I hope everyone enjoys this story I would my hardest on this chapter to make it good.

Sabery – thank you for thinking that this is best romance Naruto X Yugao in all because I was going for romance view for this story.

Hiantacutie123 – I don't see anything wrong? You said one of them was bad.

Asshole123 – it's alive don't you see its alive mahahahahaah (ok done with my evil renting)

Kingkakashi – Thank you for thinking that I got all the character personalities because I was worried about how I was handling how Yuugao acted.

Everyone enjoy the story and hope you tell me your thoughts and feedback, always nice to see what you think.

Thank you again for liking this story and are still reading these chapters.

When the sun started to hit against his face Naruto just rolled over in his sleep, he tried his best to avoid the sunlight that's kept on rapidly hitting down against his face. His body was too sore and in way too much pain thanks to his new training to wake up right now, but his eyes didn't listen to his brain not one single bit.

"Damn you sun, why couldn't you like me sleep in longer? Guess it's time to train with that crazy demon of a teacher." He slowly moved it to his feet. He went over to look at himself in the mirror that was in the room.

His face was still somewhat beaten up with dirt on it because he never got a chance to have a shower last night thanks to being passed out. He walked out of the room and headed for the kitchen. That was when he could now see something that caused a bright smile to be showed to the world.

Before he even realized it at all, he had ran up to Yuugao and pulled her mask to the right side of her face before his mouth had covered hers. He kissed her lightly on top of the lips at first, she kissed him back roughly. She moved her tongue deep inside his mouth but her hands just wrapped around his lower back holding him close to her.

She truly had missed this feeling, this feeling of warmth. Even though he wasn't gone for that long she had missed him so much. It only had been one week since their last time together but she wanted this feeling he gave her, this happiness that he always gave her but also his warmth.

Her chocolate brown eyes just stared into his soft blue eyes, these were the eyes she had missed seeing. Her heart just weren't calm down and kept on beating so fast, she could feel his touch going down and up her back with caused a smile to grace her lips.

"Could you two cut that out already? Some people are trying to eat." They both jumped apart and looked at where the voice had come from, it turned out to be Anko with a kunai in her hand spinning it with her finger. Naruto gave her a hug only for her to smirk before she went back to eating her breakfast. She did notice all the cuts and dirt on her son's face.

She then looked at him with a raised eyebrow because she didn't know how this happen, if it happened because of his training with his father or teammates. She does know just how crazy him and his father can get in training but doesn't know how his teammates train because she never met them.

"How did you get all these cuts? Did you over train with your Kakashi-chan again?" He just shook his head no, because all of these came from his training with Zabuza. He didn't know how to break the news to the two of them. He truly didn't know how they would take the news that he's being trained by a missing shinobi. He did know just how Anko felt about t missing shinobis and all.

"No, my new sensei Zabuza demon hidden in the mist and he's a missing shinobi." Both women's faces just stared at him with a mixed amount of emotions, fear, and worry but also concerned. Anko just walked over to him slowly and quietly which wasn't like her at all and that alone worried him.

His eyes quickly darted back to where Yuugao was but didn't see her at all, and then he realized Yuugao now behind him. He could tell that she's not letting him leave the room they're in right now. He quickly looked back at his mother who was still walking over to him but he just turned pale in color.

"Why the hell would he allow you to be trained by a missing shinobi….a missing shinobi?" Anko asked sternly, couldn't believe what she had just heard from her own son like that. To be trained by someone from another village? Not just from another village but also a missing shinobi like it was a normal or ok thing to do? When did her husband because such a fool, she just made a fist out of anger.

Naruto looked behind him but Yuugao just gave him a deadly look that told him not to even try running away from this. "He's not a bad dude really and he's a great swordsman that helped me, he showed me many new ways to fight with a sword in just a short time. He only became a missing shinobi to kill his leader that started a civil war to kill all bloodline users."

