DISCLAIMER: I do not own the House of Night Series.

Hope you guys like it . . .

Chapter 6

The next morning rushed by fuzzily, as I alternated between worry about my visit to Erik and anticipation for my meeting with Anna – I would probably meet her during Equestrian Studies, or at least talk to Lenobia.

Finally, nerves on end, I decided to go see Erik now, before classes started. Leaving my breakfast half-finished, I set off to the infirmary, playing nervously with a lock of my hair all the time.

My heart pumped fearfully. Erik had to be really injured not to be able to teach, and what I had overheard from the girls kept gnawing on me. A great hole on his chest . . . I shuddered, and sped up, running now.

And, surprise surprise, ran smack into a Son of Erebus. Darius, predictably.

Maybe I should break this habit of running inside the House of Night – I would break my nose eventually. Brick walls were preferable to Darius's chest.

"Good morning, my lady," he greeted me politely, his young, handsome face very slightly amused. I couldn't be sure, looking into his always-serious expression. But his eyes twinkled.

"Hi," I said, the wind knocked out of me. My voice was breathless and a little husky.

"The High Priestess Neferet sent us, Zoey Redbird," he continued, when he had finished bowing. "In these dangerous times, she feels that it would be prudent to take larger measures to protect you, the heir and High-Priestess-in-training. The humans may target you. She has assigned you bodyguards."

"Bodyguards . . ."

The answer to my question stepped out from behind Darius. Three tall, muscular, protective male vamps. Warriors.

They all bowed in perfect harmony. It would have been hilarious – their comical seriousness and intensity in the face of what I was feeling . . . which I was sure was very clear on my face – except for those exact feelings I was feeling.

"There is nothing to be frightened of, my lady. We shall protect you," one of the vampyres said. He looked a bit like Darius – young and serious.

I gritted my teeth together to keep from screaming aloud.

"Yeah, thank you, for putting your lives at risk." Twisting my hands in the vampyre sign of respect, I said hastily, "You'll excuse me, I have an . . . errand . . ." Almost simultaneously, I turned on my heel and strode toward the teacher's room, trying to keep my outrage from showing.

Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. The idea that I could be in specific danger was ridiculous.

But I knew that it was just an excuse for Neferet – just an excuse for her to spy on me.

This was great. I didn't have time to visit Erik now, but if I hurried I would have time to confront that bitch and make it to my next class (which happened to be hers). I could have talked to her during class, but I needed to confront her where there were adult witnesses – vampyre witnesses with minds and opinions of their own, not like the brainwashed fledglings.

I stalked inside the room without bothering to pause or knock or bother with idiotic formalities. I was pissed. Really pissed.

Vampyres and professors were lounging about and sipping laced wine (laced with blood, and for a second I couldn't help the sly grin that crept on my lips) and talking in hushed, strained voices. I spotted Neferet standing with Penthesilea, a male vamp I didn't recognize, and – excellent – Lenobia.

I paused to take a deep, steadying breath before I came up to them. High Priestess, I thought.

Neferet noticed me. I saw something flash through her eyes, and then she smiled naturally. "Zoey!" she cried in delight, beckoning me over. "How are you, sweetheart?"

I approached the worried-looking group with the sweetest smile I could muster. "I'm . . . great."

I could feel Lenobia's piercing stare as she evaluated us, felt her understanding of the wide space between Neferet and I, the way the muscles in both our necks were stretched taut, how there was something forced in our friendly expressions – Lenobia perceived all of these minute details, that the others totally overlooked. All they saw was a motherly mentor and her mature, good-girl fledgling.

Neferet nodded. "I'm glad. Was there something you wanted to talk to me about?"

I didn't believe for a second that she didn't know what was on my mind. But she pretended anyway, just like me.

"Well, actually," I took a deep breath, and faked a look of deep concern, "I was worrying about the situation with the humans, Neferet." I made sure to look each of the other vamps in the eye, so they could see that I was the perfect mature, serious, responsible High Priestess-in-training, and they would feel sympathetic and agree with me. "The humans outnumber us, don't they?"

Penthesilea gave a deep sigh. "That was exactly what we were discussing. Though one warrior of ours is equal twenty of theirs, we are still at a huge disadvantage." She spoke as though to an equal, not to a fledgling.


"Exactly – we can't afford to let any warrior not fight. The protection and safety of the majority is more important than the life of one specific individual."

