Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
A/N Set after both movies. Oh and I'm British and my knowledge of the American school system is very limited so please excuse mistakes.
Warning: Eventual slash and an evil Gabriella.
The slap had been so unexpected that Troy didn't know what to do other than stare at his angry looking girlfriend, her hand still raised. His only movement was to bring on hand up to gently touch his stinging cheek. Just minutes earlier he'd been talking to one of the cheerleaders, Terri…well he'd been talking whilst she'd been blatantly flirting when Gabby had stormed up, grabbed Troy by the hand, pulled him into an empty classroom and slapped him. Hard.
"Gabby, wha-" he began once he'd recovered the use of his voice.
"Don't play the innocent with me Troy. You stay the Hell away from those cheerleader skanks! You're mine and I won't stand you cheating on me!" she all but screamed in his face, her eyes full of anger and jealousy.
"Gabby I'm not-"
"Shut it Troy, I know what you're like! Boys are all the same. But I won't stand for it, you're mine Troy and don't you forget it!" She'd grabbed his arms now and her longs nails were digging in painfully.
"Gabby what's gotten into you?" Troy asked, hoping she'd calm down so that he wouldn't have to force her to let go. He didn't want to hurt her in order to get her to calm down and let him go, he wasn't that kind of a person.
"Sorry Troy, it's just…I love you so much and I can't bear the thought of loosing you," her voice was sickly sweet now and she did her best to act completely innocent as she stepped back, her hand dropping to her sides, clenching every now and then. "Forgive me?" He sighed,
"Of course I forgive you Gabby," he told her, leaning down and pecking her cheek gently even though his own cheek still stung and no doubt had a red handprint on it. The bell rang loudly, as much a saving grace now as it was before any holiday.
"Oh no! I'll be late for Chemistry! See you later Troy!" her kiss on his cheek was hard and made him jerk his head back. She didn't notice as she was already on her way out of the door leaving Troy to wonder what was happening to his lovely girlfriend. Where had the girl he had fallen for gone?
After the slap things returned to normal for the two teenagers…well at least for a couple of weeks. Sixteen days for example. Because on the seventeenth day Gabby flipped once again and all because of a decision Miss Darbus made about the summer musical. The couple hadn't been in the Spring Musical before the holiday, being too busy with each other and other things and their decision had turned out be a good idea, it kept Sharpay happy and the musical itself had been rather…bad. But no one told Sharpay that of course. But they'd decided, after the success of the summer talent competition to give the Summer Musical a go. A bad idea.
"This musical is set around four young people who will be played by Miss Evans, Mr Evans, Miss Montez and Mr Bolton," the beginning of Mrs Darbus' explanation hadn't been too bad, "It is set in the late Nineteenth Century. Mr Bolton's character is torn between two women, Miss Evans and Miss Montez. Mr Evans plays another lead in love with Miss Montez but Miss Briants character is also in love with him. The story line is a little too complicated to explain right here and now."
"How does it End Miss Darbus?" Gabby asked sickly sweet and Troy almost dreaded the insane Drama teachers answer.
"A good question Miss Montez. It ends up with two couples. Mr Evans and Miss Briants. Mr Bolton and…Miss Evans. And Miss Montez closes the show with a song about heartbreak and being all alone," Mrs Darbus explained dramatically and Troy winced as the hand that Gabby had been previously holding gently tightened to a painful squeeze. Her face contained a masked fury that filled Troy with a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. "Now the scripts are named and on the table for you to collect on you're way out and we begin the rehearsals next Tuesday after school. You have until then to go over your lines and familiarise yourself with the play and the music. There will be separate rehearsals later on for soloists and leads." And then the teacher walked grandly from the theatre followed by her usual entourage of students.
"Hi Troy! I got your script for you!" Sharpay squealed as she held out the scarily thick wad of paper, "My brother and I have already read it. Can't wait to start rehearsing out love scenes! Toodles!" she gave him a wave and a giggle and then clicked away in her designer heels.
The theatre was emptying slowly but Gabby remained sitting and didn't let go of her tight hold on Troy's hand so he couldn't leave. He was dreading what was going to happen when they were alone, yes he, Troy Bolton was dreading being alone with his girlfriend. It was unheard of. Slowly she rose and face him, letting go of his hands to take firm holds in his shirt before speaking in a growl,
"If you kiss her or fuck her I will kill you."
"Gabby, I'm not into Sharpay. I'm not going to screw around Gabby," she was barely listening her realised. Suddenly he wished they hadn't slept together, this whole jealousy problem had only begun after they had actually gone all the way.
"You'd better not," she let go of him and they faced each other, she sorting out her clothes which were messed slightly from sitting down for so long, he watching her warily in case she was going to slap him again, "I'll be coming round tonight. Now we'd better get to class." Her voice was calm and once she was done sorting herself out she leaned up and forcefully kissed his lips before flouncing, yes she flounced, out of the theatre. Troy was wondering if he was ever going to get his old girlfriend back ever again.
A/N Any comments?