Last time:

I wasn't even thinking as I reached down and broke her arm. Bella immediately pulled me off the little girl. And half told half yelled at me to stay put.

She ran with the little girl in her arms, she kept on running until I couldn't see her again.

While I waited for Bella to come back I thought about what I had just done.

I had just tried to kill an innocent little girl. Break all of her bones then I would have sucked her dry. Giving her a disgusting death.

I shocked myself, I felt so disgusted. I was a monster.

I grabbed my hair and started pulling. Then I fell to my knees and screamed bloody murder.

I am a monster.

The truth about the monster inside me came crashing down on me. I felt like killing myself. In all of the time that I have lived I have never attacked a little girl. And to make matters worse, my sister would probably HATE me! I was so absorbed in my pity party that I didn't notice the Bella was back.

Tears that would never fall came to my eyes. The shame I felt, it burned in my throat. I felt more than saw someone crouch down before me; it took me only a moment to see that it was Bella. I bowed my head down in shame, while I waited for the angry outburst that was sure to shortly come. I didn't need to see her to tell she was mad. Who wouldn't be?

But surprisingly enough, Bella put her finger under my chin and made me look up at her. Sympathy and love were clear in her eyes; I looked for the hatred, but found none. I couldn't move or speak. She pulled us up from our crouching position and pulled me into a bone crushing hug, "I think we should get going. It's time we start hunting."

I nodded against the side of her head and she asked, "When was the last time you hunted?"

I considered and answered, "One day ago."

"So we should hunt first, and then move somewhere where we can stay while was get you under control. "

"Aren't you angry with me?" I asked.

She heaved a deep sigh and looked at me, "I'm not angry with you. You're a newborn. It's understandable. I've met far worse. We should go now."

We ran hand in hand to somewhere in Canada, where we were going to start our new life. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I needed to try.

50 years ago


These past 50 years have been fun. Alice has managed to become a fully fledged vegetarian vampire (our inside joke). We found out that Alice can't see my future, and when she sees herself, it's like she's talking to an invisible person. I found out that I had control over all of the elements. I also learnt how to control my eye colour. And I also learned that my life is VERY dangerous.

We had traveled to Italy for a few years, but then we found out about the Volturi. I remember the day very clearly.


It was a cloudy day and Alice and I had decided to go and stay in Volterra. In the city, it was St. Marcus Day. St. Marcus supposedly drove away the vampires away from city. So we decided to go and see the parade.

When we got there, it looked like everyone in the WHOLE town was out and ready. Everywhere you turned, the people were wearing plastic fangs and capes. It was quite amusing, if I do say so myself. We walked around the town for a little, and then we walked under a clock tower. We walked under the tower and came face to face with a vampire.

I took in the vampires dirty blond hair and blood red eyes. I could smell the blood from here. He looked around 37 and I could tell that he had just fed. He just looked at us then walked away.

"Follow me." Was all he said.

Curiosity got the better of us, and we followed. We walked around a fountain and walked around shops. We walked for what seemed like forever and we finally came to a stop. We were outside a small wooden cottage just outside of town. The man went in, and we followed.

Inside there was a wooden table, 4 chairs and an animal skinned couch. We sat down and he looked at us hungrily. We waited for him to say something. But Alice broke the silence first, "What are we doing here?"

"I brought you here to warn you." He answered.

"Warn us of what?" I asked leaning in too hear him better.

"Have you heard about the Volturi?" He asked us back.

"No" Alice and I answered in at the same time.

He stared at us with shock clear on his face, but he quickly covered it up. "The Volturi are vampire royalty. They pretty much control all of the vampires. They make the rules and they want as much power as they can get. They take and take and they don't care. They keep this city safe, and make sure that the vampire race is kept a secret. There were three of them originally, Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Two females joined over time and the five of them make the Volturi family. They are the biggest coven of vampires in the world."

"But what about the Cullens?" I asked.

"We haven't counted the guards yet." Alice and I looked at each other and gulped.

