Author's Note: Hi everyone! I tried to update quicker this time, but it wasn't that much faster. Sorry about that. I hope you like this chapter. Please review or e-mail me with constructive criticism. Thanks for reading!
Disclaimer:I only own the story
Later that night…
Booth woke up and yawned. He glanced at the clock. It was one o'clock in the morning and dark. Booth could barely see anything, but he scrunched his eyes and looked around the room to try to find his partner. He was about to get up and call her cell phone when he found her. He froze, afraid to breath. He didn't want to wake Bones, who was lying on his chest. Booth stared at Bones, shocked, for a minute before realizing he was still holding his breath. A million thoughts were going through his mind. 'Should he wake her up? Will she freak when she finds herself sleeping on me? Am I actually enjoying this? Better yet, is she enjoying this?' Booth sighed. He only knew the answer to one of those questions. He was enjoying this. He knew he shouldn't be, but he couldn't help it. Angela was right, he'd known that all along. He really was in love with his partner, with his best friend. But he couldn't be. He told himself this morning, noon, and night. He had to keep reminding himself not to pull her into a kiss, or say something like 'definitelyI love you'. As he thought about this, with Bones laying on him in his apartment on his couch, he realized he needed to do something. He was slowing making his way towards going insane. Bones was on his mind all day, every day. That needed to change. Maybe stamp collecting? He didn't know, but he needed something to occupy his time.
"Hey, Bones wake up." He whispered as he tried to slide Bones off of him.
Bones yawned, "What?" She looked around and sat straight up when she found that her 'pillow' that she'd been so comfortable on was actually Booth. "What time is it?" She glanced at the clock on Booth's microwave. "Holy crap! Thanks Booth, that was a great movie, but I've got to go. My publicist wanted a new chapter in by tomorrow, or actually today, and I still have to edit it and…" Booth cut her off with a kiss.
It wasn't anything big, not even on the lips. Just a kiss on the forehead, but it still made Bones' eyes go wide and Booth hold his breath again. He grabbed her purse and handed it to her.
"It's all good Bones. Go. Thanks for coming, though." Booth smiled shyly.
"Uh… yeah, sure. No problem. See you later." Bones grabbed her purse, stood up, and headed for the door.
Booth decided he shouldn't follow her and sat back down on the couch. What had he done? It was only a small kiss on the forehead. That was it, but he knew Bones would take it as more. "So much for stamps…" Booth mumbled to himself and sighed heavily. He quickly turned his head around to make sure Bones hadn't been listening to him. She was gone. He closed his eyes, and despite all that was on his mind, drifted to sleep.
Bones was still in shock. She had almost stopped outside of Booth's door, turned around, marched right back in, and kiss him, but she knew she couldn't do that. They were partners and best friends. They were not more than that, nor would they ever be. They had a strictly professional relationship. Bones laughed to herself when she thought about that. 'Yeah, strictly professional…' She groaned and let her head fall to her steering wheel.
'This is great, just great. What am I going to do at work now? I can't just pretend like I'm not in love with him. That's going to be impossible after tonight. I fell asleep on him for god's sake! How could I be so careless? Oh gosh, what am I going to say to Angela, 'Ange, I slept on him and he kissed me on the forehead before I finally admitted to myself that he is the person I'm supposed to be with for the rest of my life.'? Even if she doesn't ask me what happened, won't she notice the awkwardness between us?'
Bones sighed again. It was going to be a long week at work. She settled on going home, putting all of her focus on driving so she wouldn't get in an accident and make things even worse, but everywhere she looked there was something that reminded her of him. She passed the diner. There was someone that had his nose. There was even a car that was the color of one of his ties. She needed to get away. Instead of taking the road to go home she went straight to the highway. She didn't know where she was going to go, but she needed to go somewhere far away from Booth. It was Saturday, so she didn't have to go to work for a couple of days. She ended up in a little motel on the side of a road 3 hours away from Boot's apartment. She went to her room and realized she had nothing to wear but the outfit she had on. She looked out the window of her room and saw a couple stores, a grocery store, a small gas station, and a Macy's. She grabbed her purse and head to Macy's. She hadn't gone clothes shopping for a while anyway, and figured she could use the distraction.
Angela was restless. She couldn't sleep and was rocking back and forth on her bed. She had already woken Hodgins up 12 times just to talk about Bones and Booth and calm her nerves. It had been about 20 minutes since the last talk, but she couldn't help it anymore.
"Jack! Wake up! Do you think I should go over there? I don't know if I should. What would I do? I guess I could just go see if she's still there. But what if she is? I shouldn't interrupt, should I?" Angela shook Hodgins and he groaned.
"Ange, what do you want? I've gotten all of 13 minutes of sleep all night! Please, just… I'll buy you a puppy or something to talk to, just, please! Stop talking!" Hodgins rolled the pillow over his head.
Angela was hurt. She knew she was being annoying, but he'd never blown up like that before. She got out of bed and went to the fridge. Maybe some chocolate would keep her from going crazy from anxiety.
Thanks so much for reading my story! Please review! Believe it or not, reviews help me update quicker. Thanks again!