Chapter 2


Thomas Riddle froze upon entering the kitchen while his mother stood a beaming smile on her face and a baby in her arms.


Tom turned in his seat and locked eyes with his Father, he felt a cool sense of satisfaction as the man shivered and seemed to falter at his gaze.


Mrs. Riddle moved forward with tear filled eyes and a big smile. "They're your sons Thomas! They found us!"

Thomas stared at her in shock before looking at the baby in her arms that he knew could not be his own. For his 'dearly' departed wife had died shortly after the birth of their only son who sat staring at him with cold gray eyes.

"Father, can we talk?"

Mrs. Riddle glanced back at Tom who had spoken so softly before nodding to her pale son encouraging him to speak with his own son while she left the kitchen with the cook and Harry.

Thomas felt something akin to fear and then panic as he stared at his son.

Was he one of them?

Tom smirked at him.

"I'm a wizard Father, magical like my mother."

Thomas shakily ran a hand through his hair. "Why are you here."

Tom ignored him and turned back to his stew. "I needed someplace safe to bring Harrison."

Thomas glanced at the door then back at Tom. "How did you know where I live, or anything about me for that matter!"

Tom glared at him. "My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr., it wasn't that hard to figure out where I came from."

Thomas seemed to recover some from the shock of their meeting and began to think..

"What do you want."

Tom smirked. "Just a place to stay until I go to school, and a home for Harrison until I can take care of him properly. It's not too much to ask from a father who abandoned his wife and child and left them for dead."

Thomas winced. "You don't understand, …your mother she…"

Tom jumped to his feet. "She died, alone."

Thomas looked away from him. "She was insane."

Tom's eyes widened, how dare he!!!

"She used a love potion on me, and when she took me off it we were married and she was pregnant, I didn't understand what had happened, and she expected me to love her and you!...I ran…God help me I ran from that insane women as fast as I could and I've never looked back, until now, and here you are." Said Thomas a tone of panic in his voice.

"A sorcerer just like her."

Tom looked away from the muggle. "Yes, I'm a wizard, and so you know what I can do to you if I have the mind."

Thomas shivered and took a step back from his son.

"Please! Just go away."

Tom scowled at him. "No, I am going to stay here and do as I please until I am legally an adult and then I'm going to take everything from you, so enjoy your last few years in luxury Thomas."

Tom looked every part the intimidating wizard that he was even in a child's body as he stood to leave.

"Oh and Thomas, don't tell my dear grandparents anything, wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them would we."


As Tom had suspected the bond that Harry had completed between them had even more side effects than what he had initially experienced. First, of course, was the shared power. As he experimented with it he found it to be both more powerful and temperamental then his original magical core, but as he practiced he also found he could control the flow of magic between Harry and himself. Secondly their life force was now connected, they could feel each others being, this new development had also restored Tom's soul to a whole state, he had discovered, which probably explained his much more human characteristics and slightly changed personality.

He had tried to change in to his animagus form, which was previously a basilisk, but found that he could not, suggesting that his animagus form had changed and he would have to rediscover it.

Tom imagined that the connection that he and Harry now shared was similar and slightly beyond that of magical twins, their very emotions influenced each other, but thankfully since Tom was older and obviously had more knowledge he could stem the flow of Harry's toddler emotions and still feel them with out allowing them to influence him drastically. Tom also had to keep his own shields up just enough so Harry wouldn't feel all his emotions, but could still sense him.

The first time Tom had put up all his blocks Harry had started screaming and running around the house trying to find Tom because he couldn't feel him any more.

Another unnerving thing was Harry's extreme attachment to Tom. Stranger even was the fact that Tom found him self returning the strange possessiveness that Harry had for him.

As Tom practiced his magic and tested it he also kept his eyes and ears open to what was going on in the world. He had been correct in guessing the era, and he was quite surprised to discover that he had landed in 1938, the year he attended Hogwarts.

So it was with very little surprise that one evening as the Riddle family sat down for dinner there was a knock at the door.


Tom carefully schooled his expression to childish curiosity and strengthened his mental barriers while protecting Harry as well as he seated him self across from one of his most hated enemies.

It was almost surprising to see Dumbledore looking so young, he had only just started to grow his beard that he would one day tuck into his belt, and his auburn hair had only a few traces of the grey and white that would come. His wrinkles were minute and his nose seemed some how less crooked and big. He still wore his half-moon glasses of course and was dressed in something ridicules for the day and age they lived in. Overall no one in the room would have guessed he was in his 50's or 60's except Tom who knew that the more powerful the wizard the slower they age.

Dumbledore had also not killed his once best friend and lover…yet…

The cheerful and energetic wizard was happily drinking some tea while looking around the room.

"You have a lovely home Mrs. Riddle!"

Mrs. Riddle beamed and smiled. "Thank Mr…"

"Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore and I am here to explain a few things and then offer young Tom here a great opportunity!"

Tom relaxed and let him mind wonder a bit as Dumbledore begin to explain magic, he made sure to widen his eyes at the right moments and even let his jaw drop at the end when Dumbledore demonstrated some magic by making the figurines on the table dance.

Tom Riddle Sr. was nervously watching his parents while Mr. and Mrs. Riddle remained in stunned silence for a moment. Tom decided this would be a good moment to jump in.

"So…I'm a wizard? And you want me to go to this wizarding school?"

"Yes!" Beamed Albus . "That's it exactly!"

Mr. Riddle still looked completely overwhelmed while Mrs. Riddle seemed to be getting her self together.

