Summary: Lois and Clark go out to blow off some steam after Instinct (S8). They get drunk and one thing leads to another.

Title: Shots

Author: MacKenzie

Rating: M

Spoilers: None if you've seen the show through Bride.

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Smallville or DC comics.

Lois ran a frustrated hand through her brown curly locks and let out a deep sigh. She was frustrated because once again Tess Mercer had stone walled one of her and Clark's stories. It was beginning to wear on her. This was the second time in a week she had shut them down. First the kissing-love-goddess-meteor-freak was ripped away from them and now their piece on the councilman's affair fell victim to Tess' shortsightedness. Her only consolation was that tomorrow was their day off.

She looked across from her and saw Clark staring intently at his computer screen. She just wanted to get her mind off work and have a little fun. She also wouldn't mind distracting herself from what Maxima had said to her about a supposed bond she had with Clark. It had been plaguing her thoughts ever since that night. She decided that shrugging it off was the best course of action. What did some meteor freak who hadn't ever even met them know, right?

Her mind was made up. Tonight she was going to have some serious fun and she was going to make sure Smallville had some too. She pushed away from her desk and walked around to Clark's side. She pulled herself up into a sitting position on his desk and crossed her legs. She remained silent until he stopped working and looked up at her, questions evident in his eyes. Finally she spoke, "We're going out. It's been a ridiculously lousy week and we can both really use some R&R."

"I don't know, Lois. Like you said, it's been a really long week. I think just going home might be the best thing," he said, returning his distracted glance back to his screen.

She frowned but there was no way she was going to give up that easily. She was Lois Lane after all. She could wear down even the most iron will. She smiled and placed her hand on Clark's chin forcing him to look at her. "You have been over here sighing and shifting around in frustration for hours. So, shut that computer down and come have some fun with me." Her smile widened when she saw him running the idea though his head and noticed his resistance was faltering. Lois realized that her hand was still pressed against the warm skin on his cheek. She gave a little start and pulled it away inadvertently trailing her fingers gently across his jaw as she made her retreat.

If at that moment she hadn't become suddenly fascinated with her feet she would have noticed the slight shudder that passed through Clark. She also would have seen the bewildered look he was intently giving her. She recovered herself quickly though and punched Clark in the shoulder, hopping off of his desk. "Come on, Smallville, you're coming with me."

She didn't wait for a response before turning and walking towards the doors. Clark stared after Lois' retreating form before he finally started to stand. "Chop, chop, Smallville. Don't keep me waiting," Lois shot over her shoulder.

He sighed, shook his head in resignation, and took large ground eating strides to catch up to her. When he did she looked over at him and gave him a thousand watt smile. The gesture was contagious and before Clark knew it he was beaming a big smile back at her.

God he has a great smile, she couldn't stop herself from thinking…not for the first time. She looped her arm through his and pulled him a little closer, cocking her head to the side to say, "Good choice."

He gazed down at her loving the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled at him that way. "Yeah, well as usual you didn't give me much of a choice," he said, feigning annoyance.

Her eyebrow rose in response. "Naturally," was her crisp one word answer. 0000000000

They decided to check out a bar called the 'Red Blade' that had recently opened a few blocks from the planet. It was apparently all the rage around Metropolis for its unique signature drink. Lois and Clark walked into the place and looked around. The lighting was nice and there were tables scattered in front of a large well stocked bar. A stage was set off to the side and a doorway led to a back room they couldn't make out from their position in the entryway. The place had the air of newness to it. It was early, but most of the tables were already occupied. They looked at each other questioningly and Lois shrugged.

"It seems nice enough. Let's give it a try."

"Fine with me," Clark replied. He took her hand and lead the way to the bar, clearing a comfortable path for Lois with his large frame. She smiled at his back. He would always be the gentleman. Lois noticed a band walk onto the stage and begin tuning their instruments and performing the ritual of sound checking. Clark found two empty bar stools and they each claimed one.

Lois scanned the walls behind the bar and saw different bottles stacked five shelves high. There was also a sign describing their house specialty drink. It was a shot they called Gute Nacht. The bartender was already pretty busy, but he got to them after only a minute or two. He approached and quickly asked what he could get for them. Lois took over and ordered two of the specials for each of them.

Clark looked at her incredulously. "I don't really drink, Lois! I was thinking more a beer or something."

His annoyance amused her and she patted his shoulder. "Listen, Smallville, we're here to have a good time. I'm not going to let your granny ways slide tonight. You're drinking," she said in a no nonsense tone and threw down one of the shots the bartender had just placed in front of them. It went down incredibly smooth and she placed the rim down on the bar, and took one of Clark's hands in hers. Next, she picked up one of the glasses and closed his fingers around it. She gave him a look that said, 'any day now'.

Clark stared into her eyes and felt himself give in. It's not like alcohol affects me; so, I might as well just let her have what she wants this time, he thought. He drank the cool liquid and placed the glass back on the bar. "Are you happy," he asked – tone dripping with sarcasm.

She nodded happily. "That wasn't so hard now was it," she stated condescendingly. Lois didn't wait for him to answer her rhetorical question. "Just loosen up, Clark. That's what we're out to do tonight." She followed that by throwing back her second shot. Clark followed suit to prevent another lecture from his feisty companion.

"Let's go see what's in the back," she said grabbing his sleeve and dragging him behind her like a leashed puppy. They rounded the corner and saw a large room filled with gaming tables and yet another large bar. Lois turned and wagged her eyebrows at him. "I can work with this," she said, excitement oozing off of her. "You go get us a pool table and I'll work on some 'refreshments'."

They split up to get the night started. Clark got a table and wondered around it waiting for her to join him. He looked around the room and saw a rack of sticks on the far wall. He strode over and picked out a stick that would suit them both. He kept himself busy by racking a set. By the time he was done Lois was swaying towards him with a waitress in tow. She shot him another charming smile and brushed past him snatching the stick from his hands.

"My break," she announced as she breezed past him. "Have a drink," she commanded.

He paced around the tall cocktail table sitting beside the pool table and snatched a shot, drinking its contents down. Lois held eye contact with him the entire time, and when he laid the glass down and raised his eyebrows in an unspoken challenge she smiled mischievously at him… adding a wink. Then she leaned over the table and solidly hit the cue ball. She managed to sink three balls on the break and he gave her a curious look.

"You some kind of pool shark or something, Lane," he asked while handing her a drink emulating her 'what are you waiting for' look from earlier.

She drank it easily and turned to say, "Watch and learn, Smallville."

He did just that. She was slinking around the table sinking one ball after another. As she leaned over to line up another shot he couldn't help but admire her curvy figure. As the game progressed she came to a shot that Clark thought there was no way she could possibly make; so, he said, "Ferry ride is about to end, Lois. Don't be nervous now, I'll try to go easy on you."

