With a flash of light, the 2 runaways were suddenly in a different room. The red programs that had almost captured them
were now nowhere to be seen. Ro looked around, nervous, still hugging Rayna. He did not know where they were. It looked like a typical transport room, except the floors and walls were adorned with
multicolored circuits flowing in countless directions, sometimes intersected by glowing circle outlines.
Rayna looked toward the exit, and broke off the hug with Ro as she walked toward it, still holding his hand and bringing him along.
They surveyed the view of the area from the exit. The buildings were bright, with unique shapes, all of which glowed a bright mix of purples,
pinks, teals, and blues, or some combination of them.
Rayna gave a sigh of relief, and rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm home.", she whispered. Ro wrapped his other arm around her as they paused for a slight moment. Rayna lifted her head, and both eyes met.
"I get to show you everything now!" She said softly, her smile as bright and cheerful as her circuits.
"C'mon...", Rayna said, as she led the way into the depths of the bright city...