispered down to her from the top of the stairs.

Ikuko watched her go, and then turned back to the kitchen, a wry expression gracing her features. "Heh heh heh…good thing she didn't wonder why I was downstairs also," she whispered to herself. Taking out the lasagna, she sat down and prepared to start eating when a soft noise interrupted her motion.

"Hah, Mom, who's the sneak now?"

"Oh, be quiet. Why don't you join me?" Ikuko sighed and surrendered.


Usagi pulled up a chair after grabbing herself her own fork, and dug in hungrily.

Their gazes met over the bowl, and they smiled at each other, laughing softly.

"You can't win."

"Yeah, and neither can I."