He sent her a cocky grin to which she rolled her eyes. "You haven't seen anything yet. You have no idea what I'm capable of, and remember that I never promised to go easy on you, Smallville," she said, giving him a suggestive wink. Then to his surprise, she jumped the cue ball and easily sunk her stripe in the targeted corner. She chuckled triumphantly and got another drink. Clark couldn't help but laughing with her, appreciating the difficulty of what she had just done.

They played game after game laughing and drinking. They were actually fairly evenly matched. Lois was good, she had experience and practice on her side, but Clark had a natural talent for seeing the angles. After a game or two Lois decided that they needed to make the evening more interesting by playing a little truth or dare. Whoever won got to ask a question or dare the other. Lois won the first game and dared Clark to take three drinks in a row. Clark managed to win the game after that and dared Lois to play the following game left handed.

"Oh! That's low, Smallville!" Lois was glaring at him with her hands on her hips.

She's so cute when she's annoyed like this, he thought. His mind was hazy and he ran a confused hand through his hair. Where had that thought come from? What was wrong with him?

"It's not my fault. You're the one who wanted to play this game," he shot back at her and smiled mischievously. He raised his hands in the air and shrugged. "What's wrong, Lois, can't stand the heat," he mocked and suggestively ran his hand softly down her left arm.

"Fine! I'll show you."

She surprised him by how well she played, but he still won. He walked over to her as she leaned up against the table placing his hands on either side of her while leaning down to her eye level. His mouth twisted into a cocky smirk as he stared into her eyes. "You sure showed me, Lois."

"Whatever. Truth or dare," she asked dismissively, trying not to notice how close he was to her. Her eyes kept darting to his lips and that made her really nervous. She also couldn't stop herself from noticing how great he smelled. It was a combination of fresh aftershave and something uniquely Clark. She silently cursed herself for noticing and made herself focus on his eyes by leaning back a little creating more space between them. Maybe I should slow down on the drinks. Yeah, that must be it, her mind tried to rationalize.

Their eyes locked and the moment drew out creating palpable tension before Clark broke it by saying, "Truth." There was an evil glint in his eyes that made Lois very apprehensive. She waited for his question and he finally said, "What did Maxima say to you? You know why she attacked you, don't you?"

She took a sharp breath. There was no way she was ready to talk about that incident. She suddenly saw a way out of this and ducked under his arm affectively escaping him. "First of all, that was two questions, which is against the rules. Second, you might try asking me again when I'm actually drunk," she said never really intending on answering him. Who cares what some psycho meteor freak thought.

"That's cheating," he yelled at her indignantly. He was surprised by her refusal. What was the big deal? He thought it was a fairly easy question…nothing personal or embarrassing. "You have to answer the question. Those are the rules." He crossed his arms and glared at her. She thought he looked like a little boy when he did that and it made her chuckle.

"Call it payback for your last dare. Besides, rules are your thing…not mine." She walked around the table shoving the stick at him. "Now, I suggest you get over it and break."

He let out an almost inaudible growl and thought that he could never win with her. He took the stick she was offering him, now determined to get answers from her. They continued to play and the time and drinks flew by. They both really liked the house specialty and strictly ordered it the entire night.

Later Clark felt like he was in a daze as he watched Lois shoot. He had never felt like this before and it was starting to worry him. He normally would have been far more concerned but his mind was too fuzzy to analyze the situation effectively. Lois walked over to him and laid a gentle hand on his chest drawing his attention to her face.

"What are you thinking? You have the oddest expression on your face," she asked.

"I feel really weird, Lois." He ran a hand over his forehead. "I think something may be wrong. Maybe we should go now," he said so sincerely that Lois' face changed from mirth to concern in a split second.

She moved her hand from his chest to feel his forehead and asked, "What's wrong? You don't feel hot." He pressed his head into her hand increasing the pressure and surprising her. She pulled her hand away and looked at him like he had just grown horns. Maybe there really is something wrong with him, she thought to herself.

He was as surprised by his own actions as she was, but her hand felt so good and cool on his forehead that he just wanted more. It didn't hurt that she looked amazing in her tight black pants and deep blue button up shirt that showed a generous amount of her chest. She had undone a couple of those buttons earlier claiming she was really hot. He couldn't disagree. What was he thinking? He couldn't check Lois out. She would kill him if she knew that he was doing it. He cleared his throat and tried to clear his mind. He needed to get himself under control.

"It's just that my vision is a little blurry and I can't seem to think quite straight," she cocked her head to the side while he spoke and gave him a skeptical look. "Plus, I feel all clumsy and I think my lips are going numb," he finished with a sigh and ran his fingers over his lips.

Lois laughed throwing her head back causing him to look at her like she had lost her mind. What was wrong with her? He was sitting here with health problems he had never experienced before and her response was to laugh at him. She finally regained enough composure to say with a snort, "What's wrong, Clark? Haven't you ever been drunk before?" She continued to chuckle to herself while watching him.

Confusion spread over his face and his hand began rubbing his temple in thought. "Oh. My. God," she exclaimed. "You've never been drunk before! Okay, boy scout doesn't adequately describe you anymore. Maybe we should go with monk," she said her laughter once again growing in intensity.

He crossed his arms defensively. "Well, forgive me if I had better things to do that kill off my brain cells." She would usually have risen to the occasion to deliver a witty comeback, but she was too absorbed in her laughter.

He wondered how she could get under his skin so easily. He stormed over, grabbed the stick and leaned over the table preparing to break the next set. He felt her hand graze across his back and she leaned over him, whispering in his ear, "Don't worry, Clarkie. I'll take good care of you," and she let a low chuckle tickle his ear. He felt goose bumps rise all over his body and he had to repress a shiver.

She moved away from him and he let out a sigh of relief. Having her that close was having strange affects on him tonight. As the distance between them grew he felt the knot that had formed when she was close begin to loosen.

Lois leaned against the table and watched as Clark took his shot. She loved the shirt he was wearing tonight - he looked incredible in it. She thought she may have even bought it for him. It was a black button up shirt with a crisp collar. He had the sleeves rolled up and the top three buttons were undone. It accentuated some of Clark's best 'attributes'. She continued to watch as he moved his hands up and down the stick noticing how his well muscled forearms flexed and un-flexed. The shirt was somewhat form fitting and generously displayed his big broad shoulders and well defined chest.

Unaware of Lois' current appraisal of him, Clark looked up at her. She had a dreamy expression on her face, and he wondered what she could possibly be thinking about that would cause it. She felt his eyes on her and realized that he was watching her. Lois shifted her gaze to his face and gave him a nervous smile that looked to him as if he'd just caught her drinking the last of the milk and putting it back in the fridge empty. He couldn't hold back his question, "What are you thinking about over there?"

"What? Thinking? Oh, nothing," she shifted her eyes looking at anything in the room but him.

