Her cell buzzed and danced lightly on her desk

Her cell buzzed and danced lightly on her desk. "New Message". Her heart raced. "Booth" and a smile crept across her face. These little things were becoming an absolute daily addiction.

"Dinner tonight, my place, WE'RE cooking"

"Hum, promising" particularly because her kitchen abilities did not stretch far. Sure, she had an understanding of the physics of it, but little more than that. Cooking required recipes, method, paraphernalia, experience… She was home little enough to not feel the inclination to cook.

Heart racing and fingers flying, she composed a "Meet you there" reply. How pubescent of her. How delightfully pubescent. And yet, all her instincts told her to enjoy this, to make the most of this second chance at being a normal child/teenager/woman. "Don't question, don't analyse", Booth had said. She did that. She pressed Send with a kiss on the phone. Ridiculous, she though, but it couldn't be helped.

Angela chose that moment to walk into her office, her lovely eyes taking in the gesture but making no comment. Some things you better not say or you risk Brennan retracting back into that shell. And Angela loved her friend too much to see her backing into loneliness.

"You look happy…" she extended a smile that invited Brennan to confide secrets. She was rewarded with a dreamy smile.

"That is probably because I am" and walked out of the office kissing Angela's cheek on her way out expressing a silent request that the matter be not pursued any further.

Angela watched her walk away, striding confidently- even if slightly like a duck- into the platform. You're walking way easy this time, but you will have to spill all those beans, sweetie she smiled, sooner or latter. Would be interesting to see what face Booth was sporting around at the moment, though!

As it turned out, Angela did not have to wait long as Booth walked into her office holding an iPod in his hand and a flustered look on his face

"Hey, there, Squint-by-proxy", he greeted and, lowering his voice, "I need a favour…" he said in a hush hush tone handing her the iPod. Angela took it in her hand, turned on all sides and said with an impish smile:

"It would be stating the obvious saying what this is, so spill, handsome!"

"It's new… and… well, I was wondering if you could stuff it with something nice…"

"Nice as in romantic nice or nice as in guy nice?"

"ah… romantic, please. Get me some blues, some jazz, that kind of stuff… ah.." he scratched his head, unsure on how to continue

"Booth, I'm aging as we speak!"

"Ok… can you put 'Keep on trying' … please!… Don't ask!"

"You got it, give me about 2 hours… Squint-by-proxy my gorgeous a..."

Just as Booth was walking out counting his blessings that Angela hadn't make him squirm too much, he heard her voice

"Tell Bren that I am owed copious amounts of juicy details!"

He could all but hear the smile in her voice. He hesitated but did not turn. He waved her goodbye and walked out of the office as if on a mission.

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