That didn't help deal with Anko's anger at all with her eyes still showing anger. On the other hand Yuugao just encircled him from behind with her hands snaking around his chest softly and slowly, doing this caused Anko's eyes to soften when she noticed this. "Anko-chan your son does know what he's doing at times even if we don't …agree on what it is, he has his reasons to do these things."

He softy grabbed her hands with his but just held them but his eyes just stared at his mother because he didn't want her mad at him for doing what he felt was right, he felt trusting Zabuza was the right thing to do. He knows that sometimes he maybe too kind or caring but this time he knows it's not the case. Zabuza wanted to end the war of his people. Taking out Gato will help his people in many ways and that's why he knows he can trust Zabuza to do the right thing.

"Anko-chan, you finally got here? What is the Hokage-sama planning and what with all boxes outside?" Anko's eyes darted over to Kakashi who just walked into the room. Her anger was still there just less of what it first was. She moved over to him but Naruto just shook his head at how stubborn his mother could be.

No matter how many years go by his mother will always be a stubborn at times but he just smiled at the scene in front of him. He winced when he could see that Kakashi felt a hard slap to his face but stood there.

"Now that's over I'm feeling better, as for the boxes? It's the supplies and food to be given out to the town. I along with Neko-chan didn't come here by ourselves because two groups of Anbu are with us to help with this mission that has changed from rank c to a rank s mission." Naruto moved out of his warm embrace leaving a disappointed pout to come across Yuugao's face.

He simply looked behind him with his crystal blue eyes but he just smiled over to her before waving her to follow him, she quickly followed him over there. He took the map that was on the ground near them and pulled it over the living room table.

"We know that Gato never leaves his group of ships and these other smaller ships are ones that give him his supplies and money. That is one of our main targets to take out but also we need to keep the town villagers safe no matter what or else this mission is just in vain." He marked the ship that Gato stayed in but also the trading ships that Gato owned as well.

"First the genin teams should help me hand out the supplies before we get ready to come up with attack plans." Yuugao's voice sound so heavenly to him but he just looked at her only to get bonked on the head by his mother.

"You can stare at her all you want in your alone time but right now it's time to work, duty comes before fun." Naruto's lips turned into a pout but nodded his head once before walking out of the house with Yuugao by his side.

"These two truly care about each other don't they? Here I was worried that something bad was going to happen but I'm glad I was wrong for once." Kakashi wanted to add something but he was scared of what she would do if he added that she was wrong more than just once.

"Neko-hime let's start handing things out but later," He moved behind her with his hands around her stomach but his mouth moved to her right ear. "Tonight, you are all my…..my" He kissed her earlobe breathing hotly against her ear only to cause shivers to come down her spine.

"Yes I'll be all yours tonight," Her face had a smile under her mask as she thought of how he would have his way with her but she snapped out of it. She started to hand out supplies to the villagers once they started to walk over to them.

The supplies were from food to feed them and blankets to keep warm but also many different kinds of clothes for them to wear. Konoha wanted to help these people out badly because they do know just how much of hell Gato has done to them over the years.

Kushina slowly walked out of the house and moved behind Naruto before she pounced on his foot only for him to look down at her white fur head. She looked up with her cute tiny slit black tiger eyes; he quickly but carefully picked her up into his hands.

"Now tell me has Kushina been behaving herself?" Yuugao teased before she moved her hand to the baby tiger's head before gently rubbing it softly. Kushina purred while rubbing her head against Yuugao's hand but her eyes just stare back at the woman's chocolate brown eyes.

"Yes she always behaves herself because she's a good kitty, I never once had to yell at her or scold her for doing something wrong." He smiled down at the tiger but he put her back down on the ground before he went back to helping the villagers.

"You're the ones that are trying to help the village right?" Naruto looked to see a teenage girl with blue eyes and black hair. He gave her a smile but also a nod of his head. "I would like it if you take this then." She handled him an amulet he looked down at it but before he could say anything she was gone.

"Where did she go to?" Yuugao just stared at him like whom? "The person that just handed me this. You had to see it happen because you were right here with me." He showed her the amulet but she just stared at it before her eyes went too focused on his.