She was acting strange. He shook his head and thought that he would never understand her. Clark lined up his next shot and took it, but his ball rattled at the pocket's lip and refused to drop. Lois smiled, biting her bottom lip, and reached for the stick. "Better luck next time," she said with a shrug. Her hand grazed his as she took the stick, which sent a tingle of electricity through them both.

Lois swallowed – which came out more as a gulp – and turned her back quickly on him so that he wouldn't notice her reaction to his touch. What was happening to her tonight? She moved away from him to quiet her suddenly fluttering stomach. She began taking shots more to distract herself from what she was feeling than a real interest in the game.

As for Clark, he went to their cocktail table and took another drink. He could still feel the remnants of her touch on his hand. It was such a simple gesture and he was lost as to why he couldn't get his mind off of it. He figured it had to be the alcohol he had had tonight. That's it. His body just wasn't used to the affects of alcohol. That was another mystery he needed to solve. How was it possible that he was getting drunk? Later, he decided, mostly because he truly was having fun with Lois.

Lois ended up sinking the rest of her balls leaving the eight ball as the only thing between her and victory. She looked up at him and gave him a very feline grin biting her bottom lip. "Start praying that I miss this shot, Smallville, because I have something special in mind for you." She leaned over the table staring down her stick with concentration. He had a feeling that she wouldn't miss and that look on Lois' face was never good. It usually meant she was about to throw him in hot water.

She made the shot look easy and slowly rose to an upright position giving him a resigned little shrug before saying, "I have a dare for you." She sauntered over to him and grabbed a drink, quickly drinking it and letting out an "ahhh". The look on her face reminded him of a predator ready to pounce. "Your mission should you choose to accept – which you will because I said so – is to find the hottest girl in the bar and kiss her." She began laughing at the look of dread that suffused his features. He took another drink which caused her to chuckle and say, "That's not a bad idea, Smallville. Get yourself a little liquid courage."

"Lois," he practically whined. "I can't do that."

"Yeah, you're probably right. You don't have the guts, do you? I would have no trouble with a simple challenge like that but you…" she let her words trail off and gave him a sideways glance.

He stiffened at her comment. I can do anything that she can do, he thought, sulking a little. Fine! If she wanted to play, then he would play. She saw resolve harden in his eyes and she let a small smile play on her lips. I can always get to him. Way to go, Lois, she thought, congratulating herself. She watched as he began to scan the room. His eyes stopped on someone over her shoulder. Lois turned and saw a leggy brunette leaning suggestively over the bar.

She had to give it to him, the girl wasn't a bad choice. Lois turned back to Clark and gave him a smile wagging her eyebrows at him. "Not bad, Smallville. Now hop to it." She waved her hand towards the bar.

Clark looked at Lois and smiled crookedly. Yes, if she wants to play, then I'll play, he thought again. He offered her a big grin and let his left eyebrow rise slightly. He moved towards the bar brushing her shoulder and trailing his right hand on her waist as he went. She stiffened as the light touch left a trail of fire on her skin and made her heart skip a beat. He paused and quickly turned to her resting his hands on the table behind her, one on each side of her.

What the hell is he doing, her mind screamed and her stomach did summersaults. His eyes found hers and they both swallowed a lump that formed simultaneously in their throats. Then he said, "The hottest girl in the bar, eh?" His voice came out much more husky than he had intended, causing Lois' breathing to hitch again. Well, this was it. He was committed. Here goes nothing. What's the worst thing she can do to me, his worried mind wondered idly.

Clark straightened and put his hands on her waist and pulled her flush against him never breaking eye contact with her. He used his left hand to gently brush her bangs behind her ear and then lightly caressed her cheek with his thumb. His stomach was in his throat and every nerve in his body was working on overdrive. His hand tingled with the sensation of her soft skin under it.

His gaze left her eyes and darted to her full lips which she unconsciously moistened. "What are-" was all she got out before he closed the few inches between them and pressed his lips against hers. It was like lightning struck them with the amount of electricity bouncing between them. He gently began to explore her lips and caress her lower back with his large hand.

She had never been so affected by a kiss and before she could think better of it she was returning it enthusiastically. Lois didn't think she could have stopped herself even if her mind hadn't been taken over by pleasure and desire. He had her body pulsing at his touch. Each point of contact between them was stroking her fire to burn hotter. She slid one hand up his chest lightly and buried it in his hair. The other began to stroke his just below is collarbone in small agonizing circles.

He sighed into her lips, loving the feel of her touch. His stomach clenched at the sensations she was eliciting in him. Nothing had felt as good as she did in his arms and he pulled her even closer. He wanted, no, needed more of her.

She felt his tongue run along her lips and she opened them inviting him to deepen the kiss. He obliged immediately and soon their tongues were battling for dominance. Dual moans escaped them and Lois felt like she was melting into him.

Clark was amazed how her soft lips chased all thought from his mind. She tasted so good. A mixture of the spicy alcohol they had been drinking all night and a strawberry sweetness that was all Lois. He slipped his hand under the edge of her shirt and continued his assault on her senses by stroking her bare back. He heard her take a sharp intake of air and mewl into his mouth.
Her senses were overwhelmed by the feel of his strong arms wrapped around her and his hands and mouth exploring her body. His lips were driving her mad and creating desires for him she never thought possible. She moved her hand and undid another button on his shirt needing to touch his hot flesh. She marveled at his hard toned chest and loved the feel of the strong muscles contracting under her fingers. Her tender touch was rewarded by a gravely groan from Clark.

Clark finally pulled away trying to regain his senses. He had to stop this before it got completely out of control. He opened his eyes and looked at her. Her eyes were still closed, but he watched as they began to flutter open. He saw his own emotions reflected back at him: confusion and desire. They both took a quick step back. He let his hands drop to his sides and attempted to get his heart rate and breathing under control. Lois busied herself smoothing her clothes and hair.

Clark nervously bounced his eyes off of anything but Lois. She cleared her throat and said, "Clark, I'll be right back. I'm going to the restroom," Her voice broke the slightest bit and she walked quickly away. He let out the breath he'd been holding and sat down. His mind returned to the searing kiss he had just shared with her. What had happened? He wondered where that boldness had come from. He had just meant to shake her up for her crazy dare. It was never meant to turn out the way it did. She had kissed him back and done a thorough job of it. When they kissed in the alley years ago it was great, but this kiss soared high above the earlier one.

Lois strode quickly into the bathroom and walked directly to the sink. She splashed her face with cold water and dabbed it off with a towel. She took a deep breath and let it out in a heavy sigh. Her eyes took in her reflection. Then she asked herself aloud, "What the hell was that?" She ran her finger tips over her slightly swollen lips in confusion, remembering the feel of Clark pressed against her. Her body could was still experiencing aftershocks of quite easily the best kiss she'd ever had, and it had come from Clark! Was that even possible?

