
It had been seven years since Hermione's passing. Draco could barely believe it even though he saw it. He was there every step from feeling her chest in hopes of a heartbeat, to planning the funeral with Blaise, to watching her being lowered into the unforgiving Earth.

A lot had changed that day as it always did when someone died, but her and Harry's death set a catalyst of things into motion that none of them saw coming. None of them would expect.

Ginny with the loss of her boyfriend, and best friend bonded with the person that lost the girl that never loved him the way he wanted. Blaise and her healed each other as best as they could, and three years when the wounds were scars they married. They were a sickeningly loving couple who were constantly on him for never dating.

Some things didn't change, her death only sent him in a spiral of a pain that turned into an ache, and remained so. He didn't care to let any other girl fill the place only she could. He watched her son grow up, involved in his life as much as any second father could be, and let that be enough. He would wait until the day he would die to feel true happiness again. He didn't want it any other way, and he said this with conviction every time Ginny reminded him of the others who have moved on.

Ron married Hannah two years after Potter's funeral. Two years after Hermione's death. Neville, and Luna married a month later.

He would never marry. Why bother? No woman was going to touch Hermione's place with him, and there wasn't room enough for an extra seat.

Every day after work Draco spent a couple of hours at Blaise and Ginny's. On the weekends Brynlee stayed with him. It was a screwed up custody considering Brynlee wasn't his, not by blood, but he was Hermione's. He had her gorgeous brown eyes, her smile, and attitude. Draco thrived on that, it kept him going when nothing else did. Thus the screwed up custody worked.

"Uncle Draco," Brynlee yelled out the second Draco walked into the Zabini Manor. The tyke tackled him around the waist looking up to him with those expressive brown eyes.

"Hey, Brynlee," he greeted sadly, not able to put the enthusiasm he meant into it. "Happy birthday." He then nodded to Blaise and Ginny reclining together on the sofa, "hi."


"Here you go," he handed Brynlee the thin, long wrapped box he had tucked under his arm. "Go on, and open it." He at next to Blaise watching as the boy plopped down in front of them on the floor ripping the paper.

"The others have been here I see," Draco nodded towards the pile of opened presents in the corner.

"How lucky that you missed them again," Ginny said sarcastically.

The Longbottoms, and Weasley's spent Brynlee's birthday with him every year. Draco always came shortly before Brynlee's bedtime to insure that he didn't run into them. One day they all would trick him into spending it with them, but for then he had escaped another birthday. It wasn't that he hadn't come to tolerate them, it was simply because it was too hard to be around them. Hermione was constantly on his mind, and some days it drove him to near insanity. He couldn't bear to be with her friends, it might push him over the edge.

"Wow," Brynlee exhaled taking out the latest toy broom. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

"Can I go outside and try it out, please dad?"

Blaise shook his head. "It's too late. Tomorrow."

"Aw, okay." He placed the broom back into the box. "Uncle Draco, will you tell me a story about mum?"

Draco smiled. Every year he told him a different story about Hermione. The adventures she had in Hogwarts, including the time she smacked him, though he lied about the reason behind it. He believed he told him that he was simply being a jerk, when he was in fact being more than that. It had become tradition, and their way of remembering the reason behind the day, the good memories on a bleak anniversary.

"Can I pick," he asked eagerly.

"What do you want to hear?"

"How did she die?"

Draco exchanged a worried-filled glance with Blaise and Ginny. They all knew the day would come when he would ask, but they hoped it would be a couple of more years.

"Chap, I think that's a story for another birthday."

"No, I want to hear it."

Draco coughed nervously leaning his elbows on his knees. It was against his better judgment, but it had to be told sometime. He would edit though. "When you were born... Your mum was called away by angels. She had done this world as much good as she could, there was nothing left for her to do."

Brynlee bit his lip. The way Hermione used to do when she felt anxiety. "What about me?"

Blaise shifted sitting beside him, a hand on his son's head. "that's what we're here for. You see, your mum has nothing to worry about. You have us."

"But I want her here."

Draco narrowed his eyes to keep from tearing up. He desperately didn't want to have the conversation. "We do too."

Brynlee's lip now released from his teeth was trembling. "If I pray hard enough, will she come back?"

The remainder of his heart was wrenched out. "She's here... You don't know how much you look like her."


"Really," Blaise promised.

Ginny stood, and brought Brynlee to his feet. "It's time for bed."

"Oh, Mum, do I have to?"

"Yes, you do. Now, up you trot. I'll be up in a moment to tuck you in."

"Five more minutes?"

"No, Brynlee, and if you ask again so help me -"

"Okay, okay!" He hugged Draco fleetingly, and ran up the staircase behind the sofa.

"Don't run in the house!"

"Yes, mum!"

Ginny and Blaise shared a proud grin. Draco looked away, then realized he didn't have to stay. He got up, but Ginny as usual stopped him before he got to the door.

"Thank you for the present, Draco."

"You're welcome, Ginny." When did he started using her given name...? Blaise's wedding. He could feel Hermione's smugness about it, and in return it made him feel better.

"You can stay if you like. You don't have to go home alone."

"I won't be alone. I have a date."

Blaise, and Ginny didn't respond. They knew what he meant.

He took a moment as he always did to admire the painting above the door in a solid gold frame. The special one out of the hundreds of mediocre in the room. A beautiful brunette standing on a balcony her hair blowing by the wind, her smile cheerful, her eyes sad, a gondola in the distance making it's way down the river. His wife on her original honeymoon.

It was ironic. The day before her honeymoon was the day he was certain that he lost her forever, all because of a stupid law. He didn't know their ultimate doom was on the horizon, also caused by that stupid law. A catalyst like it was all supposed to happen, as if fate had conspired that his life should have been miserable.

That night in their old home where yellow Tulips he personally grew outlining the exterior, Draco wrote to Hermione, like he did every year.


Another year has passed. Brynlee is growing up fast. He looks like you. Gorgeous. He finally asked about your death. I could tell that it hurt Blaise and Ginny. It hurt me too.

It's always hard these days. I want to tell him the good memories, but he asked about your passing. I couldn't tell him the truth, but I couldn't lie to him. I told him you had done your job here. True enough to sustain him another year.

Another year... Without you... Brynlee's a gift, but it's selfish of me to wish for you instead. I remain a horrible person, and I'm sorry for that, but I know I love that kid. He's my life now. The only part of you I have left.

I love you. I wait for the day until we can be together. I'll hug, and kiss you, I'll show you how much I've missed you. For now, I'll stay. For your son. Our son. For Blaise's sanity. And because Weasley cannot possibly run the Auror department without me.

Your Husband, Love, Best Friend, Draco

He folded it, and slid it into the second desk drawer to the left with the others.

A/N: This wasn't meant to have a tragic ending or go so far off course from the beginning but like most of my stories it went out of my hands. I'm sorry if any of you are disappointed, but thank you for reading this and reviewing if you can.