Hanyou Village Chapter 1- Meeting Naomi

Hanyou Village Chapter 1- Meeting Naomi

"It's so cold out here." Kagome whined for the hundredth time.

"We have to find a cave Inuyasha." Miroku told him.

"Don't you think I know this?" Inuyasha yelled.

They had been climbing through a mountain for two days now and for at least nine hours they had been trudging through a horrible blizzard. "Why are we out here again?" Kagome asked. She was the coldest, next to Shippo who was currently in her arms trying to gain any heat he could possibly get from her.

"You sensed a jewel shard up here." Sango reminded her as she walked next to her.

They were all trudging against the wind and snow "Oh yeah, it is close by." Kagome said shivering.

They kept going through for another thirty minutes before Kagome had enough. "That's it; I need to rest." She yelled as she fell down into the snow. Everyone turned around when they heard her fall.

Inuyasha was the first by her side. "Kagome stay awake." He said as he took off his kimono and wrapped it around her.

"Inuyasha it is cold out here." Kagome whispered still with the sleeping Shippo in her hands.

Inuyasha picked her up in his arms. "We need to keep going if we are to find a place." Inuyasha said as they continued on.

"How is Kagome?" Miroku asked trying to make a conversation.

"She is freezing." Was all Inuyasha could say.

They went on for a short while longer before they saw a village in a valley in the middle of the snowstorm. "That was a lucky break." Sango whispered. "Lets go check it out."

They all agreed as they as started to go closer to the village. It took them about twenty minutes to get to the place of refuge and they stopped when they realized that there was a big wall around it. "Who goes there?" a female voice asked.

Miroku stood out in front of them as it was his job to get into places. "Well you see, I have a friend that may freeze to death if we don't get her into a warm place." He said to them.

"Why should we care human?" came the voice.

"Wait are you guys demon then, because we also travel with demons." Miroku said pointing to Shippo and Kilala.

"Demons are definitely not welcome in here." The woman said.

"What are they than?" Sango whispered to Miroku.

Miroku shrugged his shoulders not knowing what else to do.

Inuyasha let out a growl than yelled, "If you don't let us in than I am going to break down this door."

"Inuyasha?" the female voice shrieked. "Oh my gosh it is you! Hold on." Then they heard the door starting to unlock.

"Do you know who this is?" Miroku whispered.

"No." Inuyasha whispered.

Kagome finally started to stir and open her eyes as the door slowly opened. A girl appeared before them, she had the same looks as Inuyasha except they were more feminine. Her eyes were also a little more brown than gold. "Oh Inuyasha, I am so glad to be able to see you after…how long has it been? A hundred years at least."

Inuyasha stood staring at her dumbly.

The girl then squealed as she talked in an overly joyous tone "Oh where are my manners, come in but to warn you all, humans and demons aren't allowed so everyone will be giving you guys a lot of evil stares." She told them as she allowed them all in.

Once the entire group was in, they couldn't believe their eyes all around them were half demons through out the whole village. All of them stopping what they were doing to stare at the gang as they walked down the main street. "I feel like we aren't welcomed here." Miroku whispered.

"Yeah, I am getting that same feeling." Sango agreed as they walked along trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

"Alright, just go into this room, a fire is already started. I will be back in a few minutes to catch up on old times." She said looking at Inuyasha the whole time.

"Alright thanks." Inuyasha said as he walked into the room with Kagome still in his arms. Both of them were looking around at the small room. "Kagome are you doing better?"

"Yes, can you set me down against the wall?" she asked him.

"Sure." He said. Once he sat her down he looked around the room.

"Did you recognize that girl?" Sango asked.

"No, I don't." he whispered.

"Inuyasha, you are quite the ladies man." Miroku whispered to his friend.

Inuyasha glared at him. "I think I would remember her if that was true." He whispered under his breath.

The door then flew open as the girl ran straight to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Woah woah, what are you doing?" Inuyasha yelled pulling the girl off.

"You don't remember me? You have to. Remember when we were younger, I was about to get attacked and you came out of no where and saved me. My mom found out and wanted to thank you…any of this ringing a bell?" she asked.

"Naomi?" Inuyasha asked in disbelief. "I thought you were dead. I thought I would never see you again!" Inuyasha changed his personality all together; he ran over to her and put his arm around her shoulders. No one missed the moment the two appeared to quickly lick each other under the cheek. "You guys this is Naomi. I met her way before I met Kikyo. Both of us always hung out when we were younger." He said still having an arm over her shoulder.

