Title: Family Affair
Author: BK-1205 (Toni)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Category: Drama

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters and mean no infringement. The story is mine.
Summary: Everything that happened through Sept. 2 has occurred in this story. Matt Hunter is the new surgical resident at the hospital working undercover with the DEA to stop counterfeit drug distribution in New York. His new job at General Hospital in Port Charles isn't exactly what he expected and he's catching hell from senior doctor Patrick Drake and Maxie Jones Scorpio. Matt is hiding both personal and professional secrets. Will they destroy him or lead him to a more fulfilling life than he imagined?

Chapter 1

"Have you found anything?"

Matt's head hit the top of the refrigerator with a hard thud as he jumped at the unexpected voice.

"Ouch! Why are you sneaking up on me?"

"I'm not sneaking up on you," Maxie replied with a toss of her blond hair. "I live here." Suddenly her eyes narrowed. "Are you stealing food again?"

"No," Matt sighed. "I was looking for something to drink, but I am hungry."

"Me, too. Plus, you owe me lunch."

"How do you figure that?"

"My enchilada . . . remember? The one you stole. You owe me for that and for saving your life. The least you can do is feed me."

"Well, I guess I can see that. What do you have in mind? Remember, I'm paying back all those medical school bills."

"I remember. How can I forget? You say it enough." The sarcasm in Maxie's voice could not be missed. It pressed all Matt's buttons, but he held on to his ire.

"Look, I'm feeling generous at the moment, but I feel it passing with every second. Do you want to do this or not?"

"I'll probably regret it, but you do owe me."

"Where do you want to go?" Matt could feel his control slipping. Maxie Jones might be beautiful, but was one the most irritating woman he ever met.

"How about Kelly's?"

"Who is Kelly?"

"You are new around here. Kelly's isn't a who, it's a what. It's a diner that has the absolute best chili and corn bread in the state of New York."

"Have you tried the chili all over New York?" Matt couldn't help asking.

Maxie either didn't hear the skepticism in his voice or totally ignored it, as she responded.

"I don't have to. Kelly's is the best."

"I guess I'll have to take your word for it." Maxie had kept his secret about the counterfeit drug ring and so far, she'd given him no reason not to trust her.

Within minutes, they were walking into Kelly's with Maxie giving Matt a walking tour of Port Charles. He needed it. The only places he'd been in town were the hospital, the Scorpio house, the warehouse district and the clinic. He hadn't had time for anything else.

After all, he was in Port Charles on a mission. Rather two. One was professional. He needed to find out who was passing off counterfeit drugs and who was profiting. The DEA was depending on him, not to mention all those patients that would be saved. The other was strictly personal and it would stay that way.

"Hi Mike," Maxie said as they walked through the door.

"Hi Honey," Mike said walking to the table where Matt had just held the chair for Maxie. Mike and Maxie shared a look. Apparently, chivalry wasn't dead, even in an arrogant, annoying jerk. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, you mean Matt Hunter?" she asked Mike after a moment with a raised eyebrow. "He's not my friend, he's renting a room at the house. But he's buying my lunch today, so I'll try being nice."

Matt rolled his eyes at Maxie's chatter and reached over to shake Mike's hand. "Matt Hunter, I'm a new resident at the hospital and I work at the new clinic."

"Is this your first time in Port Charles?" Mike asked placing glasses of water on the table along with silverware.

"I've been here before, but only for a couple of days and I didn't get out much." At that, Maxie frowned. Matt had never mentioned that he'd been in Port Charles before when they'd walked to Kelly's and she's pointed out different landmarks. Why wouldn't he have said something?

"Well, welcome to town. We can always use another good doctor around here." Maxie thought of all the mob action around Port Charles and couldn't have agreed with Mike more. "If there's anything I can do while you get settled into town, let me know. Since you're new, I'll give you a couple of minutes to make a decision on what you want to eat."

"Actually, I've been told that you make the best chili in the state, so I think I'll have that and a piece of corn bread."

"Great. What about you, Maxie?"

"I'll have the same Mike, and I want a piece of apple pie."

"You got it. The food will be out in a few minutes."

"Thanks," Matt called as Mike turned toward the kitchen. He then turned to Maxie with a genuine smile. "Nice guy. Thanks for bringing me here."

"You're welcome," she said with a smirk. "Now, maybe you can buy your own food, instead of stealing from your roommate."

"Okay. You've made your point. You can let it go now."

"Good. I'm glad that's settled." Maxie glanced around the diner and then her gaze settled on Matt.

"What?" he asked after a moment. "Do I have something on my face?"

"Other than the beard, you mean?" she asked pertly.

