Well, my second Harvest Moon fanfic. I'm not sure exactly how long this one is going to be. I guess it will be a surprise for all of us when it finally completes.

Disclaimer: I am not japanese. I think that is self-explanatory.


Chapter 1: The Capture

He hated her. There was nothing else that he could really say about her. Sure, when he first met her he thought she was cute; even thought she was a challenge when she didn't quite fall for his charms. But now he knew – she was an ugly, scheming witch. It had been her plan that caused the villagers to catch him. Yes, the farm girl… Claire. He had sent a note to Daryl, a note that read that he was going to steal the most precious thing to him. In a panic, Daryl called Claire over, and she set up the plan. She never seemed to truly want to catch him before. Was she still angry that he stole a few of her strawberries last week? He didn't steal a lot… in fact the note he had given her told her he wanted to sample her now famous crops. But she had been upset. He soon realized this…

Skye had picked the lock to Daryl's trap door while the man was out for his daily stroll and walked confidently down the stairs. But he stopped dead when he saw Claire. She seemed to be standing in front of a tank of some sort, as if protecting something. This confused him, as Daryl's research was on a table across from her. He regained his composure and walked over to the papers that Daryl kept inside his many books. She didn't move, and he could feel a smirk playing on his face.

"My darling Claire, I thought you were going to try and stop me again."

"I am…" She seemed to get more nervous as he approached, leaving the papers of research behind. Was she hiding Daryl's real research? Was she worried he'd use his Maiden Beam to immobilize her again, or worried because he was closing the gap between them? That's when he saw her – a beautiful green haired mermaid! So that's what Daryl's most precious item was. To say the least Skye was shocked… To think such as man as Daryl kept such a beautiful creature. Most likely he made her in one of his experiments. How horrible…

"So sorry I have to do this to you, my love, but duty calls. Maiden Beam!" He shot his spell towards Claire and the mermaid. Claire's arms flew up in defence to shield herself, and to his surprise she lowered her arms after the spell finished. The spell didn't work! Why?! The mermaid was affected, so why not her?!

"H-How?!" He stuttered. She smirked.

"You're not the only one with access to magic." She said confidently. "And you're exactly where I want you." He heard the trap door slam closed and a familiar clicking sound indicating that it was locked. Daryl, Marlin and Griffon came down the stairs. There was no way for Skye to escape this time. They took him by the arms, forcing them uncomfortably behind his back.

It seemed the whole valley pitched in to buy the handcuffs, or that's what Claire told him. Lumina and Romana had even bought a tracking device that they would strap to his leg. The perimeters they would set up would be the only place he could freely walk in. He knew that if he stepped out of line someone would be there to stop him. But why? Why not just send him to jail? He guessed it was partly because the only actual jailhouse was in the city. He would have many chances to escape trying to get him there. But what did they have planned? That is what Skye had been mulling over for the past hour as he sat on the floor of the Inner Inn, watching as all of Forget-Me-Not Valley conversed with each other. He had to admit he felt embarrassed, humiliated and exposed – naked even! Maybe that was a stretch. But he mostly felt betrayed. Of any girl that he met, she had been the only one who hung out with him. She knew his route round the valley. It was his fault, really. He should have known better than to get close to anyone.

He tensed when the group broke up, and an angry Claire came over. "Come on, you're coming with me."

"To do what?" Skye demanded angrily.

"Probation. You'll repay everyone in the valley for things you stole or pay compensation for the grief you gave us all plus the fine of one million gold that Mayor Thomas suggested." Skye's jaw dropped.

"Wh-what?! How much would I have to repay in all?!"

"Well, lets see… a thousand to each villager, three thousand to everyone you've stolen from plus another two thousand to Vesta and I each time you used your Chick Beam on us." The smirk that came on her lips seemed evil to Skye. "One million, seventy thousand gold. But we decided to go easy on you." Skye felt light headed.

"One million seventy…. Thousand…" He repeated weakly. "How am I gunna pay it?"

"Good old fashioned work."

Well, there you have it. One of the shortest chapters that I've ever done, yet it is perfect for this particular fic. Not my usual style of writing. Anyways, please tell me what you think! The more reviews the better! Also, I know the numbers from the fic and the summary don't add up.