A/N: This... wasn't supposed to happen. It just sorta did. It's Misa's dad talking in the first bit. Read and enjoy!

"Just you wait, little girl, for one day you will grow beautiful and wise. You will light up worlds, give sight to the blind and let the deaf hear. You will sing the sun up in the morning and dance the stars into being.

Just you wait little girl, for you will be someone's world some day. Don't compromise for the first face you see, the first turn of phrase that makes you smile. Don't settle for someone who you like, find instead someone who will love you, someone who will take your heart and guard it with care. Go not for those who smile and present you with pretty trinkets and whisper you sweet nothings, rather gather up the one who will give you joy and tell you wonderful somethings.

Just you wait little girl, wait till you have lived for a while. Do not chase after the false ones, the gilded ones, know that not all that glitters is gold. Search, instead for someone who shines of truth, and remember that sometimes the bronze box is best. Smile, and wait, and ignore those who seek you after you and woo you with charm, hold fast for the one that finds you and wins you with honest words.

Just you wait, little girl for the one who holds you above all else. Fall not in love with man for he will break you to pieces when he finds another. Fall not for pretty words and sweet pets. Do not be stolen away by one who promises you everything, for they will gain you nothing.

Wait my darling, my daughter, my pet, and do not fall in love."

Light fingers trailed over the shape of the man's picture and Misa sighed lightly.

"Sorry, Daddy, I never was good at doing as I was told."

A/N: Well, what did you think? Like it? Hate it? Are planning to stick my head in a blender? Tell me in a review!