Naruto just stared at the amulet, confused washed over him so quickly because how could Yuugao not notice the woman talking to him? He ran a hand around the symbols on the metal but he never seen any kind of symbols like these before, it was all just so unknown to him.

"She gave me this but no one noticed? I just don't understand this at all, I truly don't." H moved the chain that the amulet was hooked onto and moved it around his neck to let it hang above his chest.

The amulet was gold in color but warm and soft to the touch which was strange in his mind that it wasn't cold at all, it was like there was a fire inside of it. He didn't understand it at all but he did know that he had to figure it out sooner than later.

"I don't know what happened but don't worry so much over it ok?" Her soft voice just put his mind at rest for now at least, he then noticed the rest of the teams were finally awake. They started to help hand out things to the villagers.

Once the supplies were done being handed out they went back inside to talk about how to go about fighting this battle. "We know that our enemy is at sea and with great defenses set up as well." Anko pointed to the ships that were now marked on the map but Naruto just looked at it and studied where these ships where and how far apart.

"Naruto and Kiba, you two are to go and scout out the ships right now then report back to us. Do you understand your orders?" Both of them nodded before leaving the house together but Naruto just looked back at the house before walking to the shoreline.

Once there they could see the three huge ships over to the northeast where Gato's living at but Naruto noticed a ship coming over to the three ships at a fast rate. "That has to be supplies for Gato but we can't go back and get help if we want to stop it, you go and tell them to meet me here now ok Kiba?"

Before Kiba could even get a word out he watched as Naruto started running on the water to interruption the ship before it made its way over to Gato. Naruto fully did know that he will be yelled at and harsh for going on his own like this but they couldn't just do nothing and let this bastard get any more of his supplies.

The supply line had to be hit and cut off if they were to win this war against this greedy bastard and he's not going to fail these people, these people who are starving and just want a safe place to live. These were innocent people who had done nothing wrong and shouldn't have to go through this hell that they are living just because of this greedy bastard Gato.

He thought of how the villagers back home treated him because of what inside him but he just shook his head hard. This wasn't the time to think of that, right now he had to focus on his duty. His mission was to bring down Gato and no matter what nothing will stop him in bring this bastard down for good.

He reached for his blades right before jumping on the ship which caught the thugs off guard. He quickly killed the first one by stabbing his blade deep into his chest. His katana went right through the man's chest as blood just oozed out onto the cold metal.

"Damn you!" Three of the thugs tried to rush at Naruto with their blades but he dodged their attacks before countering them with his wakizashi which took the head of the 3rd man clean off but he didn't let his guard down as he parried the next attack aim at him with his katana.

He quickly noticed another blade coming too close to him which he barely blocked it from cutting his face in two with his katana. He then switched the angle of his katana, just like how he remembered Zabuza showing him in their spars. Which by doing that perfectly caused him to threw the man's attack off and lunge his Wakizashi into the man's throat killing him in seconds.

It was just down to one on one now but he noticed sounds coming from the lower deck but he didn't let lose eye content with the man in front of him for a second. He knows first and last mistake you could make in battle is letting your eyes leave your enemy even if it just for a spit second.

"I'll hand it to you brat you aren't half bad with your blades but I'm no weakling, even if you kill me there is nowhere for you to run to. Once boss finds out what you have done he'll have your head for it!" The older man rushed him but he just studied the movements of his enemy while he embraced for the attack.

Once Naruto blocked the attack he countered with his own attack by using Godedesusu Ofu Fu Uindo Futago Kage Yaiba catching the man off guard. Naruto's two blades cut both of his arms off before he sent his katana into his chest.

He entered down to the lower deck but only shock filled his face once he got down there because what he seen just made him pale. There was cages filled with people inside them but he walked in to just stare at them, he didn't understand why they were here like this.

Caged like some kind of animal but before he could do anything he was grabbed from behind as the person began to crush him with his strong arm. Naruto felt pain but he looked behind to see a man with a captain's hat on his head but a smirk on his face.