The male vamp raised his glass. "You see, Neferet? My opinion exactly. Personal bodyguards are now farther down the list of priorities. We must allow our own bodyguards to be released and patrol the school instead of following us like second shadows."

I liked him. He seemed bright and well-meaning, self-sacrificing for the good of his people.

"Well, Neferet, that's what I came to talk to you about." I turned to her, forcing myself to be calm and friendly and not shout in her face. I saw the bracing look in her eye and hid a grin. "Those four bodyguards you assigned me – I appreciate your concern, I really do. But it's just that I think the need for warriors around the school is greater than personal risks. I'm sure there's little chance of the humans targeting me specifically."

Penthesilea frowned. "Are you truly resolved, Zoey? I think Neferet was right to give you extra protection – you have the status and power almost of an adult vampyre, but you are more vulnerable, not being a vampyre yet, only a fledgling."

Neferet stepped forward. "Exactly, Zoeybird – this is necessary. We cannot afford to lose you, for you will someday be the High Priestess of this House of Night." She gave me a proud, maternal smile. "You are very brave, though."

I stopped myself from clenching my hands. It was clear to me that I would end up with bodyguards in the end, so I was about to excuse myself, but Lenobia spoke first, lowering her half-full goblet.

"Neferet, I agree with you that Zoey is probably in more danger than most, but we are in desperate need of soldiers. You assigned her four bodyguards? Perhaps one or two would be sufficient protection – and you can return the other three back to their original jobs."

My diplomatic ally. I had to stifle a grin again, despite my sour thoughts.

Neferet pretended to think about it for a moment, but I knew that Lenobia had won – Neferet couldn't refuse, not with the two other intelligent vamps right before her. "Very well – yes, I suppose that is best. But Zoey, do be careful, would you? I confess I am very worried."

I nodded. I guess one guard was better than four – it would be easier to give him the slip. "Thanks."

I left.

The bell for first period rang at that moment, and I rushed to Neferet's classroom, half-pleased. But this was going to complicate things – I could probably sneak out like had the first time, except even if she didn't know where I was going then she'd know that I had left the House of Night, my bodyguard would tell her.

Damn it.

Vampyre Sociology was the usual honey-smooth battle. In Drama, Erik just ignored me, but Professor Penthesilea, in Lit, treated me more as a vamp than not, which was gratifying.

I had some serious professor issues . . . Loren, Neferet, Erik . . . it was funny in a twisted, demented way.

As I made my way to Fencing, wondering who would substitute Dragon this time, Stark came running toward me.

"Hey, Birdy," he said cheerfully, slinging an arm casually across my shoulders. He walked a little too close to me as we entered the gym, his eyes careful.

Neferet doesn't need to assign me bodyguards, I thought sourly. I already have a volunteer.

A stranger vamp was taking Dragon's place today. He told us to pair up and practice and do exactly what we usually did – and of course Stark's arm tightened possessively around me. We stood across from each other, foil at the ready.

I'll show him, I thought loftily. I couldn't help a predator-like grin. I'll show him and everyone else that I don't need protection. I am strong enough to protect myself and others in the bargain.

And we fought.

I was getting better. The first time I'd fenced I'd been covered in bruises from the amount of times Da– from the amount of times my opponent had smacked my butt. But this time I wasn't sore – I parried and attacked Stark with all my concentration.

He fought back determinedly, giving everything he had. We were perfectly matched.

Stark wiped his brow when the class ended. He was just as hot when he was sweaty and tired as when he was cool and fresh.

"It's official – you'll succeed Dragon as well as Neferet," he announced, smirking over at me. I laughed at him and ducked into the locker rooms.

I ate lunch with him again, and this time he told me more about his friends, back during the time when he was still human. Most of them had been the nice, strong, relatively decent type of guys – but those types were usually the ones who agreed with the majority most, and predictably, he told me that they shunned him and looked at him in horror and pity when he'd been Marked. He spoke in the tone of someone who had long gotten over something.

"You?" he inquired easily.

I shrugged, and told him about Stank Bitch Kayla and her squad of sluts. I left out the parts about Heath.

He laughed and rolled his eyes in all the right places. I finished just as lunch ended.

"See ya," he called over his shoulder as he left for his next class. I nodded to him and waved, getting up to dump out my tray.

Equestrian Studies was nearing. I needed to talk to Lenobia.