Viral was in a hall way very hurt from fieghting and had bandiges all over from when he had been hurt in the fight with humans. Then a voice shouted "VIRL YOU ARE STUPID" and Adien hit him with her bug tail again and again. Blood flyed from his nose and hurt. "Miss Adene what have i Done"

"YOU ARE UGLY" she said grabing his hand and draged him to a wall and started taking cloths off. "Adenie why!!" He shouted but saw her boobes already. "Shut up viral I want Sex" she said and then his pants were away. "Iam taking yor balls right now"

"NO PLEASE NO!!" Vrial shouted but it was too late he already had a big stiffy and it was hard like metal. Adne put her legs down on him and he felt it inside her lady parts. "Oh!!" he said.

"Your mine now" Adine laughed and had sex with him fast. He didnt want to like it but he did and he was a shamed. But it also felt good too. "Miss Adene!!" he cryed. "Take it bitch" she said. Suddenly out of nowhere he started caming and semen came out into Adene from his penis.

She laughed and got up and walked away "Now you know your place Viral" and left. Viral let out a tear.