She absently noticed when the door opened and another woman came into the room. She walked up beside Lois and began checking her make-up. She glanced over and recognition registered on her face. "I don't want to sound rude, but that was one smoking hot kiss you just had planted on you. But then I guess if I had a boyfriend as hot as yours, I would kiss him like that too," the woman said and smiled at Lois conspiratorially.

Lois turned to her and asked in confusion, "What?" Her mind finally clicked and she said dismissively, "He's not my boyfriend." Lois realized that her companion was the woman that had been leaning against the bar. The one she thought Clark was going to kiss.

"Really?" she asked genuinely surprised. Then she smiled and practically purred, "He's single. Hmm," she said mostly to herself. "Well, have a good night," she offered and strode out of the bathroom. Lois watched as she left and shrugged off the random encounter.

"Okay. Pull yourself together, Lois. This is just Smallville. You're going to go out there and play this off, no problem. He can't know that he's had any effect on you." She finished her pep talk and took another deep calming breath. She straightened her hair again and applied some lipstick before leaving the bathroom.

She pushed her way through the crowd and back to Clark. Her step faltered when she saw the tall brunette from the bathroom talking to him. She sure didn't waste any time, did she? Lois was unsettled by the jealous feelings coursing through her. What was wrong with her tonight, she wondered again. As she neared the table she saw the tramp grab Clarks hand and write something on it before she whispered in his ear. Then she swayed away, stopping to look over her shoulder and smile at Clark.

Lois walked up behind him and said, "So, you decided to go for it after all, Smallville." Her voice betrayed more irritation than she had intended. He jumped, startled by her words.

"What? U-um, no. She just walked up to me and started talking to me and out of the blue writes her number on my hand," he said staring at his hand.

"Are you trying to decide when to call her? I'd say give it a few days. Don't want her to think you're desperate now do you," was Lois' snarky comment.

Clark looked into her eyes and gave her a tiny smile. She sounded jealous. Was that even possible? He was going to tease her about it, but he noticed that there was still palpable tension between them. So he thought better of it. Instead he simply said, "I'm not going to call her, Lois. She's not really in my wheelhouse. You know: pretty, nice, damsel in distressy." He grinned at her crookedly and she rolled her eyes at him.

"If you say so, Clark," she replied dropping the subject. She took a drink that the waitress had just delivered and drank it, attempting to drown the unwelcome sense of jealously that had settled in her stomach. The waitress was really good. Lois had told her to keep the drinks coming and she certainly had.

"Do you want to go back to the other side? A new band has started playing and they sound pretty good," Clark suggested in an attempt to distract her.

"Sure, why not? I guess I've beaten you enough for one night." Clark rolled his eyes and they moved to the other side and looked around. All the tables seemed to be taken and the dance floor was pretty full too. "I don't see an open table; so, I guess you're going to have to dance with me," she said with a self satisfied smile.

"Lois, you know I'm not a dancer," he said, pleading with her.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to teach you," came her smooth reply.
He was incredibly awkward at first and Lois, of course, took the opportunity to tease him. Her laugh was contagious though and soon they were both dancing and laughing. He was a quick study and it wasn't long before he was moving smoothly to the music. He wasn't going to be winning any dance competitions, she thought, but he was no longer embarrassing himself. "'So You Think You Can Dance' better watch its back," she teased him over the loud music. He smiled and shook his head. "We've been out here forever. You want to take a break?"

He responded by leading her off the floor and towards two vacant bar stools. They fell into easy conversation about the bar and its occupants, the tension from before successfully broken.

"So, I think I like this place," Lois said.

"Yeah, it's not half bad for a bar," Clark responded. Lois laughed and her eyes sparkled with amusement. "What," he asked returning her smile and leaning in a little closer to her.

She shook her head, "It's nothing." When he looked at her and raised his eyebrows giving her a questioning gesture, she continued, "It's just at times like this when your nickname fits you so perfectly, Smallville." She patted his arm taking the sting out of her words and he snorted but eventually a small smile parted his lips.

The band began playing a slow song that Clark thought sounded like Whitesnake. Knowing how much Lois loved Whitesnake he stood up and extended his hand to her. "Want to dance?" She tilted her head and looked at him with questioning eyes. Did he know what song this was?

"Do you know this song," she voiced her thoughts.

He shrugged and said, "No. Not really. It's Whitesnake, right?"

"Yes. Why do you want to dance to it?"

He gave her a knowing glance and admitted, "You once told me how much you liked slow dancing to Whitesnake." He took her hand pulling her towards the dance floor as the band continued to play Whitesnake's 'Is This Love'.

"What," she asked confused. "I don't remember telling you that." She looked at him suspiciously.

"Well you did," he replied flippantly, adding a wink.

Clark put his hands on her waste and pulled her a little closer. She responded by looping her arms around his neck and asking, "When was this?"

"Oh, a few years ago I think," he said vaguely, enjoying stringing her along.

She was getting annoyed with him. She took his head in her hands and made him look at her, "This game of yours is becoming irritating. Just tell me, Clark."

He smiled and her heart fluttered a little. "It was when you made a CD of some of their songs and gave it to me. You told me that you would kill me if I told anyone, but that there was nothing you liked more than to slow dance with some..." he paused for dramatic effect and she saw a mischievous glint twinkle in his eyes. He continued, "With some big strong arms around you." He wrapped his arms further around her.

Oh, crap, Valentine's Day. What else had she done to make him grin so wickedly at her? All she said was, "Oh." She didn't want to talk about that day. She had put it behind her, which wasn't hard considering she didn't remember it.

They fell silent and let the music wash over them. Without thinking they gravitated closer together until Clark's arms were wrapped completely around her and Lois' head came to rest on his chest. They swayed together, simply enjoying the feel of being in each other's arms. Lois felt warm and safe as if his 'big strong arms' were shielding her from the world. The moment just seemed...right.

Their dance wasn't like the passion filled embrace they had shared earlier. It was gentle and unrushed. It was two good friends who had grown to care a lot about each other sharing a quiet moment. Simply put, it was safe and sweet. Lois was engrossed in listening to the reassuring cadence of his heart beat. Clark had his cheek resting against her hair and inhaled her soft clean scent.

As the song came to an end they slowly pulled away from each other. Lois looked up at him and said, "Are you about ready to go?" He nodded.

They walked back to the bar and while Clark was taking care of the bill, Lois was talking to a bartender. Clark managed to strike up a conversation with a different bartender, "So, we really enjoyed your specialty drink… Gute Nacht. What's in it? I mean what's the secret?"

"Well it wouldn't be a secret if we went around telling everyone," the guy deadpanned.

"Hey, man, I'm just curious. It's gone to my head like nothing I've ever had before. Can't you even give me a hint," he smiled disarmingly.

