Story #9




Chapter One: Last Resort

(Sauske's Pov)

Blood. Everywhere I looked, all I saw was blood. Fresh blood. Even the moon had a tainted red glow to it to match the minefield of blood. Wasted blood. It was splattered all down the street; displayed in a horrible pattern of death. Innocent blood. My blood was the only thing left.

The shadow of a blade slowly creeping forward notified me of my hunter's presence, but I was too overcome with fear to turn. The air around me became thick. Suffocating me. Numbing my every sense. My hunter is close now. So close. I can feel his breath against the back of my neck. The blade rises and is placed by my throat. I shut my eyes. I don't want to look at this person; I don't want to have to gaze through his crimson eyes filled with blood lust. He brings his face close to mine and whispers:

"You're next."

My eyes snapped open as reality hit me in the face with a cold, hard slap. I was going to die. My blood would soon leak out of my body and join the remains of my clan. The blade presses against my flesh; surprisingly it is cold. Cold like the monster standing behind me.

I flinch as the blade slices through my skin and my blood spills. The blade is withdrawn and I can hear his tongue lick my blood off the blade.

"Hmm, Sasuke!" he hisses, "You taste so good. I'm going to enjoy this one slice at a time."

My body shakes. My knees quiver. My eyes close again as I try to get a grip. Run. Run. RUN! I scream and my legs suddenly spring into action before my mind can even contemplate what I am doing. I don't look back, but I hear the hesitation in my killer's steps before he sprints after me. I must've surprised him. Me having been so paralysed in fear, to suddenly take off hopelessly with nowhere to run and hiding was futile. It didn't matter where I went; he would find me. I knew only to well that he would catch me before I reached the main village. There was only one hope left for me: scream. Scream and pray that someone would hear me.

"HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!" I don't even know how I managed to cry out. My throat was so dry that it hurt just to breath, but I kept on screaming. Something shot past me, and sliced my cheek on its way. What was that? A kunai? I gasped as its owner appeared next to me. Out of panic I made a sharp turn to the right, and tripped into the low bushes of the leaf forest.

I ran blindly, shoving through the low trees, running but going nowhere. This was hopeless. Why was I running? I knew deep down in my heart that there was no escape. I wasn't on the right path to the village. I might as well just turn around and face my fate- no matter how slow and painful it would be. Why prolong my death if there is no way around it?

My body ignored my thoughts and kept running. At least until I unexpectedly felt no ground beneath my feet to run on. I give a shout as I slid down the side of a rocky cliff. My hands reach up and finally grab onto the edge of a jagged rock.

I take a few moments to catch my breath before glancing down at the cold hostility of the lake waiting hungrily below to swallow me into its dark unknowns. Something shifts above me. I glance up. Our eyes connect and for a minute. I get lost within the nothingness of his eyes- so familiar yet so unrecognizable. Nothing. I see nothing but the burning lust for slaughter-angry flames that will only die out with my demise.

Then the truth slaps me again: die. I am going to die. The end…bye bye…but…I…I….I DON'T WANT TO DIE!

"Please… don't do this. " I pleaded, "D-don't kill me. Please…"

He smirks- amused by my last resort.

"Don't kill you?" He repeats as his eyes begin to glow, "then I'll let you cling to life." He smirked at his own pun.

I gritted my teeth together-I feel the tears approaching. I'm slowly loosing my grasp, now clutching on with just my fingertips.

"Run…" he continued as though we were having a light, dull conversation over tea, "that's all you can do. Run and cling to life. Pathetic. You're not even worth killing."

His words stab me in the heart. My finger's slip a little, I'm reaching my limit.

He sneers.

"Foolish little brother, this is the end for you. Now. You. Die."

As though this was their cue, my fingers release the edge at the word "die," and I fall. As I fall I scream my last word:


It's a long drop. All the while my brother simply watches as I drop lower and lower; I gain speed with each passing moment and continue to scream his name until finally I slam through the surface.

Freezing water fills my lungs and clogs my scream. Already I need air after my long scream down. My brain howls for oxygen. My eyes see the surface; I'm not that far from it but my brain is too busy shrieking for oxygen that it doesn't forward the message down to my arms and legs to swim.

Hopeless. My eyes close and I allow the water to swallow me up into its void. It's over. Death slowly conquers my body.

I'm dead.