Naruto head-butted the captain right into the face causing him to let of his hold on him but he quickly got some distance between them. He just grabbed the handles of his blades harder; the fear still was pounding in his chest. His heart's was racing so fast because he had let his guard down back there even if it just for a second.

"What the hell are you doing here!? These are human beings you son of a bitch!" The captain just let out a howl of laughing at Naruto's words and anger but he draw his own blade before staring back at the younger blonde hair boy. His laughing only pissed off Naruto even more, truly though of the captain in front of him as a monster.

"These are slaves that will become lab rats to one of Gato's friends but that damn snake looking bastard truly does freak me out just by looking at him. But money is money and it's your time to die now, you were a foolish gaki." Both of them lunged at each other with their blades crushed together but both of them angle their blades at the same time only which led to blocking each other's attack.

The people in the cages just looked at them trying to wrap their minds around what was going on in front of them but an ebony looking woman noticed Naruto's headband. She didn't realize they were close to Konoha but she hoped that he would win this fight then free them.

"You only care of money! What of your pride? What of your honor as a swordsman! How dare you just throw it all away for money like this, you are just a damn hired thug!" Naruto yelled in a harsh voice but also he was truly frustration. It burned him up that someone could use a blade and act like a bastard like this.

"Loyalty, pride, honor and kindness are all worthless and doesn't make you happy or feed your stomach because all these will lead you to your death. They are nothing but words that mean nothing at all and only fools believe in these dreams!" The captain snarled back at the young shinobi in front of him.

"You call theses nothing, nothing!" Naruto rushed hard at the man with hate and anger filling his eyes that caused him to want to kill this man in front of him so badly! He didn't care who got in his way right now because he wanted to send this bastard to hell with his own two hands.

Their blades crashed once more together but Naruto body started to glow with red chakra as he thrust the captain back into the wooden wall. "Without honor you are nothing but a coward! Without kindness you will become only a monster! Without pride in your sword and swordsman skill you are nothing! But most of all is the fact without loyalty? That just makes you a back stabbing bastard!" Naruto overpowered the man thanks to Kyuubi's raw power but the captain just took a dagger out and stabbed Naruto's right arm.

Naruto jumped back but looked at his right arm before staring back at the captain but he quickly attacked once more and faster this time, the captain could barely dodge it but he only dodged one of the two blades. The 2nd blade cut his right hand off causing massive amount of pain to rush to the man's body.

"If you said was true? If I do die one day then I'll die an honorable death and not a coward's way because I fight for the ones I love!" The captain only stared at the young swordsman's eyes but smiled as the katana stabbed into his heart because he may have died a coward's way but he had seen something he hadn't seen in years of his life.

His last seconds alive he seen a true swordsman's eyes and not a thug's eyes like he had become, he had seen something he wished he had seen a long time ago. The eyes that showed true honor and courage, true courage even in the face of danger like this. Only thing he regretted was losing his honor like he did….all these years along.

Naruto watched as the body went to the ground with blood coming all over the ground but he took the keys from the captain's belt and opened the cages. Even as they were leaving the cages Naruto's eyes just stand on the dead captain thinking about his words but he felt and he knows. The path he's taking isn't easy and will kill him one day but it was his path, a path he will walk no matter what.

"Thank you for saving our lives just now, I truly mean thank you." He snapped out of his train of thought but looked at the woman, she had ebony colored skin with light gray hair but her outfit it what catch his eye. She was wearing a dress shirt and skirt but her green eyes just stared deeper into his eyes.

"I didn't know anyone was in this ship but Gato's men but I'm glad I could help, right now we need turn his ship around." He quickly made haste to the wheel and started to turn it towards land.

Everyone was now on the top deck watching land begin closer much to their happiness that they were now free and no longer in cages, they looked at their savior but he just stared onward. He tried to understand what the captain meant by snake looking man?

