Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. That honor belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

Iruka walked silently through the dark night toward the hospital. Ever since that horrible day, it had been like a second home to him. There was a new moon in the sky which caused the darkness to cling thickly as if the entire village had been covered by an enormous, black blanket. However, this didn't faze Iruka at all. The world had become dark to him the day that Naruto carried Kakashi's unconscious body back from an unsuccessful confrontation with the Akatsuki.

Three months have gone by since that fateful day. During that time, Iruka had faithfully stayed by Kakashi's side waiting, longing for the moment when he could welcome his lover back from whatever hellish dimension Sasuke had sent him. For three long months, Iruka had been completely alone. Although there were many friends, who had attempted to comfort him, all of their support couldn't possibly fill the hole that Kakashi's absence had left behind.

With the exception of a solitary medical ninja, the hospital's corridors were deserted. Although visitors weren't permitted at this time of night, the young ninja merely smiled sadly at Iruka as he walked solemnly toward Kakashi's room. For now, Tsunade had altered the rules for him. After frequently discovering Iruka asleep in Kakashi's room, she realized how futile it would be to try to impose such a restriction.

Iruka soundlessly opened the door and once again felt the overwhelming pain in his heart when he looked at his lover's pale, unconscious face. Although there were many people in the village, who would give anything to see Kakashi's entire face, the covers were pulled up to his nose. This was done out of respect for the mysterious ninja, who for some reason always preferred to keep the lower half of his face hidden. Iruka remembered the first day he'd seen all of Kakashi's face. He always thought Kakashi was attractive, but the first time he lowered his mask, Iruka knew there would never be another person who could compare with him.

A lone tear blazed a trail down Iruka's haggard face as he gently pulled the covers back and kissed his lover's unresponsive lips. "Kakashi, please come back to me," he whispered desperately. "I miss you! Please…find a way back to me." He gazed wistfully into his lover's face and ran his fingers through his tousled silver hair. "The children have been working very hard at their studies," Iruka's voice trembled slightly as he struggled to keep from crying. "I know they are trying their best to make things easier for me…after all that's happened, but there really are some talented children in this group. A couple might even give Neji a run for his money someday…" His voice trailed off. As he caressed his lover's cheek, the tears began to flow harder. An unbearable weight once again settled over Iruka's heart. Replacing the covers over the lower half of Kakashi's face and curling up next to him, Iruka gently laid his head against his lover's chest and fell asleep listening to the reassuring sound of his heartbeat.

At six a.m. Tsunade was not surprised to find Iruka snuggled next to Kakashi. "Iruka, you can't keep doing this to yourself," she admonished him after gently waking him up. "You're going to make yourself sick, if you don't take better care of yourself. You know Kakashi wouldn't want that to happen."

"It can't be helped," he answered her despairingly. "I just can't sleep alone at home in the bed that we shared." Walking over to the window, Iruka could see the sun rise casting shafts of golden light through the forest's leaves. It was going to be another beautiful day in the village, but that didn't matter to him. He couldn't see anything through the dark veil that surrounded him. Turning back to Tsunade he continued, "I try to go home and relax. I really do, but I just can't stand being there without Kakashi." He walked back over to his lover and held his hand. "Have you and Sakura found a way to get through to him yet," Iruka hesitatingly asked.

"I'm sorry Iruka," she began apologetically. "Whatever Sasuke did to him, it is beyond my skills as a medical ninja, and unfortunately Kakashi is the only one left in the village with a working knowledge of the sharingan. Sakura and I have not given up yet, but you might have to face the fact that he might not live through this."

After all of the nights he'd spent weeping at Kakashi's side, Iruka didn't think he could possibly cry anymore, but still the tears came. "I…can't give up," he struggled to say through his choking sobs. "I have to keep hoping that one day he'll return to me." He looked at her desperately. "If I lose that hope, I'll be left with nothing!"

"I understand," Tsunade replied sadly. "If you refuse to give up, then Sakura and I will just have to try harder." She gave his arm a comforting squeeze and left quietly.

Iruka leaned over so that his forehead rested gently against Kakashi's. "I will never give up on you," he promised intensely "and I will never leave your side!" He stayed there for several minutes wishing he could somehow enter the dimension in which Kakashi was trapped. If only I could fight with you, he thought despondently.

Looking at the clock, Iruka sighed heavily. "I have to go get ready for work now. I'll be back later." He kissed Kakashi's forehead tenderly and whispered, "I love you" in his ear. As he turned to leave, he hastily wiped the tears from his cheeks and attempted to fix a pleasant smile on his face. Iruka knew he had to persevere. Someday, Kakashi will return to me, he whispered in an attempt to gather his courage as he unwillingly left to face another day.