A/N: This is starting to get a little too close to a lime for my liking... Anyway, read and enjoy.

"It worked?" the old woman asked.

Naru nodded. "I paid you well enough for it."

"You did. Just remember, things like this almost always have unintended side-effects."

"This one won't," the teen replied.

"Well..." she shrugged. "I warned you."

Naru smiled to himself as he left the bakery. It had cost him a fair amount, but finally Lin had confessed to Mai, and Mai had agreed to go out with him. He knew how the girl felt about him, but he asle knew that she deserved more than he could give her. He would miss her affection, badly concealed as it was, but it would be worth it to see the two people he held dearest happy.

The only light in the room came from the flickering images on Lin's TV screen. He stretched, landing his arm across Mai's shoulder. Mai had to smile. As the movie wore on, she snuggled closer to him. His heart was going a million miles an hour. He wouldn't be able to stand it much longer.

"Mai?" he whispered.

She turned to look at him. "Yes, Lin?"

"I-" he started.

Unable to find the words he was looking for, he leant down and kissed her hurriedly. To his utter delight, he found her kissing back, and passionately too. He pulled away, gasping.

"Took you long enough," she smiled.

"I thought..."

"I told you before, Lin. I do like you," Mai leaned in close to his ear, whispering, "and like can turn to love a lot faster than you think."

He shivered as her breath brushed his ear. "What can I do to speed the process along?"

"Well, we've done the movie... Dinner and dancing is the next logical step," she giggled.

Lin hesitated.

"Do you dance?" Mai asked, realising her mistake.

He blushed and mumbled, "Ballroom and Latin."

"How romantic!" she sighed. "Won't you take me dancing? Please, Lin..."

"You know I'll do anything for you," he said, kissing her.