"Yes, other than the beard." His eyes reflected the irritation that Maxie had learned to recognize. She was getting to him and she knew it.


"Then why are you staring at me?" he asked. Maxie could tell that she was getting to him and she loved it. He could be a real jerk when he wanted to be and this was too much fun.

"I'm not. I'm thinking. You have a lot of secrets." For a moment, Maxie saw what could only be described as a 'deer in headlights' look cross Matt's face. Then it was gone. She pondered that for just a second.

Matt was definitely hiding something. He obviously didn't know who she was. She was the police commissioner's daughter and she knew how to interrogate with the best of them. The only problem was that she wasn't sure he wouldn't just clam up on her. He was no Spinelli, who she could pull information out of as easily as slipping into her new Stuart Weitzman pumps. No, Matt would only tell her something if it benefited him and that was evidenced by him telling her about the fake drug ring. She knew the only reason he had told her was so she'd stop following him.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because it's true. I can tell."

"Is this another one of those episodes you frequently have?"

"Very funny, but it won't work this time. I know you're not telling me something."

"What is it you think I'm not telling you?"

"Well, you didn't tell me you'd been in Port Charles before?" Maxie watched the tenseness leave his shoulders and knew there was more, something big, but she'd have to be careful how she got to the information Matt was hiding.

"I was here earlier this year. I didn't really have a destination, just needed a break from New York City. My mom had just died unexpectedly and I needed to get away on my own to get my head together."

"I'm sorry," Maxi said, almost sorry she'd asked, but wanting to know more. "I lost my sister earlier this year and I know how hard it is to lose someone close."

"Yeah. Mom was my best friend."

"What about your dad? Brothers? Sisters?"

"I have a brother that I didn't grow up with. We don't really know each other. I hated growing up as an only child. I always wanted another kid at home that I could play with." For a moment Matt looked as if he was somewhere else, then he looked up at her. "As for my father, he's never been a part of my life. I don't have a reason to want anything to do with him. Hey, why don't we talk about something else? Anything else."

"Sure, but I have one question."

"Go ahead. It's not like I can stop you."

"What's your mother's name?"

"Why do you care?"

"Sometimes I go to the chapel and say a prayer for my sister. I thought I might do the same for your mom." Long quiet moments followed Maxie's explanation. Finally, when she was sure he wouldn't answer, she continued, "Look, I'm sure that sounds lame to you, but . . ."

"No, it's not lame. I just didn't expect that from you. Um, my mom's name was Julia, Julia Hunter."

The rest of the lunch was uneventful and before long, they were rising from their table to return to work.

As they walked through the door into the warm sunshine, Maxie remembered her original question to Matt.

"You never answered my question."

"What question?" Maxie could hear the resignation in his voice.

"Have you found anything new about the drug ring?"

"I know the drugs are some where on the pier, but I can't pinpoint it. I'm still looking."

"Well, maybe I can help you. I know some people who may be able to help." Spinelli and Jason might be willing to help find the drugs. Jason was in the mob and he had a slightly warped since of honor, so he might be a good contact for Matt.

"No, Maxie. This could get dangerous. I don't want you involved. I can't have anyone else hurt by this."

"You don't get to decide that for me," she said with a frown as she turned to leave, then she felt Matt's fingers wrap around her arm, right before she was pulled around to face him.

"Stop, Maxie! I don't need any help and I don't want you getting hurt. Leave this alone," he growled.

It had been a long time since anyone had told her no. Forcefully. It was also the first time in a long time that she'd felt the sparks. The same sparks she'd felt with Jesse and Coop. It scared her. She wasn't supposed to like Matt Hunter. Yeah, he was cute and kinda sexy, but he was a jerk and they rubbed each other the wrong way. Nevertheless, she still felt the sparks. This was not good. She was momentarily speechless.

"Maxie, I mean it. Let it go."

Apparently, he was still talking about her help with the drug ring, having no idea of the turmoil she was facing. How he would laugh if he only knew what she was thinking.

"Okay. I won't do anything, yet. I'll wait, but if I think it's getting too dangerous for you, I'm going to tell someone."

"That's the best I'm gonna get, isn't it?" At her nod, he continued, "Okay, but you stay out of this."

Maxie agreed with every intention of being involved, but Matt didn't need to know that.


"Is it done?" asked the scratchy voice on the phone.

"Not yet, but it will be very soon," replied the voice carrying the Australian accent.

"It better. We don't have time to deal with the complications."

"I have it all under control."

"I'll believe that when the problem is taken care of."

Jerry looked down at the weapon in his hand and grinned. Karpov would definitely be pleased with the results.