Solace: A Maximum Ride FanFiction

Extended Summary: It's been four years since The Final Warning. The Flock have been living in a secluded home for about a year, the length of time it's been since they destroyed the final branch of Itex. However, everything goes awry the night of Fang's birthday, causing the Flock to adopt their old lifestyle again. What new horrors are lurking in the shadows and who created them? Max begins to realize the end could be near for the Flock and finally lets go of her inhibitions. What will she do when the Voice asks her to do the unthinkable? Will Max do everything in her power to get the job done and complete her mission at any cost? Or will she let her emotions for the Flock and her newfound romance overrule her decisions? Nothing is what it seems.

Solace: Chapter One - Special Day

Four months ago, I celebrated my 18th birthday. The flock had really outdone themselves making it a special day for me, even after I begged them to let it pass by like any other ordinary day. They decorated the entire house, including the back yard, with blue and purple streamers and custom-made balloons that said Happy Birthday Max!, and Iggy even acted as a DJ, playing music from all of my favorite bands.

Today, it was Fang's birthday. We spent close to $100 on decorations alone; well, not so much we, but more like Nudge and Angel. Iggy did his part by making his famously delicious black velvet cake – because a white vanilla cake just wouldn't cut it for Fang. It was my task to send him off to run errands (or would that be fly errands?) and be on the lookout to make sure he didn't come back before everything was ready. It was going to be a great party. Gazzy didn't even complain that he spent the whole morning wrapping the presents we bought.

I felt embarrassed about the gift I found for him. It wasn't nearly as special or personal as the gift he had given me. Sure, Iggy and Angel had surprised me with a pretty silver bracelet they picked out together. Nudge teamed up with the Gasman and Total to provide me with almost a whole new wardrobe. Everything they had given me was all very nice, but it was only Fang's gift that made me get teary-eyed later that night while I was looking at it.

Fang had given me a dreamcatcher for my birthday; he made it himself using things he found in the forest behind our home and even added some of the Ferruginous hawk feathers he had collected a few years ago – part of his prized feather collection. He included a note with it explaining that he hoped the dreamcatcher would help to keep my frequent nightmares away. It may not seem like much to you, but that gift meant the world to me. He put thought and effort into it, and he cared. He made it to help me.

And what did I get for him, you ask? You're going to want to smack me. I bought him… a watch. I got him a stupid watch that he doesn't even need – we were all taught by Jeb how to find out the time based on the position of the sun and moon. It didn't seem stupid at the store where the saleswoman convinced me that the best gift to give my best friend was a watch. I was actually excited about it at the time – it really is a nice watch. But there had to have been something better I could have gotten him, something more… Fang.

Max, what does he really want? the Voice asked.

How should I know? He's Fang. He doesn't want anything.

You're wrong, Max. There is something he wants.

I thought about this for a moment. What could he want? A new black hoodie? Tickets to see his favorite band? Video games? Is that it, Voice? Boys like video games, right?


No? I asked. Would you like to add anything to that? What can I get for him? I still have a few hours before the party is starting. I could fly to the store and be back with plenty of time, I think. Please, Voice, this is important.

I swear I heard the voice sigh. You already have what he wants.

What do I have? The watch? You mean, he wants the watch? I asked.


Then what do I have? Could you possibly be any more cryptic with your responses?

The Voice didn't answer. But now my curiosity was burning. What did I have that he wanted? I started thinking about the possibilities, but a loud BOOM from our kitchen interrupted me. I hurried to see what it was, immediately assuming the worst, but I was greeted by the sight of an icing-covered Total and the bustling laughter of the three younger bird kids. Fang hadn't returned yet, but I'm sure that even he would have let a chuckle escape.

"Do I even want to know?" I asked.

Gazzy was holding his side and trying to suppress his laughter long enough to explain. "Well, Iggy and I made some special candles…" Another fit of giggles erupted, but then he continued, "Total tried to steal some of the cake and… well… he set one of the candles off… and BOOM!" The Gasman made a sweeping hand gesture as he said it.

Granted it was a humorous sight, we still needed to finish setting up for the party and now the kitchen was mess. I tried to sound authoritative when I said, "Clean up, please. Fang will be here any minute," but I had trouble keeping a straight face when I took another glance at Total.

I left the kitchen then and headed outside to wait for Fang.