"Half demons gotta stick together." Naomi announced and they both laughed.

"Oh I almost forgot to tell you my friend's names; this is Shippo, Miroku, Sango, Kilala, and lastly Kagome." He pointed over to Kagome who looked more dumfounded than the rest.

"What just happened?" Sango whispered to Miroku.

"I think we witnessed a reunion between two old friends." Miroku stated.

"They seemed to be very good friends." Kagome whispered out as she watched Inuyasha holding Naomi's hand in his.

All of them looked over at Kagome as jealousy seemed to consume her. "Calm down Kagome, I am sure he was just happy to see her." Sango reassured her friend. 'At least for Inuyasha's sake it better be just that.' She thought.

"So Naomi how did you guys meet?" Miroku asked, trying to make Kagome not seem so jealous.

"We met in the most random way." Inuyasha butted in before Naomi could speak. "I was walking along when I was twenty or thirty and I heard her screams in the distance. I ran as fast as I could to see her getting attacked. I jumped in and killed that weak demon for her. Than her mother came out a few minutes later and told me to leave her land but than Naomi told her mom of my heroic efforts and her mother said I could hang out with them due to me being half demon like her daughter and not having anywhere to go."

"Remember when Sesshomaru came around?" Naomi asked him.

Inuyasha started to laugh as he told them the story "Oh man, you guys should have been there, Sesshomaru came around not realizing he was on the edge of her families land we assumed it was because he could smell me but anyways, her mother came in front of him and we were behind her. She told him to leave and he refused. She left a mark about this big across his front." Inuyasha put his finger about nine inches apart. "She made him run with his tail between his legs." Inuyasha laughed again before slapping his knees.

"We had such good times. While others were fighting we turned into good friends. We never fought." Naomi said leaning into Inuyasha.

"Yeah, we never fought we only had good times."

"What made you guys split up?" Kagome asked in a hopeful voice.

Naomi went silent "I don't know exactly. Inuyasha just said he had to leave one day. Do you remember why?" Naomi asked Inuyasha.

"No, actually I don't. We were always good friends, I can't remember why I left you and your mom." Inuyasha said trying to think of why.

"I haven't been able to be with another guy since that day." Naomi sighed leaning into Inuyasha.

"You haven't found one guy that likes you? That's hard to believe you are pretty cool." Inuyasha told her.

Naomi smiled, "Thank you Inuyasha. But I have had many guys come to me but none of them made me want them." She pushed even more into him.

Sango and Miroku froze as they could feel the tension coming from Kagome. 'Is Inuyasha really this dense that he doesn't know what's going on?' Miroku wondered.

"Inuyasha it is late at night, why don't you come with me and we can talk in the other room while your friends sleep?" Naomi asked.

"Yeah sure, I normally stay up half the night anyways." He said nonchalantly following her out.

Once the door closed everything was silent. Well almost everything, they could hear Kagome grinding her teeth in the back of the room. "That lucky dog." Miroku whispered.

"Miroku how could you say that? Kagome calm down he is too stupid to realize anything." Sango told her friend.

"Yeah, it isn't like I should care anyways. Its not like we are going out or anything." Kagome whispered.

"I am sure he will be back before you know it but we should get some sleep either way." Sango told her.

"I guess so but, but what if he decides to stay here, everyone here will accept him." Kagome sighed out. This was a place for half demons, everyone here accepted everyone and it worried her more when Naomi made the comment, 'half demons gotta stick together.'

"He wouldn't leave you Kagome." Sango whispered.

"But she is a half demon like him." Kagome told her friend.

"You have a point." Miroku whispered.

"You're not helping." Sango yelled before turning back to her friend, "You were the first person to truly accept him. He won't forget that." Sango reminded her.

"Well he is grown up; I can't make his decisions for him." Kagome whispered. As she went to lie down to go to sleep near the fire.

Everyone went to bed that night fearful for Inuyasha's life. They were pretty glad that Inuyasha wasn't in the same room or Kagome may have had him strangled by morning.

I have had this one in my computer for a while now. So I decided to put it up!! I think it isn't one of my better works but you can tell me what you think.

If you know me, I strive to keep the characters in character at all times!! So let me know how I did with that.

Please review for me oh and if you have any questions about this let me know!