Once they land and everyone got off the ship he could see Anko walking over to him pissed off passed her limits, he tried to run only to be grabbed by Yuugao holding him in place. Her eyes showed signs of anger at him for the first time ever. "Tell me Naruto-kun why did you act so reckless like that?" Her voice sounded so scared even if her eyes showed anger at him.

"I'm sorry Tenshi-chan but I had to, if we had waited these people weren't be free right now or even alive. Before I killed the captain he said these people were going be turned into rat labs by some dude looked like a snake but I don't get that part at all." Anko just frozen in her place but fear showed clearly in her eyes.

"So that's why my curse mark has been killing me ever since I arrived here." Naruto stared at his mother but noticed that Kakashi was now beside her with his arms around her. He was trying his best to calm her down and try to help her mind but Naruto turned to the ship before he looked at Yuugao's eyes.

"I have a plan but Yuugao-hime can you gather as many explosive tags can you can?" She looked at him with a funny look but nodded her head to her lover but she just gave him one long kiss before she took off to find what he had asked her to find. She didn't know why he needs them but if he asked her then she will trust his judgment.

When she made her way back she had the rest of her anbu team with her but they just gave her a weird look while they followed after her, it wasn't like her to just ask something like this from them. They also noticed a big change in how she has been acting for a while now but chosen not to say anything about it.

When they finally got back to Naruto they could see Kakashi taking the group of people back into the village. Yuugao's eyes darted back over to Naruto who was talking to Anko but she didn't seem happy at all but Yuugao understood why. Yuugao was afraid Naruto would have been killed for what he had done all alone like that.

"Here Naruto-kun these are all ones I could find." She handed him the explosive tags he quickly went back inside the lower deck of the ship but he was followed by Yuugao and her team, they were watching him put the tags all over the ship before the leader of team realized his plan.

"If you're planning on blowing this ship up then here you'll need it." He took out another explosive tag from his jacket but this one was higher rank and far more powerful than the other tags together. Naruto thanked him before going outside with it and putting it down on the front of the ship.

"It's time to give Gato a gift from us but you four need to get off the ship please, don't worry neko-chan I'll be fine." She nodded and left to stand beside Anko with her team. She looked at Anko only for her to see that Anko's eyes showed worry in them. They all watched as the ship turn around and started going over to Gato's three ships.

Once it got closer to the ships Naruto jumped off and stared at it heading closer to the ships but he had to wait just for the perfect second to set the tags off. He watched tit moved and when the ship moved in the middle of the group with one ship on each side of it. That was when he noticed thugs starting to go aboard the ship he did a snake seal to set the tags to go off.

He watched as the ship exploded in flames causing the two other ships sails to catch on fire and parts of the ships to be destroyed as a chain reaction which left two of the three ships unable to move thanks to the damage that had be done to them.

Naruto still standing on the water just jumped in the air because his planned had worked. He kept staring on because not only did he damage two of the three ships but also killed many of their men in it.

Everyone else that watched the fireworks couldn't believe he had planned something like that because they were used to the silly hot headed Naruto but this was something new to them. They watched as he came up with a plan like this at a fast rate but Anko just smiled at her son but she noticed something in the water which was on a fast path right at him.

"Leave the water now, Naruto-kun get out of the water now!" Naruto looked back at his mother with a confused look because he didn't know what she was talking about. When his eyes looked forward again he noticed a huge black looking water snake coming to him, he did his best to dodge the attack but was knocked into the water.

He looked into the snake's eyes but he noticed this one had pair of huge fangs but he took his blades off his back to defend himself. He looked up and tried to get back above the water but he was once again pulled own into the water and deeper this time around. He stabbed his katana into the snake's back causing a snake hiss of pain to come out of its mouth as it let of go of him.

Once Naruto's head pop out of the water, again the snake turned around to go for another attack but once he seen the snake head pop out of the water he ready himself for the attack. The fangs had come to fast for him to react right away but once they bitten down into his right arm while he yelled out in pain he took his katana and stabbed it right into the eye.