The guy sighed and said, "All I really know is that a nearby brewery makes the stuff. They're located in some back woods town…Smallville I think."

I should have known, Clark thought. He returned his attention to the bartender. "I understand you can't reveal all your secrets. Thanks anyway man."

Clark was signing the bill when his attention was drawn to Lois. She was flirting with the bartender she'd been talking to and the guy was eating it up. She put her hand on his arm and they both let out a chain of laughter. Clark's chest constricted and jealousy washed over him. Who did this guy think he was? Clark flexed his hands and glared at him. The waitress came back to get their check, but when she saw the look on Clark's face she turned around and busied herself with another table.

The pen snapped in Clark's hand and he looked down becoming mad at himself for feeling jealous. Lois would smack him and lecture him about over protectiveness if she knew. Just then she turned and walked towards him with a bag in her hand and a pleased look on her face. He softened his features and looked down hoping that Lois didn't pick up on his anger. "Are you done," she asked.

"Yes," he replied curtly.

"Great. Let's get out of here."

She walked out the door leaving him to follow after her. He caught up with her and asked, "Lois? What's in the bag?"

"Oh, you know, a bottle of their special brew. I sweet talked it out of the bartender," she said and laughed while holding it in the air triumphantly.

Clark groaned and ran his hand through his hair. "Lois Lane…are you trying to get me drunk," he asked in a suggestive tone.

"You know it! And I'm doing a damn good job of it," she shot back causing them both to laugh.

"Okay, just so long as we have that straight. Um, Lois? The truck is parked that way," he said, stopping her by grabbing her arm and pointing in the opposite direction they were headed.

"Are you kidding me? You've already told me that you have blurred vision and impaired motor skills. You think I'm going to let you get behind the wheel? I'm in no state to drive either, but I have a plan. We have to stop in at the planet for a second though," she punched him playfully on the arm and shot him a mega watt smile.

He stared down at her mesmerized. She was just so beautiful and when she smiled at him like that he didn't stand a chance. "What is this master plan of yours," he mocked.

She pulled him along with her and said, "You'll see," and she bounced away with excitement.


They burst through the door of the suite at the Regency hotel. All the alcohol they had had through the night coming into full effect. Clark stumbled over the threshold which made Lois laugh. "Easy there, Smallville."

"Pfft. I'm fine. Something caught on my foot," he said defensively. The stumble had un-tucked the right side of his shirt. He walked into the room half tucked and half not, but he never noticed.

Lois giggled and said, "Sure."

Clark couldn't help but stare at the beautiful room. The living room was lavishly furnished and it led to a quaint kitchen off to the left, while the bedroom could be seen behind two smoked glass doors. The couch looked comfortable and inviting, and sat in front of a large flat screen TV. Clark walked to it and flopped down, letting out a satisfied sigh.

"This place is great, Lois! Tell me again how you got the 'all expense paid free night here'?"

She followed him to the couch, but tripped on the leg of the coffee table and unceremoniously fell into the cushions. The two burst into a fit of laughter. "And while you're at it tell me again who needs to take it easy," Clark slurred out and gloated, while Lois tried to pick herself up and maintain her dignity.

"My foot got caught on something," she said, repeating his earlier words sarcastically.

"There seems to be a lot of that going on around here," he deadpanned while scanning suspiciously around the room, seemingly searching for the cause of their tripping.

She chuckled and punched his shoulder. "I got the free night at the last work party at the Planet. They usually hold raffles at all the parties. Trying to bring the staff together and bond or some crap like that. Anyway, I noticed this was one of the items being raffled – instead of something lame like a twenty five dollar gift certificate to Starbucks – and I managed to win it," she finished.

"You just got lucky," Clark asked, suspecting there was more to the story.

"Yeah," she said, blatantly avoiding making eye contact with him.

He didn't buy it, but let it go. "Well I don't know about you, but I'm not tired at all. So, what's next on your agenda? You are the circus master of fun tonight, after all." He turned expectantly to her.

She jumped up and retrieved the bottle of alcohol she had swiped from the bar and headed towards the kitchen. "You look for a room service menu and I'll poor the drinks."

He rummaged around the couch end table before finding the menu in its drawer. He flipped through the pages and called out, "What are you in the mood for? It looks like they have pretty much everything."

Lois came around the corner holding two glasses. She sat next to him, handing him one of the glasses. Then she scooted close to Clark until their sides were plush against each other. She took the menu from him and read for herself. Neither of them thought anything of it when Clark put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. He leaned towards her to get a better look at the menu.

"Okay, I've heard that the chefs here are top notch, and I don't know about you but I'm starving. Did we even eat dinner tonight," she asked and looked him in the eyes. She realized for the first time how close they were. She swallowed and cleared her throat, feeling a familiar sensation trickle down her spine. Usually she would make a joke that would rattle him and make him uncomfortable enough that he would pull away from her, but she found that she couldn't form the words. Instead, she took a sip of her drink, listening to the ice cubes softly clinking in her glass. The gesture gave hers time to think. Why does he have to be so damn hot?

Clark was completely unaware of her inner turmoil. The menu held his attention completely. "We had dinner if you consider a sandwich out of the vending machine a meal. Wow! The food must be good, or at least they sure think highly of themselves. Look at these prices. You wanna order a pizza or something?"

Lois chuckled and patted his chest. "What is it about all expenses paid that you don't understand? Order whatever you want, Smallville."

He grinned drunkenly at her. "Well in that case..." he trailed off lazily.

They each ordered three courses and waited for their food while watching TV…well, not so much watching TV as arguing about what to watch. Clark had the remote and said, "Come on, Lois! Iron Man just came out and it's a great movie. Let's watch that!"

"Yeah, it is. It's also the movie we saw in theatre three times," she said holding three fingers right in front of his face as if he were a child and needed visual reinforcement. He rolled his eyes. "On the other hand, we have a classic that neither of us has seen in years. The Princess Bride is undeniably one of the greats. Plus, I think tonight screams comedy."

Clark chuckled, saying, "Did we really see it that many times?" He looked into her eyes and squeezed her against him and then released the added pressure. He looked back at the screen and gave her what she wanted, changing to her movie. He couldn't believe that he had his arm around her and she wasn't trying to dislocate his shoulder in order to get him away from him. If he were honest with himself, he was just as surprised that he hadn't moved it himself a long time ago, but it felt right so he left it there.

They didn't have to wait long before a knock was heard on the door and Clark got up to open it for the waiter who was patiently standing outside with their room service. He tipped the guy and closed the door behind him. Clark moved all their food and silverware onto the coffee table before sitting back down beside Lois.

"Okay, let's see what we have," she said excited and got to her knees already lifting lids. "You're in for a treat, Clark. Even if this stuff isn't as good as I've heard you probably won't notice because food never tastes as good as it does when you're drunk." She grabbed their appetizers handing Clark his crab cake and setting her mussels off to the side. He thanked her and they began eating falling into silence. The only sounds filling the air were those of fork to plate and occasionally a satisfied moan.

