Heeey readers (: i just wanted to say that i'm new at this so... i don't know how well i write -tears drop- JUST HOPE YOU ENJOY IT :( im doing the best i can :D
Hope you enjoy (: please R&R
Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans '-.- if I did they would still be on TV :(
So here's the first chapter "Calling all Titans"
Cyborg stood on the roof watching as the orange sun started setting. He remembered each of his teammates. Missing each one of them, and remembering what have happened five years ago…
"Friends, do we really have to do this?" Starfire was crying on Robins shoulder.
"Yeah Star we have to do this, I'm sorry" Robin tried to calm his alien girlfriend down but she just kept breaking into tears.
"Cy, can't we do something else? I mean we don't have to change identities and go away till Slade appears again." The green member of the team tried to convince Cyborg into changing his mind.
"Man, I'm sorry I don't want to separate either, but we just have to, Slade hasn't appeared since his last attack last week, and he said if the Titans didn't separate he would destroy the city in one."
Raven looked sad even to be Raven. "Cyborg is right, we can't do anymore than that, besides we are not really separating, we are just..." she was interrupted by a depressed alien girl
"we are just going to separate!"
"Starfire, we'll… still be in touch…" Raven tried to calm Starfire down as well, although that seemed impossible by now.
"Actually Rae…we can't be in touch, at least not till Slade appears, I'll stay in the tower and each of you have to go out on your own, when he appears it'll be safe to call all the titans back, we'll meet here." It hurt Cyborg so much to say those words, but there was nothing more to be done.
"So…this is goodbye?" Beast boy was about to start crying, he turned and looked at Raven and went up to her. "Rae…"she interrupted him
"Bye Beast boy." She said in her usual monotone voice although he could see the sadness in her eyes as tears started to roll down her cheek.
Beast boy took her hand which made Ravens eyes widen to her surprise, he gave her a sad smile and hugged her.
"Bye Rae…"
"Bye Beast boy" the hug fell apart as Starfire went to hug Raven also to say goodbye, and like that each Titan went off their own way. Raven was the first to leave, she just couldn't take it anymore, Beast boy left in back of her knowing that, that would be the last he would be seeing of Raven for now, then Robin left, and lastly a sad Starfire went through the door.
Cyborg stayed in the tower. "See you guys soon…" he muttered to himself.
-End Flashback-
The sun was now out of sight, replacing it was a bright orange-like color full moon.
Cyborg sighed. "I just wish that the alarm would go on" he whispered to himself.
If the alarm went on that meant that Slade was back, and he could call the other titans to meet again, after five years.
–Beep, Beep, Beep-
an alarm interrupted his thoughts. He jumped to the sound of the beeping of the alarm.
"Oh yeah!! Finally the titans are going to be back baby!" he exclaimed in excitement. He ran to the main room, almost flew right through the doors and pressed a red button "Titans, Calling all the Teen Titans, we're back baby!!"
Starfire was in her apartment, sitting on the couch watching TV. Starfire now lived in Spain she knew that if the communicator rang she could fly at the speed of light right back to the tower so she had no problem. She hadn't changed her appearance much, although now she used human clothes instead of her usual uniform. She had dark brown highlights on her orange long sparkly hair which was tied into a ponytail.
In Spain she had made many friends, she was still as joyful as her usual self, as for her romantic life, she was still in love with Robin, not loosing hope that one day she would see him again.
"Oh Robin I miss you so much." She whispered to herself as her mind was no longer on the TV. "I wish I could see you again, I am still missing you very much" Tears started to form in her alien beautiful green eyes.
Every time she thought of Robin or any of the titans she would start crying, she was still as sensitive as she had been 5 years ago.
She started remembering the good times with her friends "the walks in the park use to be marvelous with them and the eating of the pizza was so good and…" – her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar beeping noise, at first she didn't seem to recognize that noise since she hadn't heard it in quite a while, then she realized.
Her eyes widened in excitement she let out a cry of happiness and flew as fast as she could to her room.
She found the communicator in her drawer, opened it, and then she heard her teammate's voice "Titans, Calling all the Teen Titans, we're back baby!!"
Star pressed the respond button "Friend Cyborg!! We are back!! I shall be right there I am on my way!!" her voice was full of delight, excitement she couldn't contain her happiness at once she started flying towards titans tower "I shall be able to see my friends again!! I will see my Robin again" she screamed and made loops through the air as she kept flying towards her home, her real home.
Robin was working out in the gym. Even though he wasn't fighting crime anymore he still had to stay in shape. Robin also hadn't changed much his appearance. The only real difference so that people wouldn't recognize him was that he took of his mask. Robin had gorgeous light blue eyes that were as keen as a hawk's eye sight. After that, everything about him was pretty much the same, though he had grown taller and of course he no longer had his uniform on either.
Not much had been happening in his life, he had gone back to school to finish high school, he had finished it with honors and many scholarships, but he just didn't enter any university because he knew he would go back into crime fighting. In his romantic life, well he hadn't had any every since Starfire, we was still in love with her and he knew that since he would see her again there was no point in forgetting her.
