Chapter 3

"Sanji~ I'm hungry," Luffy whined again for the hundredth time that day. Chin propped on the table with a pout on his face, the captain of the straw hat crew made a pitiful picture for a man worth 100 million beli.

"Hai, hai." Sanji answered lazily. "It's coming," He expertly sliced up their catch of the day and popped it into the oven with one steady hand despite the fact that his other arm was swinging with Luffy's stretched limb. He was itching for a smoke, but both hands were occupied.

Zoro snoozed beside Luffy, leaned back comfortably in his chair. Luffy puffed out his cheeks in frustration, as his stomach made a loud growl.

Sanji sighed, before setting his knife down and reaching for the fridge. Luckily, Luffy's rubber abilities gave him at least some freedom of movement. He retrieved an impressive sundae dish, which he had been saving for dessert. But who was he to deny his captain?

"Make sure you don't ruin your appetite," Not that it was possible with Luffy.

The moment the desert was placed in front of him, Luffy had gone from being mopey and depressed and back to his hyperactive self. He lunged head first for the sundae, but Sanji, who had been expecting this, pulled his head back. "Oi! Show some manners, will ya!"

Luffy laughed, "Sorry!"

Leaning against the kitchen counter, Sanji faced the table, as he watched the boy with hooded eyes. He smirked as Luffy studied the sundae with admiration. There was nothing more flattering to a chef than someone who enjoyed his cooking as much as Luffy did. One thanks was worth than any other materialistic rewards, or maybe it was simply because it was Luffy.

Sanji watched as Luffy tentatively took a lick of ice cream. Eyes brightening at the cool flavour on his tongue, Luffy lapped at the ice cream like a newborn cat, making satisfied mewls. Sanji gripped the edge of the counter with his free hand, knuckles turning white. It was crazy. All Luffy was doing was innocently eating his dessert, and here he was, his body burning with a sudden desire to touch, to smell, to taste. The chef wondered idly what Luffy would taste like. Throughout their adventures together, he had not missed his chances of feeling the surprisingly soft and warm skin of his captain, whether it was a brush through the tangled mess of his hair, a reassuring grip on the shoulders, or a graze of skin on skin. It had taken all of his control to stop himself from going too far. And he could recognize his smell anywhere now. It was intoxicating, even more overwhelming than his cigarettes. It filled his senses completely and he resisted leaning in bury himself into Luffy's neck, where the smell would be most potent. He smelt like the sea and open skies. Something so refreshing, cool and so Luffy.

Sanji let out a breath he did not know he was holding, as his eyes followed every slight movement that Luffy made. Luffy happily lapped at his dessert, not minding the mess on his face. Sanji watched as Luffy paused for a moment to lick his lips before diving in again.

He had to suppress a groan. His captain had no idea what he was doing. No fucking idea.

Not being able to hold it any longer, Sanji walked up to the table, leaning down before the captain, and placing a hand on the table to get his attention. Luffy looked up, surprised to see him so close. "Sanji?"

The chef didn't reply and instead lowered his face to nuzzle Luffy's exposed neck with his nose. Just as he had imagined, Sanji thought, as he breathed in the unique scent. Luffy still had no idea what was going on, his head tilted in confusion at his friend's odd behaviour. Normally, Sanji would prefer those who had experience and wielded their sexuality like a weapon – sharp and swift. But Luffy was different. He had no idea how appealing he was, didn't know how to be seductive or even flirty. Like a child, Luffy discarded any provocative thoughts or emotions and maybe that was why he attracted people to him like moths to a light. So innocent and open. He freed them of any tension or pressure that one might usually feel when they felt attraction. And they would be free to open their hearts to him. Instead of plain lust, they would grow to feel a much stronger and more real emotion that made their hearts pound against their chests and their breaths hitch.

Although, Sanji admitted, he couldn't take lust completely out of the equation.

He placed a soft kiss on Luffy's neck, and patiently waited for a reaction. Luffy didn't tense up or jolt back, he never did for any occasion. Luffy wasn't the type to back out or be uncomfortable with physical contact, no matter how provocative it may seem to others.

"Sanji? What are you doing?" Luffy asked.

Sanji sighed, reveling at the sound of his name on his lips. Relieved that Luffy wasn't pushing him away, Sanji decided to take a step further. He lightly skimmed his lips along the length of Luffy's neck, earning a hitch in the boy's breath and a tight squeeze from the hand that entangled with his own. "That felt – ,"

Luffy trailed off, as he couldn't think of anything to describe the new sensation he felt. It made the goosebumps on his skin rise up and his stomach seemed to be acting up. Maybe from the ice cream?

The chef smirked. Finally, a reaction. After all, Luffy was still human, despite his monstrous strength. And he was in very capable hands. Grinning, Sanji imitated Luffy from earlier, and he took a tentative first lick at Luffy's neck.


That was the only way he could describe the taste. Lost in his senses, the blonde haired pirate sucked and kissed his neck greedily, drinking in Luffy's essence.

"Sanji! Stop! Wait…don't," Luffy tried to protest, but his eyes shut in pleasure and his voice became weak.

The blonde abruptly stopped, breathing heavily. The sound of Luffy's voice had finally knocked some sense to him, and he saw that for the first time, Luffy looked uncertain. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I …" Sanji trailed off, not knowing where to start. A sudden confession would probably freak him out even more, and that was the only way to explain his actions. He could say that it was purely physical and instinctive, and maybe it was partly true. But it wasn't just that. That wasn't what drove his mind and body crazy for the young captain.

"Sorry," Sanji repeated, staring into Luffy's wide innocent eyes. He felt disgusted with himself for rushing this. And hoped that this wouldn't ruin things for him. He straightened up and let out a deep breath, as if that would clear his head. He took his free hand and gently touched Luffy's cheek as if he was afraid that he would break. Which was laughable seeing as how Luffy was the strongest in the crew anyways.

"I don't … get it," Luffy furrowed his eyebrows in frustration. Why was Sanji sorry? And why was he feeling this way?

Sanji smiled, kissing the top of his head, "It's okay, I can wait,"

Before Luffy could ask what he was waiting for, Sanji had already turned around and headed towards the door, calling the rest for dinner.

Luffy, then, was suddenly aware of the death grip on his left hand, which was glued to Zoro's hand. Luffy turned to see the swordsman clearly awake, eyes burning intensely into his own. Zoro tugged their entwined hands towards him, pulling Luffy so close they were only a breath away. "You're mine,"

Luffy's eyes widened.

Sanji, standing by the doorway, watched, as he took out a cigarette, and lit it.

AN: Quick update this time, huh? XD To make up for the delay earlier~ And my chapters are going to be short so I'll try to update more frequently! A lot of SanLu here~ Don't worry ZoLu fans, your moment will come. I just saw Sanji as the type to be more physical and go for it (cuz he has less control), while Zoro would hold back physically, but be more blunt and straightforward with his intentions . LOL ~ That's just what I think, so that's what I'm using. Hope you liked it XD