Clark took a deep breath and broke their companionable silence, "You are so right, Lois! This is amazing. I didn't realize how hungry I was. How's yours? Would you like to try a bite of mine," he asked locking eyes with her.

"Mine is awesome and I'd love to try yours. I thought you'd never ask," she said biting her lower lip and smiling up at him. He grinned and held out his fork which contained a generous portion. She leaned forward to take the bite off of his fork and slipped her lips slowly down and off his fork. He sat on the couch motionless while he watched her. She closed her eyes and let out a satisfied moan. Clark felt a knot forming in his stomach.

He covered his discomfort by taking a long drink. She opened her eyes and said, "Maybe I should have you order for me from now on," she chuckled. "Here try mine," she said already extending her fork to him.

He mimicked her earlier move and began to chew. It was great. He wasn't a big fan of mussels, but this particular dish was beginning to change his mind. "What kind of sauce is that? I think I could take the sauce on its own and drink it," he said only half kidding.

She looked thoughtful and said, "I'm not sure. Let's find out." Lois reached out and grabbed the menu from the table. "It is..." she drew out the word is. "It's a chardonnay butter garlic sauce, and it sounds and tastes just good enough to be deliciously artery clogging."

Clark laughed, "Yeah, you're right. But hey, if you're lucky it could just make you fat," he joked. She smacked him but laughed too.

They laughed and joked through the entire meal with the movie playing in the background largely ignored. They sat close enough to touch the whole time and were so comfortable with each other that they began just helping themselves to the contents of each other's plate. Their banter become more and more flirtatious as time went by.

They were eating dessert practically feeding each other. Lois held out her fork for him to take the bite of rich chocolate cake that rested on it. He did so saying a quick, "Thank you." They were both drunk which made the maneuver slightly more difficult and Clark ended up with a smudge of chocolate on his face just out of his tongues' reach. He found that out quickly when he tried to lick it off. He made a comical picture sitting there trying to lick his own face and Lois couldn't hold in her laughter. "Having a little trouble?" she asked still laughing.


"Here let me help you," she said and moved to wipe off the chocolate with her finger tips. A ripple went through Clark at her gentle touch and the knot in his stomach became a flip. He could tell that Lois felt it too, because she paused, failing to pull her hand all the way back. She was just starring at him with an unreadable expression on her face.

Clark took advantage of her moment of hesitation to throw her a curve ball. He leaned towards her and began to gently suck the chocolate off of her fingers. His sensitive hearing caught a tiny gasp and the acceleration of her heart beat. He smiled slightly around her fingers before performing one last swirl with his tongue and sitting up straight releasing her fingers. "You're right, Lois, that tastes amazing," he said nonchalantly while she just stared at him.

Lois was stunned. She didn't know quite what to do. For the second time that night he had caught her off guard with a bold gesture. She pulled her hand back finally and cleared her throat finally saying, "What do I look like to you, Smallville, a popsicle?" She glared at him but he could easily tell it wasn't heartfelt. He raised his hands in surrender but couldn't repress a cocky grin.

Lois looked away from him and busied herself by pushing the last bite of cake around her plate. She was taking a moment to calm her stomach after the summersaults it had just performed. She could still feel the traces of Clark's velvety tongue where it had slid across her finger tips. Calm down Lois. Get a hold of yourself! What's wrong with you??

"Looks like your drink needs refreshing," he drawled out. Their sides brushed as he rose from the couch and grabbed both of their glasses heading to the kitchen. "You still want it on the rocks," he called out from the kitchen.

"Yeah," was her distracted reply.

He returned from the kitchen and joined her once again on the couch handing her a glass. She thanked him, having finally recovered her wits. He took his wallet and keys out of his pants pockets, getting more comfortable, and laid them on the coffee table in front of them. Lois watched him doing it and got an idea. When Clark's attention was once again focused on the movie, Lois reached out and grabbed his wallet. She opened it and began flipping through. "Geez how old are you in this picture, Smallville? Fifteen" she asked with a wide grin holding up his ID.

He looked over at her confused, and saw her looking through his wallet. He lunged towards her trying to snatch it back, but Lois predicted the move and jumped off the couch circling around it so that it was between them.

"Lois," he said dangerously. "Give me back my wallet." He sprang off the couch and stalked towards her.

She giggled and moved around the room always keeping something between them. "Still keeping a picture of Lana in your wallet? Come on, Smallville, you're just torturing yourself." He tried to grab her again but she danced away from him. "Come on you can do better than that. I'm surprised you ever made it as the Crows starting quarterback," she taunted.

"Oh just wait till I catch you, Lois," he said and once again chased after of her. He didn't trust himself to use his powers in his current state; so, he pursued her at normal speed.

She continued looking through his wallet until she came across another picture. This one stopped her in her tracks. "You carry the picture of us at the fair," she asked shocked. He took advantage of her surprise and grabbed her. She spun at the last second and he ended up with his arms wrapped around her from behind. She had her arms fully extended to keep the wallet far away from him. She looked over her shoulder and asked, "Why?"

They danced around the living room in a struggle for possession of the wallet. He said a little breathlessly, "My Mom gave it to me and I never really thought about it."

Lois managed to break out of his hold and darted towards the bedroom. He was instantly hot on her heals. She broke through the doors at a dead run and tried to hurdle the bed when his weight came crashing down on her and they tumbled onto the soft bed, both already laughing. Clark rolled on top of her and their laughter died as they stared into each other's eyes.

Then Clark gave Lois her third surprise of the night when he asked, "What did Maxima say to you?" When he saw her guard go up and a stubborn look take root he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Just tell me."

Lois was having a lot of trouble thinking clearly. The combination of alcohol, Clark's body pressed over hers, and his hot breath tickling her ear were driving her crazy. She let out a heavy sigh and because the alcohol was seriously impairing her inhibitions she relented. "She said that she couldn't kill me in front of you, but I couldn't have you," her voice trailed off.

He continued his deep stare into her eyes and both of their breathing became a bit erratic. "What else," he asked and leaned in to brush a feather soft kiss just below her ear. She let out a heavy sigh and gasped out, "She said she had finally found the man of her dreams and she wouldn't lose you to me."

"I guess she would have had to have had me in order to lose me," he said and his husky chuckle sent a chill down her spine. He continued placing feather soft kisses along her neck. "What else," he growled sexily. His every fiber was focused on her. He had never known what he wanted more than in that moment. He boldly continued to assault her with his lips and body. His hands roamed to her sides stroking their passions higher.

She felt all her barriers failing. Her breathing hitched, "Ugh. Maxima came after me because she said that you wouldn't have been able to break away from her if you didn't have a strong attraction to me. She said we had a deep connection…a-a bond," she sighed out.

