It was morning at the Jade Palace; Po was still sleeping in the comfort of his room when he heard his door slide open.

To his surprise standing there, was master tigress. Po in his clumsiness fell of his bed with a loud thump, in which he heard a small chuckle from Tigress.

"What do you want?" Po hastily said.

"Po it's morning; with Shi-Fu gone for the day, we all have to get up early and do our morning chores, and here you are still sleeping" She said with a aggravated tone

"Oh yeah I completely forgot!" Po yelled clumsily getting on his feet. But gravity took its course and he completely toppled over Tigress. Falling down hard their heads met, and so did their lips.

"What the hell, Get off me!" Tigress yelled, her voice muffled under the weight of his lips.

"Oh my god I am so sorry!" Po exclaimed trying to get up but falling again their lips meeting twice.

"You will be when you get the hell off of me" Her tone seemed to go to angry to more of a soft tone.

"I'm trying" He exclaimed, while he stayed in the same position, within the next ten seconds he felt Tigresses arms come up to the side of him. Her mouth changing to a tender kiss, her tongue outside his lips begging for entry, Tigress closed her eyes, and she pulled Po in closer to her, "What is going on?" Po thought, "I thought she always thought of me as her personal punching bag. Training with her is like fighting well... a Tiger, but… she is very beautiful" Instinct now took over Po as he rolled over on his back; lip's still attached to tigress, now closing his eyes. "Oh my god... We're making out!" He thought

Breaking the kiss, a trickle of saliva hanging on her lip, Tigress looked at Po; her white face now a reddish tinge. Getting off of Po's belly she quickly looked away from Po "Um…. We should start doing our chores now." Still looking away with a shock of awe on her face

"Yeah…" Po replied getting off the floor, and now they started walking to the exit. Tigress followed, now an awkward tension in the air, in the mere seconds of walking together Po reached out his hand to touch hers. The red flush returned to her face and she reach up towards his face and gave Po a Little Chu. :3