The snake head moved backward in pain but Naruto didn't let this chance go because he took both of his blades and slashed the head of the snake off but once he did he looked at Anko who was already rushing to his side. He slowly passed out in her arms but she looked at the wound and realized he now had poison in his veins.

"We need to get him back to the house to remove the poison and fast!" She yelled with fear showing but she just ran back to the village with her son in her arms. Yuugao just stood there unable to move with fear showing in her chocolate brown eyes, fear of losing him right now to death.

"Neko-chan let's go, I know you want be at his side right now." Anbu with a wolf pushed her onward back to the village, Yuugao smiled thanking her for getting her to move. She rushed back to the house as fast as her legs could go.

"She truly loves him, I'm glad she found someone to fill her empty heart." The other two anbu member nodded in agreement, they headed back to the house now. Wolf stopped to look back but noticed something and kept on going with her team members.

Anko place him down on the bed carefully but her hands were still shaking and put his bag on the ground near the bed beside them. She then started going through her own shinobi gear pack to find her antidote before putting it into his body with a needle then bandaged his right arm.

"This should help but I don't know if it will save him till later tonight, for now all we can do is hope for the best." Her voice sounded so fearful and sad but Kakashi moved his arm around her with his eyes staring at his son.

"Let's leave him alone so he can rest, after all we know two people who will be watching over him." He helped his wife to her feet and out of the room but he watched Kurenai and Yuugao walk inside.

"He truly didn't a reckless thing by attacking ship alone but then ending up like this, wounded and hurt." Kurenai's voice was soft while her eyes just stared at Naruto's body but hint of sadness came to her eyes. Yuugao noticed that but she shrugged it off thinking she was just worried about a teammate and nothing more.

"I do wish he would stop being so reckless but if he did then he weren't be himself, not the person I fall in love with." She rubbed his good arm but her eyes just stared at him but the fear hasn't left her yet, the thought of losing him had scared her to badly. She never wanted to feel like that again even if she did know fully well its part of being a shinobi.

"Can you go and ask Kakashi for change of clothes? We can't just leave him in these wet clothes or he'll get sick." Kurenai nodded before softly walking out of the room but looked back at the scene with a smile on her face. She truly was happy for her friend for finding someone that she truly loved and wasn't a pervert.

Once Kurenai came back into the room Yuugao started to strip Naruto of his clothes from top to bottom. Kurenai on the other hand couldn't help but notice he was very well toned and even more than anyone his own age. Once Yuugao took off his boxes she stared hard at his member but stopped once Yuugao moved her hand out for the clothes.

The two of them slowly dressed him but Kurenai did have one noticeable blush on her face which caused Yuugao to raise her eyebrow and wonder once more. "He's lucky to have someone like you Yuugao-chan, someone to watch over him like this." Yuugao just shook her head no over to her best friend.

"I'm the lucky one to have found him, someone that's like him. His kindness and caring soul that's something I have never seen in anyone else before. He truly has the power to change people for the better but also feel the emptiness inside one's heart." Kurenai listened but looked over at the sleeping boy with a smile because what Yuugao said was all true.

"I'll leave you two alone now, if you need anything you know where to find me." Yuugao nodded and watched her friend leave; she had this feeling that Kurenai wanted to keep watching over him. She didn't understand it at all but she just shook the feeling away before her eyes went back over to him.

Once it was dark out she looked at him before unsealing a scroll that had her sleep wear in it, she put on a long purple robe. Underneath was nothing at all. She moved to the bed before she sat down on it, her right hand slowly rubbed his left arm softly with a smile on her face.

Before she realized it a hand pushed her into him but she realized soon after it was his hand, she looked up to see him smirking. "I told you that you are going be all my tonight, now didn't I Tenshi-chan?" His voice was somewhat weak but he still kept on smirking at her, he even noticed her blushing face.

She just kept on looking at him because she didn't think he would try something like this while being in a weak stat. she could see the sweat still running down his face showing that he was still in a somewhat weaken stat right now.

