House Arrest

Chapter Six

It had been two weeks since Wufei left the house in such a rush, leaving Duo wanting and unsure. The very next day he was assigned a new response officer. Unfortunately Duo spent his two week suspension alone at home, visited only by his gang. Basically alone with his thoughts day in day out, he was frustrated in more ways than one. His gang leader expected him to get back into the swing of things when he got back to school.

Today was the day.

"Yo, Duo. I got a task for you, bro." The violet clad leader, Troy, caught up with him in the hall. Walking side by side they maneuvered their way through the preps and the jocks near the gym.

'Course he does.

"Take this package and drop it off downtown by four today. You know where, alright?"

Duo stops short. "You know I have to be in my house by four, Troy."

"Well then, I suggest you leave now?" Troy had a twinkle in his eye. This was just another way to lord his power over Duo.

Troy left him in the hall with the package, stunned. He knows about his house arrest and yet he still gave him a long distance run. He didn't even know what was in it. Could be drugs, could be a gun. Whatever it is if he were caught he would likely go to prison for a long time.

Duo turned around and punched a locker, narrowly missing a jock's face.

"Watch it, bro!"

Duo spat, "I'm not your fucking bro!" He rushed down the hall towards the side door of the school. Maybe he could get there and back to his house by four? He could just tell Troy to fuck right off but somehow the rest of the gang might not like that. If there was one thing he didn't want, it was an angry mob of violet clad guys after him.

So, this package had to be delivered.

Duo checked his watch; it was just after two pm. There was no chance he was making it back by curfew.

He sighed, resigning himself for a night in the cold, dark jail cell. It's not like he hasn't done it before, right? Maybe his new responder will completely suck at his job. Regardless, it needs to be done.

Wufei sat at his desk. He had been assigned to the hacker case once the new responder had taken over a few of his charges, including the elusive but beautiful Duo Maxwell. He was thankful for this hacker; he helped keep his mind off of Duo. So far the hacker was very frustrating. Somehow he found out Wufei was on his case and sent his laptop multiple viruses. Some of which burnt out his hard drive.

On the case for only two weeks and he had six new computers. He had to respect that level of expertise but it was killing the department's budget. Wufei felt that he was getting close to catching the hacker. Something the hacker obviously knew as well.

He looked at his watch. Five to four. It was almost quitting time.

A head poked in the doorway. "Hey Chang, is there any way you can cover for me tonight? There was a death in the family and I have to go away for a few days."

It was Robert, the department's newest response officer. Wufei winced. If he did there was a chance of Duo missing curfew and Wufei didn't want to risk another meeting. After two lonely weeks and more than a few lonely nights thinking about his long hair and megawatt smile Wufei wasn't sure if he could help himself if he was near Duo.

"Pretty please? You're the only one I can ask."

Wufei sighed. "Yeah okay, just get back as quick as you can."

Robert nodded and ducked back out of the doorway after tossing him his tracker unit. He was a good cop. One who follows all the rules and regulations. Unlike Wufei who couldn't keep his eyes, or hands for that matter, off a high school senior.

After he left Duo that day he seriously thought about quitting the force. It was a battle to convince himself that as long as he stayed away he could continue to do his job to the best of his ability.

Beep. Beep.

He looked down and the screen flashed Maxwell's name, bright and daunting.

You have got to be kidding me.

Duo dropped off the package to the dockyard in good time but got hung up in traffic. His only transportation is the city bus and the rush hour traffic was almost ridiculous. It was like every god in the heavens was against him making it home on time.

First, he left school grounds during school hours, which could lead to a night in the cells. Second, he trafficked drugs or weapons while on house arrest, which could lead to years in prison. And third there is no way in hell he could make it back home before curfew.

Awesome right?

In the two weeks since Wufei left he had yet to break curfew. It was school, home and work. Wufei would probably be proud of him.

Beep Beep Beep.

His ankle bracelet flashed red and the low beeping was like a taunt. Maybe the new guy would be slow to respond? Maybe he could ride the bus in peace and just meet the guy at home?

He could hear a siren in the distance.

Or maybe not.

He pulled the cord and shouldered his way through the other passengers. He hit the pavement somewhere by the warehouse district with his only thought of not getting caught on the run.

He ran and ran, until his chest was heaving and he was gasping for air. The sirens were getting closer and closer, faster and faster as he passed old run down warehouses. Maybe he could get away? Maybe this guy wasn't as good as Wufei had been?

He turned around and watched the cruiser take the corner at an alarming speed.


Well, he is obviously as good a driver as Wufei. He would catch up to Duo in mere seconds if he couldn't get off the street. He had to find a way up.

Duo slammed into a door using his body weight to open it. It had obviously been rusted and not opened in quite some time but he was able to get inside the building. There was a metal staircase that wound all around the open middle of the warehouse. His only chance was to go up and possibly run rooftop to rooftop.

Lungs burning he made his way steadily up and across the warehouse, thankful that it had been long abandoned.

Duo heard the door slam open and caught a glimpse of a blue uniform steadily catching up to him. Obviously Robert works out too.

He finally made it to the roof and searched for a way across to the closest warehouse. The cement roof was covered with steel bars and wires laying haphazardly, long since abandoned. It wasn't looking good.

Duo saw a possible crossing and made up his mind to try. He lunged.

A voice came from behind him yelling, "Maxwell, Don't!"

Duo's foot rolled on a steel bar and he fell headlong over the corner. He mistook the space as a crossing but it was really just a small space that fell all seven stories to the ground. His arm caught on a line and he held himself there, face looking at the ground.

He was disoriented. He was looking at the ground but somehow not falling. If his life flashed before his eyes it was short and sweet and nothing significant enough to remember.

A hand grabbed at his arm, hauling his weight back up. The ground got further and further away from his face until he was looking up at the blue sky. Safely back on the rooftop he could finally breathe again.

He was being held in Robert's lap, encircled by his strong arms.

A face, a beautiful face, appeared in his field of vision, blocking out the blue sky.


Maybe he was dead. Just a smear on the pavement down below and the angels were calling him home.

"You idiot! What were you thinking? You think you're invincible? That you can just jump and fall seven stories and be completely okay?"

Oh, maybe he really was here.

Duo coughed. "'Fei, I thought you were gone."

Wufei shook his shoulders making his head bounce back and forth. "Do you realize you just almost died?"

Duo was silent for a moment and then growled, "well, no one would miss me anyway."

The sun was beating down on them, both sweaty from the chase.

"You fool. I would miss you."

Wufei leaned down, and, against all his better judgment and against the law, he kissed the braided fool on his lips. Tasting him, basking in the fact that moments ago when he saw Duo disappear from sight over that wall, he thought he would never see him again.

Wufei didn't care if people could see them. He didn't care that Duo was only eighteen and a prisoner. He just wanted to feel his body, alive, under his fingertips. Duo's body arched into Wufei's hands, moaning his assent under their locked lips.

Maybe they could do this. Maybe it could work. They could keep it a secret and spend their free time alone together. As long as no one found out they could do this.

Wufei rested his forehead on Duo's and whispered, "Do you want to do this Duo? Do you know the consequences?"

Duo growled out, "I don't want this. I need this."

Wufei let Duo drag him down for another kiss.