Every day through his daily routine of working out in the gym, he had become very muscular because of that. His spiky hair was the same as always. He grunted as he lifted the weight each time, trying harder and harder not giving up, then something threw him off.
"Huh?" something starting ringing in his pocket a very familiar sound, he reached into to his pocket and took out the Titans communicator he was shocked to see that it was ringing. He smiled knowing that the time had come and opened the communicator to respond
"Titans, Calling all the Teen Titans, we're back baby!!" he heard Cyborg's voice.
Then, he immediately pressed the respond button "Cyborg, Cyborg, I got your message I'm on my way to Titans tower right now. Robin ran out of the gym hurrying towards the tower. "Finally I'll see my team again, I'll see my Starfire again" and he just kept smiling to himself as he kept running as his maximum speed.
By a big window in a medium size apartment, there sat Raven. She was looking out the window that had the ocean as her view; it just reminded her of the Titans Tower, of how every time she would look out a window she would see that peaceful sparkly sea. Raven was one that changed quite a lot. Her short violet hair had now become a long violet smooth silky hair, banes covered her forehead but they were not thick enough to cover her red looking like diamond on her forehead. Raven had also grown a little taller although she was still kind of average in height.
She no longer wore her uniform instead she had a black tight shirt and a navy blue skirt. She wore black boots that went up to her knees. Her life had been very different, she had went to finish high school, graduated, of course at the top of her class, but like Robin she didn't go to college knowing that crime fighting would come back to her life. As for romance in her life she dated a couple of guys while finishing high school hoping she would forget Beast boy, obviously that didn't seem to work because she was still in love with that green changeling.
Raven sighed. "Beast boy, why can't I get you out of my heart?" she sighed once again "I know you're never going to like me so what's the point of this feeling?"
She always seemed to ask herself the same questions although never had any luck answering them. "This life couldn't be duller without him bothering me every day."
She was mesmerized by the beauty of the ocean, so shiny, so peaceful, that deep blue water covered by a veil of sparkling stars with a big orangey moon.
"Beastboy…" she whispered to herself as she had done many times during these five years. Breaking through her thoughts a beeping sound started coming from her room.
She stood up cautiously still not recognizing the noise. She walked over to her room and detected where that noise was coming from.
"This can't be…" her eyes started filling themselves with tears of happiness "but the time has finally come."
She picked the communicator up with her hand and she stood there still hearing that familiar noise that she now recognized.
She flipped the communicator open and heard after many years her friends voice "Titans, Calling all the Teen Titans, we're back baby!!"
She smiled to herself as she pressed the reply button "Cyborg I'm going to Titans tower right now, I'll be there in a while." She closed the communicator, put it in her skirt pocket, smiled, and then let happiness consume her on the way to the tower. She flew through the door, and then through the dark blue sky of the night.
There sat a green changeling in the dining room of an apartment. Beast boy hadn't changed much he was still playful and well his usual self. His green luxurious hair was still the same. As well as his emerald eyes, he had grown a lot taller. In his life, he would work out some days just to stay in shape, after that he hadn't done much. His romantic life was only full with one person: Raven. He hadn't gone out with anyone, he didn't want to forget Raven and he knew it was impossible because his love for her was too much. He always thought about her, every minute of his life, he just wished that she did too.
Beast boy was thinking back to the good times. "The Teen Titans was the best thing that has ever happened to me, especially because there I met Raven…" he sighed "I miss her so much I just wish that she would miss me too…but who am I kidding…Raven liking me?" he sighed once again "that's never going to happen…" he laid his head on top of his arms on the table.
"I'm nothing without the Titans…I'm nothing without Raven…" his voice started to sound sad, very sad. "Wonder wha-" He was interrupted by a familiar sound in the background. His face lit up with joy when he recognized the sound, he ran towards a closet in a box he say the communicator and just as he had thought it was beeping.
"Dude I can't believe it!!" he opened the communicator.
He heard his best friends voice after a good five years "Titans, Calling all the Teen Titans, we're back baby!!"
He instantaneously pressed the reply button "Dude!! Finally!! About time!! Cy I'm on my way!!" he put the communicator in his pocket, morphed into a cheetah ran down the stairs till he made it out, then he morphed into an eagle and took of to his home.
Cyborg stood in front of the controls listening to each one of his fellow teammates reply. This was an ecstatic moment! Finally after all these years!! The titans were back!! Cyborg ran to the roof of the tower knowing that most of his friends would arrive by air, he stood there waiting under a veil of shining stars.
Okaaay! So Chapter 1 is finished (: YaY
I really hope you liked it!!
Tell me if there is anything more I can do to improve or something you know that I can work on or you would like me to work on for the next chapters. (:
I'll update as soon as i can, promise but please motivate me more :( -beggs- reviewssss!! :( -puppy dog eyes-
PS: Don't forget to reviewwww! ;)