"You're still weak, don't push yourself n-… "She couldn't finish talking thanks to a pair of lips that had moved against hers which shut her up fast. His hands undid her robe and let it fall off the bed even if it was hard to use his wounded arm.

"Wait please, let me at least go and put up a silence barrier." He let her go and watched her get off the bed but his eyes stared at her now bare showing ass while she walked to the door. She locked it and put up a silence barrier before she turned around and only gave him a playful pout with hands on her ass to cover her cheeks up.

"You truly love my ass way too much do you know that? What about my other areas?" She moved her hands to her breast and pushed them up. "Are these no good at all to you?" Naruto just stared at her nipples hard before he licked his lips only for her to come over to him with a victory smirk.

"I guess you do like these as well, don't you my little kitsune-kun?" She moved top of him with her legs against each size of his chest and her ass against his manhood, she kissed him roughly with her hands on his arms. Her tongue just moved down deep inside his mouth tasting it and wrapped around his tongue.

Once they stopped for air Naruto moved his hands to her breasts playing with them, moving one of her nipples between his two fingers. Twisting them softly as she started to moan out but she leaned down so her breasts were now up against his face. Slowly he took her right nipple into his mouth and could feel it harden.

"You truly are all my and these? Yes I love these are well, so big and soft to touch." He went back to sucking as his tongue licked her hard nipple right before he started softly and playfully nipped her nipple. She moaned before she put her hands on his head then pushed his head deeper much to her enjoyment.

This feeling it what she missed the most since their last time they shared a bed together, this warm and pleasure he's giving her right then and there. She didn't know why she wanted his touch so badly but she can't stand to go long without it, she moved away letting her nipple gain freedom from his hunger mouth.

Naruto stared at her with a confused look but she started to take his shirt off, he watched as she just had thrown it on the floor on her robe. He did notice she was wet from the wet stain on his pants but just smirked. She moved her hands to his chest and just kept on running them up and down before she let her fingernail slowly leave marks.

"Here I thought you were all my?" She moved her lips to his left ear before she played with it while her hot breath just was against his skin. He just closed his eyes to enjoy it more. She smirked before she moved down his body and started to unzip his pants.

She looked into his eyes as she took his pants off then used her teeth to take his boxes off slowly only to cause him to become more turned on and his tool to become more hard. Once she was done taking them off she started to stroke his harden member slowly at first to tease him, she could tell by his face that her easing was working.

"Is my little kitsune-kun enjoying this?" He nodded only to cause her to lick his member slowly and softly which she earned herself a tiny moan from him. She smirked before taking his member into her mouth and licked it with her tongue. He could feel her wet mouth covering his tool. He could feel her mouth's wet and hot saliva all over his tool.

He weren't let her win this because he just tap her head which she looked at him, he used his hand to tell her to spin around now. She obeyed and moved her womanhood to his mouth and went back to sucking on him. He moved two fingers to her pussy and parted her lips to see her pussy inside better.

His mouth went to her wet pussy to start licking her pink inside before his other hand moved to her clit and started to play with it, he heard a low moan but he wanted to hear louder ones. He started play more with her clit while he kept on licking deeper.

"Do you like it when I play with your clit like this?" He teased her by just playing with her clit just tiny bit now. She just looked back at him with pleading eyes to do more. "Do you want me to keep playing with it like before?"

"Yes please play with it, make me feel good please Naru-kun." He nodded before playing with her clit harder while licking at her faster, she in turn started to suck on his tool faster. After little while Naruto moved her on her back before looking at her eyes, he moved closer to her before thrusting into her.

She moaned loud once she felt him inside of her but the pleasure just kept going up and down her body once he started to move. She wrapped her legs around his lower back and forced him to go deeper inside of her, she wanted him as deep she he could go.

He leaned down to suck on her nipples while he pounded against her, her one hand moved to his head again to force him down harder. Her other hand moved to her clit and started to play with it harder and harder causing more waves of pleasure to hit her body.

