AN: I loved Lizzie in Breaking dawn, and I wanted to see more of her. I also love Seth. So I smushed them together!

Lizzie's POV

I took a deep breath as I stared at my new high school. It wasn't like I was intimidated by the size. My old school was much bigger. But I had lived in Millerton for my whole life. I adjusted my backpack, squared my shoulders, and started walking inside.

"Hi. I'm Lizzie Carson. I'm a new student." I said to a small, brunette woman in front of a computer.

"Hi Lizzie! You need a schedule and a map, don't you?" She leafed through a pile of papers. "Carson, Carson…. Oh here it is. Ok you have Mr. Cohen for homeroom right now."

"Thanks. Room 36 right?" I asked while pushing my red-golden hair behind my ear.

"Yep. Good luck!" I walked out of the office, trying to seem confidant. I opened the door.

These boys were huge!!

7ft. easily, maybe more. Most were Native American; after all, La Push is a reserve. I though back to last summer, at the park. I had met a giant, angry, Native American guy who stole a Vanquish.

One of the giant guys was staring at me really intently. It seemed sorta like the game my friend Juma and I used to play back in Millerton called "Let's all stare at and make them feel awkward." Ahhh. Good times. In any case, if that was the game he was playing, he was doing it well. Well, I wouldn't be the girl to be put on the best reactions list. I walked by, doing my best not to pay attention.

"Hi. You must be new here. I'm Seth Clearwater." He stuck out his hand. Well, I'm not one to be unfriendly. I shook it.

"Lizzie, and yeah, I just moved here from upstate." I could tell that he was doing his best to act normal, he still was still looking at me a bit odd. "Is everyone around here hoping to go to the Olympics?" I asked.

He looked confused. "No, why?"

"I was just wondering why everyone is taking steroids." He smiled.

"No steroids, just genetics. Hit my head on a ceiling/door frame at least twice a day." This time it was my turn to smile. I saw his smile got just the slightest bit bigger. "So what are your classes?"

"Math, Science, Spanish, lunch, Language arts, art, history. You?"

"Sweet! We have most of our classes together." I wasn't sure how I felt about this. Seth seemed really cool, but the way he stared at me was weird. It was like he just met me, but wanted to marry me. It happened before. Oh, sixth grade memories.

"So," I asked, "What do people do for fun around here?"

"Um, we pretty much just hang out. A lot of the guys like to work on cars." This peaked my interest.

"Any restorations going on right now?"

"My friend Jake built a Volkswagen Rabbit from scratch." This boy was impressive.

Brrrrrring! "Oh joy, time for math."