"Well, at least she got something right," he replied seductively and shifted his body upwards in order to look into Lois' eyes. Her fourth surprise came next, "You're so beautiful, how could I not be attracted to you?"

"You're drunk," she teased as she ran her hands along his neck and into his hair. Lois pulled his head down and lifted herself up to meet his lips. He sighed into her mouth as they initiated a passionate kiss, neither willing to resist the temptation the other provided any longer.

Clark loved the way her hands were massaging his neck and scalp. It was sending waves of pleasure through him. He was so focused on the sensations she was eliciting in him that it startled him when he felt himself being thrown on his back, and before he knew what was happening, Lois was hovering over him. She took his lower lip and nibbled on it before licking and sucking the teeth marks away. She gave his upper lip similar treatment eliciting a groan from Clark, "Lois. Mmm...god you're good at that." She smiled against his lips but didn't stop.

The chemistry between them was electric. The room was practically crackling with it. Every touch caused a ripple of pleasure and desire to shoot through them. She felt his hands run up her thighs and slip under her shirt. She sighed as they caressed the sensitive skin at the small of her back. She deepened the kiss and their tongues danced and dueled with each other. Their soft moans and heavy breathing were all that could be heard in the silence of the night.

She broke away from him and sat up dragging her nails down his chest. Sitting on his lap she felt just how attracted he really was to her. She smiled down at him and began unbuttoning his shirt. With every button she undid she placed a hot wet kiss on his bare chest, working her way down slowly.

Clark ran his hands through her hair and his stomach contracted with each of her agonizingly sweet kisses. Once his shirt was open Clark sat up to help her take the garment off. He looked at her and watched her eyes as they glazed over and her hands ran over his defined muscles. He gently placed his hands over hers and they moved together as she performed sizzling hot strokes across his bare skin.

She leaned down and brushed her lips lightly against the sensitive nook of his neck causing him to suck in a sharp breath. She left a trail of kisses across his jaw before returning to his mouth. He pressed his lips hungrily into hers and let out a frustrated growl when she pulled away from him. "Where are you going," he slurred, his brain clouded with passion.

She got off of him and walked away turning back once she reached the doorway. "I'll be right back. Don't move," she commanded and disappeared. He was about to go after her when she suddenly reappeared, holding the bottle of alcohol. He had a question on his lips but she drove the thought away when she straddled him again. He grabbed her hips to steady her as she settled herself on his lap. He sighed and pressed his head deeper into the mattress because her shifting was creating hot friction between their centers.

He opened his eyes and found her staring down at him. She gave him a light kiss that was barely a brush and then shifted to his ear to whisper, "Lift your head." He levered himself up onto his elbows and captured her lips running his tongue along the opening of her mouth. She gave him a husky chuckle before pushing him back onto the bed pinning him there with both hands on his chest. She moved to his other ear sucking on it and dragging her teeth across the tender lobe. She once again whispered, "Just your head, Clark." Her teasing and the sound of his real name being said in her husky voice made his eyes roll to the back of his head.

It took him a second to obey her request, but finally he lifted his head off the mattress and looked her in the eyes curious what she was up to. She smiled reassuringly and gave a one word command. "Stay." His flexed neck muscles created a crater just above his collar bone. It was into this recess that Lois poured some of the cool liquid she had just left to retrieve. The cold against his hot skin sent a chill through him and goose bumps began to form. Lois leaned down and hungrily sucked it off of him. She made long slow sweeps of her tongue warming his chilled neck.

She was driving him crazy with all this teasing. He quickly undid her shirt as she continued to lick and gently blow on his neck. She stopped long enough to take it off and toss it on the floor behind her. She looked down at him as his gaze ran appreciatively over her black bra clad top. Lois poured another drink onto Clark's neck and once again leaned down sucking it off, but this time she held it in her mouth. Her gaze darted to his lips and a small smile played on her lips. Then she kissed him and let half of the cool fluid trickle into his mouth. They both swallowed and the kiss became wild, their tongues dancing and lips caressing.

He grazed her lips with his teeth and deftly unsnapped her bra tossing it to the floor. She let out a moan when her breasts grazed over his hot bare chest. She felt him shift and the next thing she knew he had her back pressed into the bed and his head was buried at her neck trailing kisses downward. His hand moved to stroke her breast and tease the nipple. Her breathing hitched as his mouth followed his hand initiative. She felt his tongue dart out, flicking her raised nipple. She let out a moan and pulled his head down. He smiled at her impatience and began sucking greedily, tongue working magic on her body. The beating at her hot center became a pulsing, and she arched up into him calling out, "Yes Clark! More."

He lavished her other breast with the same attention before pulling back and smiling mischievously down at her. He trailed wet kisses down her chest and over her stomach where he stopped. A second later Lois felt a shock as he poured cold liquid into her belly button. She gasped as he drank it off of her and ran his tongue over her stomach, not leaving a drop.

As great as all this was, Lois needed more. Her hand snaked to his waist and she began undoing his pants with one hand. He followed her lead and soon her pants were pooled on the floor. He worked himself out of his own with her eager help and once that was done she forcefully pulled him down on top of her. The only thing keeping them from each other being their underwear. As their skin rubbed together it made them both shudder from the electric tingle it shot through them.

Lois arched her hips into his and Clark groaned. He was drunk on her and simply drunk, but as she ground against him something in his mind clicked. He was about to have sex with Lois. He couldn't do that. What had he been thinking? Well, nothing obviously. He broke their kiss and rolled off of her. He retreated to the head of the bed where he propped himself against the back board and covered his face with his hands.

Lois opened her eyes and looked around the room stunned by his retreat. Her body shook a little from the cold that she suddenly overwhelmed her at his absence. She ran a hand through her hair and sat up looking at him with passion clouded eyes. "What's wrong?"

She got up and swayed around the bed coming to stop beside him. "We can't do this," he said, his voice still thick with desire. He looked at her from behind his hands, eyes devouring her from head to toe.

She frowned at him and moved to sit, straddling his lap. She leaned down and kissed him deeply. They pulled apart panting. "I think we can," she said out of breath.

"I might hurt you, and I'd kill myself if that happened," he said huskily.

"I'll be fine, but you sure think highly of yourself don't you," she teased and ran her hand over his swollen groin causing it to jump. Her mouth came down on his neck, to where his pulse was racing.

"You don't understand, Lois. Lois! We should really talk about this," he pleaded.

She slipped her hand under the band of his boxers grasping him, stroking him slowly. "I don't feel like talking, maybe later," she said her hot breath brushing across his neck.

"That's got to be a first," he managed to quip despite what she was doing to him. She responded by biting down hard on his neck, but instead of the sign of pain she had expected he let out a deep moan. "What about protection," he said quickly, thinking that would end the discussion.