He picked up his pace and started to go harder but he watched to see if she was ok with this fast or roughness which her eyes just told him it was good. He kept on pounding against her as he could hear his balls spanking against her ass cheeks causing them to turn red.

With each fast and deep thrust she felt more pleasure wash over her body but she could almost feel herself hitting her first orgasm as she moaned out even more as she just lose it to the pleasure. She could also feel his hot seed coming deep inside her which she made her moan even more, she looked up at him before moving his lips against hers.

He moved his lips to her ear. "This was only round one, I want try a new idea I had seen in these books if you want to try it." She looked at him confused before she looked at him because she didn't know just what it was.

"If you show me, maybe I'll try it. That's maybe don't get your hopes up to soon." She smirked at him because she did trust him but part of her just wanted to know what it was, just what he had in mind to try on her caused her mind to go crazy to find out. She wanted to but when he went and got the book from his bag he turned to a page and handed it to her.

Her face just blushed at what she seen but she looked at him only to cause her blush to become deeper, truth would be told she also had thought of this. She thought of it after he left for the mission and when she thought of new things to try with him. She even asked Tsume about it and was told that it felt truly great when she had did it.

"I guess we could try it but first," She started to clean his tool off and she liked the taste of both of their juices together like this. She looked up with her chocolate browns eyes the whole time only to turn him on even more.

Once she had cleaned all the juices off she moved onto her hands and knees on top of the bed. "This is the last round because you shouldn't even be up moving right now." She scolded him playfully.

He moved behind her only to stare at her lovely ass, he slapped each side before he smirk to over to her. "You sure this is the last round?" She nodded but looked back at him with her lovely eyes that just made him smile as well. "Fine, but next time we're going longer." She nodded in agreement.

"Please be gentle with me, I'm not used to this kind of sex." He just gave her a smile to calm her mind. He more his member to her rear and slowly entered her anal which she could feel pain but just grin and handle it. He looked at her but slowly kept going trying not to cause any kind of pain for her.

Once he was finally full inside of her she started to feel both pain and pleasure which she started to moan out, she looked back telling him with her eyes to keep going now. He started to thrust slowly at first but he could feel her hips moving against him causing both of them to feel even more pleasure.

He grabbed her ass and slapped it again and again causing both sides to become red but this only caused a wave of pleasure to go through her body, she moved her hand to play with her pussy while he had his way with her ass.

She moaned more while she grabbed the pillow with her free hand to help with handing the pleasure and pain. She kept moving her hips back against him with her other hand played on her wet dripping pussy, she just kept wanting more of this pleasure.

He picked up his pace and kept giving a good slap on ass after every few thrusts inside of her, he loved just how he could pleasure this well and give her what she needed. He watched as she moaned louder in pleasure.

He took in the scene in front of him because her body just looked so sexy in his mind, he watched as the sweat came down her face while she moaned. How she moved her body against him like this, no matter how hard he went she was always there going back at him even harder.

When she finally had her 2nd orgasm hit her she cried out his name but he pulled out and let his load come all over her ass. She could feel his hot load on her ass but she just got up after she got done panting from how hard her 2nd orgasm had hit her.

"Looks like we both need a shower now?" He smirked before following her into the shower that was inside the room. It wasn't a huge shower but big enough to fit of them and to Naruto enjoyment there had their 3rd and last round of fun before both got out and went to sleep.

She laid down on him with her head against his chest but she just smiled feeling her bare naked body against his. She truly loved this man when she felt his arms around her back she just slowly let herself fall into a blissful sleep.

He could see the door opening but didn't see anyone behind it. He then noticed paw of claws trying to get ahold of the top of the bed. He moved bit to pick Kushina up which she moaned at him. He put her on his chest beside Yuugao and the three of them just went into a peaceful sleep.

When Naruto went to sleep he found himself staring at a cage with the words seal one it. "So you finally come to visit me? It's about time." He voice came from behind the cage but he didn't understand what was going on at all.

Thank you guys/girls again for reading

/walks out of the room

Kurenai – get back here now! (Follows me pissed off to)