"That sounds…serious."

"Oh, it is," He assured us. "The number of guards is growing, every day. There are about nine permanent guards. Others are more…transitory. It changes. Most of them have gifts; the guards are chosen to make the Volturi more powerful. The Volturi go to any extents to get what they want. And, if they find one of you, they will take both of you."

"How would they know about us?"

"Aros power is to see all of your memories, and they would see either you or Alice." He answered.

"Ok-wait….how do you know our names?" Alice asked.

"I can read minds. And if what Alice was thinking of before is true. Then you both need to get out of here before they find out about you."

I realized what Alice was thinking about before and immediately looked at the man, "Can you hear my mind?" I asked.

Since Alice can't see my future, it was only logical that, "No, I can't read your mind. But, I can see what you can do. The fire, earth, water and air. The Volturi would kill every vampire in the world to get you and your power. You need to be extremely careful." He finished.

End of Flashback

I shivered when I thought about it. We had left immediately after he told us. Turns out, we are not safe together. I have been planning on how to get Alice safe, she is my one weakness that I needed I keep safe. We were currently living in a small town in Chicago. I had heard rumors that the Cullens had been living in a town not far from here. I wanted Alice to go and live with them, so she could get the life she deserves.

I turned around and saw Alice looking at me. She had a very sad face on, but it wasn't a puppy dog face. No. She knew this was my final decision and there was no turning back. She looked at me and asked, "When do I have to go?"

I considered for a while, I wanted her to have a good memory of me. I wanted her to be happy.

"We will go to New York first and go shopping, we need new outfits. We can stay there for a week."

I could see my pixie coming out, I knew I was cheating and bribing her. But I wanted to have a good time with her before we 'parted'.

We took all of our money out of a volt deep in the Chicago bank and we ran to New York.

One week later.

By the time we were done shopping we had gotten a whole new wardrobe each. We were currently in a clearing in New York and it was time we parted. We sat in front of each other on the floor. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out two necklaces. Each chain had half a heart on the end. The hearts had ragged edges and fit perfectly together. I gave one to Alice and said, "These hearts are made of the elements. The actual heart is made of earth and water; they bind each other together… like how we bind each other together. The stone in the middle of each half is made of air and a bit of water (to add sparkle); it is there to represent our hearts and the fact that, no matter how far we are from each other we will always be together. And the fire is actually in the surrounding it with heat; so that we remember that we are not cold people, despite our cold skin."

We both had tears in our eyes. Her tears would never fall. And mine would. It was because of these tears that I couldn't be with my sister. It was because of these tears that she would always be in danger. And I vowed to myself that I would always protect her.

Even if she didn't know it. I thought to myself dryly.

We talked about the way she was going to run and how she was going to do it. But all of a sudden she was pulled into a vision.


We were talking to each other when suddenly I was pulled into a vision;

I was walking past an old war ground, when I saw a handsome man come out of a tunnel carrying a dead body, which he had obviously sucked dry. He had honey blond hair and thirsty red eyes. He had scars all over his chest and arms. He looked up at the sky (obviously not sensing me yet) and said/screamed, "Why can't I be normal, and not kill innocent people?"

I was taken out of my vision faster than anything. I looked over at Bella and said, "There is a man, further away from here. It's the opposite direction, but he needs my help. It'll only delay me for a few days. I promise. And plus, he is very..good looking"

I pleaded with her. Even though I was the older sister, she was the most protective of me. It got annoying, but it felt like I was cared for, so I didn't argue. I gave her the puppy dog eyes and I could tell she was going to break.

"Alright." She finally answered.

We got up and embraced.

"I love you. Like a sis." I told her.

"I love you. Like a sis as well." She answered.

Okay, so I had a few questions on why I wrote, as a sis. It's merely because they are sisters, and it's what they say. Like how everyone has something that they say to someone that no one really gets, and only they can say to each other.

I hope you guys liked it. I'll try to update as soon as I can