

Samantha Puckett and Carly Shay had just finished doing their web cast, iCarly. They were sitting on bean bags, sipping Peppy Cola while their tech producer, Freddie Benson, read fan mail.

"Hey guys, there's a guy here who wants to video chat with us."

"Okay, turn it on." said Sam. She finished her Peppy Cola, stomped on the can and threw it at Freddie. It hit him right in the face.

"Ouch! Sam!" he complained.

"Deal with it, dork face." She said.

"Sam, that wasn't nice." Scolded Carly.

"Fine, whatever, put me in time out, I don't care. Are we going to do this video chat thingy or not?"

Freddie typed something on his laptop and the flat screen TV turned on. A man in his thirties with short brown hair appeared on the screen.

"'Ello, Carly, Sam, and Freddie. My name is Bernard Atherton, buy you may know me already. I'm a world famous movie director." He spoke with a British accent and he sounded sort of snooty.

"Oh my gosh! Pleasure to meet you!" exclaimed Carly.

"Well, I've been (he pronounced it "bean") watching your show, and I must say, it is the bee's knees!" he said happily.

"In English, please?" said Sam rudely.

"It's fabulous!"

"Thanks!" said Freddie.

"He wasn't talking to you, Freddie; he was talking to Carly and me." Sam interrupted.

Bernard laughed. "Jolly good, jolly good. You act exactly the same in real life." He said to Sam.

"Soooo….what do you want?" asked Sam, not even trying to be polite.

"Well, I want to talk to Sam. You see, I am going to have a movie set in Seattle, Washington and I'm in need of a young lady to play the lead. You fit the part perfectly." He said.

"Really? Cool!"

"And Carly, darling. You would be a great as Sam's best friend in my film!"

"OH MY GOSH!" Carly and Sam screamed, then started a round of random dancing.

"And me?" asked Freddie.

"Well, I was thinking to have you as the popular jock that Sam's character has a crush on." Explained the British film director.

"That'll be hard for him." Whispered Sam loud enough for Freddie to hear.

"I see it will take some major acting skills to have it seem as if you fancy him!"

"Yes, it will." Said Sam.

Carly laughed.

"I'll have to ask Spencer, but-" Carly started to say, but was interrupted.

"No buts! I already have permission from all three of you! You'll be flown to Britain, where the first scenes of the movie are set, tomorrow morning. I have to go now, good night."

"Good night." Said Carly, and the screen went black.

"OH MY GOD!" all three of them screamed. Sam laughed because Freddie sounded like a girl. Sam and Carly happy danced for five minutes, and then got in their PJ's. Freddie went back to his house.

Tomorrow, they would start their careers as famous celebrities!