"Well…Tom, …I think you are mature enough to make this decision, so I leave it up to you."

Tom smiled at his grandmother. "I'd like to go, it would be really exciting and fun to learn about magic!!" Tom grimaced on the inside at his childish exclamation, but Dumbledore seemed to have bought it.

And that was how Tom began his first year at Hogwarts…again.


Mrs. Riddle was much more open and welcoming to the idea of magic and helped Tom procure all his necessary supplies. Mr. Riddle, however was much like his son and looked at Tom with a hint of fear now as well as a bit of disgust. Tom knew the words 'unnatural' and 'freak' were floating around inside the Sr. Riddle's mind.

Who knows, maybe his Grandfather would tragically have a heart attack during the summer when he returned.

Tom felt a shiver of pleasure run up his spine, it had been so long since he had tasted that glorious sent of fear that dripped from a person as they knew their end was coming. Tom stopped his thoughts and quickly tucked them away as he felt Harry's uneasiness through their bond. Best not to upset the child any more just before he left. The child had been…very clingy lately as if he knew of Tom's imminent departure.

Thankfully Harry was fairly adjusted to his leaving once they were at the train station. The two Sr. Riddle men had decided to stay at home, but Mrs. Riddle was there holding Harry to send him off. Tom sat inside his compartment and spotted them waving at him from the platform, hesitantly he waved back and was hit by a sense of Déjà vu.

He could remember him self at 11…watching a boy do exactly what he was doing and being extremely jealous that that boy had some one waving at him and wishing him well. A scowl formed as he pushed those thoughts from his mind. Things would be different this time around. He wouldn't give him self away so soon just to garner the admiration of his class mates, this time he would wait quietly by the side lines until the wizarding world has lowered its guard and then he would strike so quickly and viciously that they would have no choice, but to lie on their backs.

The compartment door slid open just as he assumed it would and he lazily glanced at Abraxas Malfoy and his compatriots , Rosier and Avery. The Malfoy looked him up and down warily. This time around Tom had made sure to get a very lavish wardrobe, everything was subtle but sophisticated and the Malfoy eye would easily spot the show of wealth. When Malfoy's eyes met his he knew he had passed the first test.

A hand was extended. "Abraxas Malfoy, and you are?"

Tom remained seated and shook Malfoys hand almost as an afterthought portraying the image of being thoroughly aristocratically absorbed in his book with bored abandon.

"Thomas Riddle."

Malfoy seemed to pause for a moment, obviously trying to pinpoint the family name.

"I haven't heard of the Riddles? What line are they related to?"

Now the thing is, if you go back far enough with the dense population of England there is bound to be a wizard of some kind in any family whether they are related by blood or not, it is however by sheer luck that Tom had discovered that 5 generations back there had been a pureblood witch that married a wizard and their child, a squib, had married into the Riddle line.

"An estranged line of the Black Family."

"Really? Who are you descendent of?"

Tom frowned. "As I know first hand a Malfoy is not directly linked to the Black family that is an extremely rude and impolite question to ask, should I ask you which bastard line your Grandfather popped from?"

A hint of red gathered at Malfoy's ear tips before the cool mask of indifference fell. "I apologize, it is necessary to be careful of who you a line your self with in this day and age."

"Apology accepted." Tom turned back to his book.

"I assume we will see you in Slytherin then Tom."

Tom glanced at them as they exited. "Of course."



Years went by as Tom carefully plotted and planned. Things would be different this time around. He had immediately garnered the respect, and admiration of the Slytherins with out having to use threats and fear this time. With a complete soul he could now see how far the dark arts had twisted him to the point that he him self had not been sane. At that thought he had to chuckle. Both of the worlds most powerful wizards had simply been two emotionally damaged and insane men…how…poetic.

However this time there would be no soul splitting, he had learned his lesson and would not pay that price again. This time around his followers would be even more loyal and more devoted, this time Dumbledore would have no warning of the coming pain and blood shed.

Tom Marvolo Riddle, head of his class and prince of Slytherin was an enigma to all who knew him in the magical world. An obviously powerful wizard and yet even in the Slytherin circles he kept his powers quite and reserved preferring to attract others simply through charisma instead of large shows of power, which made his bewitching image all that much more spectacular in its subtlety.

Grindelwald was growing in power in the magical world as quickly as Hitler was in the muggle world. The two authoritarians were creating chaos in the world…and Tom loved it. He had already opened the chamber of secrets, but had had the sense this time to keep Salazar's beloved baslisk sleeping.

Everything was going perfectly, his 4th year was beginning and he was prepared to set a few plans into action.

It was the first week of school and everyone was still buzzing with news and reacquainting them selves with friends in the great hall when the mail arrived.

Tom was calmly eating reading when a letter was dropped into his lap from an overhead owl. Cautiously he picked it up, it was from his grandmother. He opened the letter an began to read it, but suddenly his eyes focused on one line.

Will be in London for two weeks so write and let us know if you want any souvenirs!

The date was September 5th, …today was September 7th, the day the Blitz began. With a curse Tom jumped to his feet and raced out of the great hall.

Students turned in shock as they saw him race out of the castle. He did not stop until he reached the end of the apparition ward, and then he disappeared with a pop, leaving students that happened to be staring out the windows, in shock.

It was 3:48pm, the Blitz attack commenced at 4:00pm.


Soooooo, finally I'm back!! Hope you like it and I hope to continue!!

Please review! I love you input and if you have any ideas, I love those too!!

Sorry Its so short, but I just had to post something!!