"Pill," was her one word answer. "I want you and you want me. There we talked." She pulled her lacy black underwear off and Clark lost the battle to his body's desire. She tugged on his boxers and he lifted himself off the bed to help her remove them. With all the obstacles between them now removed, they stared into each other's eyes. Clark pulled her roughly against his chest and kissed her, absolutely loving the feel of her silky smooth skin pressed against him. He ran a feather light touch down her back and across her back side, coming to rest against her shapely thighs. She sighed into his mouth and he lifted her up positioning himself to enter her. She took hold of him and ran his head around the edge of her hot wet folds. She stopped for a second and used him to tease her tight bundle of nerves. Clark mewled moving his lips to her shoulder spreading little bites and kisses across it.

"I want you so bad, Lois," he said and bucked once against her. He was lost in the sensations pulsing through him.

She relented and slowly lowered herself onto him. They both sighed together. Lois took a moment to allow her body to adjust to his size before moving on him, beginning a steady rhythm. She buried her fingers in his hair and threw back her head arching her back when he abandoned her shoulder and focused on her breasts again.

The little moans and noises coming from her were driving him mad. He could feel the pressure building, but he refused to give in to it. He wanted this to last forever. He had never felt anything this strong before, this wild, this uncontrollable. Every time he thought he had reached the pinnacle of pleasure she pushed him further. He wanted more of feel her entire shapely body against his. He picked her up with ease and rolled on top of her. She didn't lose a beat, wrapping her legs tightly around him and lifting her hips to meet his renewed thrusts.

Lois ran her hands over the rippling muscles covering Clark's back and shoulders. He was so strong. He had moved her with so much ease. His raw male power turned her on even more…she wondered how that was even possible. The knowledge that he was so powerful but also gentle and kind was something she had always loved about him. She felt his hand graze down her arm and slip between them, and then he started to draw circles around her sensitive nub. Her body was already on fire with the feel of him pressed on top of her, but his finger began driving her to ecstasy.

"Agh…mmm. Oh Clark. Yes," she gasped out and Clark almost lost his control.

He rocked against her and she contracted her inner muscles, clamping down on him. He groaned, "God, Lois. Hhhhh." She captured his lips and planted a hot kiss on them. They slipped closer and closer to climax. Clark's pace quickened as he drove deeply into her, adjusting her hips for the perfect angle. He felt her inner walls beginning to spasm and he lost control releasing himself along with her. He heard her call out his name as she came and he added a few more thrusts before his strength gave out and he collapsed on top of her.

They lay there breathing heavily. Lois laid a soft kiss on his shoulder and said, "Now that's what I call endorphins." She felt his chest rumble with a laugh and added, "As much as I'm enjoying this, you are a bit heavy there, Smallville."

"Oh, sorry," he said and rolled onto his back taking her with him, not wanting to let her go yet. Their breathing was slowly regaining normalcy. Clark said, "That was..."

"Yeah," she finished for him, a satisfied smile appearing. They lay there for what seemed like blissful hours, but in reality was only a few minutes before Lois spoke again. "I think a shower is in order," she said suggestively and tried to get up. Clark's arms were around her in a flash pulling her back. "Clark?" She looked into his eyes curiously and he gently kissed her. She returned it but after a couple of seconds she pulled away again tugging at his arm, "Come on, Clark. Shower," she got up and pulled him after her by his arm. His balance was off and he ended up falling on the floor which she, of course, found hilarious. "Poor little thing," she mocked. "Clarkie can't hold his liquor."

As if to show him how it was done, she walked to the bedside table and picked up the bottle taking a long swig. He got up and walked over to her snatching the bottle from her, "I can handle my liquor just fine," he said and took an even deeper drink. She chuckled and pulled him into the bathroom.


An hour later Lois walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. She had gotten a whole lot more actual showering done when Clark had left her twenty minutes before. "Clark," she called out and then made out his large frame motionless on the bed. He was fast asleep on top of the covers wearing only his boxers. He was way too heavy for her to move; so, she grabbed the blanket draped over the couch's back and laid it over him. Who would have thought that she would have the most unbelievable sex with Clark Kent? She shook her head in wonder.

She yawned and stretched. Clothes. She needed clothes. She found her underwear and put them on. Her bra she folded and put on the bedside table. Her vision was blurry, but she thought she saw Clark's shirt lying on the other side of the bed. She stumbled over to it and slipped it on. As she buttoned it up, she took a moment to enjoy the traces of his scent that remained on it, pulling the collar to her nose.

She walked to the bed and lifted the covers climbing in. What a crazy night, she thought. Who would have ever guessed? She was asleep almost instantly.


Lois was woken by a stream of blinding sunlight assaulting her eyes. Her arms automatically moved and she covered her eyes with her hands. Where was she? This wasn't home. She heard a groan beside her and tried to open her eyes to identify the source of the sound. When she was finally able to force her eyes open, she found herself staring into the pained gaze of Clark. "I am so thirsty. I don't think I've ever been this thirsty," she heard him groan and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Me too," they found water glasses on each of their bedside tables and drank hungrily. "What the hell happened last night," Lois asked. "I haven't been hung over like this in who knows how long."

Clark rubbed his head and said, "The last thing I remember our food had arrived and we started eating."

"That's about the time my memory gave out too," she said.

"Well let's think," he supplied. "We wake up in a ritzy hotel room having slept in the same bed. I'm only in my boxers and you're-" he pulled down the blanket covering her down a little…"In my shirt," he exclaimed confused.

She looked down at herself and tried desperately to remember what had happened. She was definitely in his shirt. She tried to minimize the situation, "Well my clothes weren't exactly conducive for sleeping. I still have my underwear on," she said hopefully and Clark blushed slightly at her candor.

"Maybe we just got really drunk and passed out after we ate. Neither of us remembers differently, and it's not like we woke up in each other's arms or naked or something."

Lois nodded along with him. She had her nagging suspicions, but she would agree with just about anything at the moment to avoid the thought that something had happened between them. "Okay. Let's go with that I guess. You're right. I guess we shouldn't beat ourselves up over something when we have no proof anything happened." It sounded so lame to her, but she was a desperate woman.

They stared awkwardly at each other for a moment. Lois broke their eye contact and said, "Well, I'm getting dressed." She got off the bed and began collecting her clothes. Clark ran his eyes over her and couldn't help but appreciate the view of her in his large shirt. It covered her to her mid thigh, exposing most of her shapely tan legs. He rubbed his temple. The hang over must be responsible for that train of thought. He sighed and began fetching his clothes too.

A/N: This is my first attempt at writing anything for the consumption of others, so I hope it was okay…be gentle lol. I'm not sure if I had them hitting the bottle a little too hard, but the show has gone to lengths to prove that it takes a lot to affect Lois and even more to black her out.