Chapter 2

"Hey baby, how are you," I asked as I sat down next to the wounded girl.

"I've been better," she rasped. I traced the outline of the bruise on her arm. She was looking off, to some faraway land.

"Who did this to you?" I asked her. My eyes misted as I saw the horrible purple and pink bruises.

"That's better if you didn't know, Lucy," Sarah murmured. Sarah moved her badly beaten body. I sobbed as she screeched in horrible, dreadful, sharp, pain. Plump, round tears fell from her beautiful eyes.

"Don't you dare, don't you dare say it's better if I don't know Sarah. You are like the baby sister I never had; I will always protect you." I leaned in closer to the shaken girl. "Always," I whispered. "Now who did this?" My voice was low, but above a whisper.

"Go away Lucy, it's safer if you don't know." Sarah closed her eyes and leaned back. I sighed and walked out of the room. Mitchie was at my side in moments.

"Tell her I'll be back later, I have to see my kids." Mitchie blinked as she watched me go. She didn't say a word, and I preferred it that way.

As I walked threw the door, I heard singing. I walked towards the kitchen. I saw Mary, Sally-May, and Mathew in the there; Abella was sitting on the counter. Mary was stirring a bowl of batter, Sally-May was coloring icing, Mathew was watching. The kids were talking and laughing as Mathew told jokes. 13 year old Sally May looked up.

"Hey mom," she said with a smile. Everyone else turned to look at me.

"Hi mom," the rest chorused.

"Don't burn down my kitchen," I said as I turned and walked up the stairs.

"We'll try not to!" I heard Sally-May yell. I smiled to myself as I opened the door to my bedroom. I smiled again when I saw Charlie lying in his crib. Charlie was my only son that was mine by blood. I walked over to the baby monitor.

"I'm relieving you of duties," I said into it. I turned it off then turned to my son. I picked the little boy (who was now wide awake) up and walked over to my bed. I sat down and started playing with him.

Next Night's Concert

I walked onto the stage with a big smile on my face. "Hey everyone!" I yelled into my mic. I laughed as I got the screams of my fans. "You know, it's my daughter, Abella's birthday. Can you all give her a shout out?!" I screamed as I jumped into the air. I smiled as everyone started shouting.

"Abella, this one's for you," I said into the mic as I set it onto the stand.

"A-N-G-E-L A-N-G-E-L
Just like a shadow
I'll be beside you
I'll be your comfort
I'm there to guide you home
I will provide you
A place of shelter
I want a be your stone
Tell me what you wanted me to do
I'll make you great to be a man
With a woman who can stand
On every promise given
Making vows to please her man
," I smiled as I stepped back.

If I could be your angel
Your angel, Your angel
Protect you from the pain
(from the pain)
I'll keep you safe from danger
from danger, from danger
You'll never hurt again
I'll be your a.n.g.e.l
(Yeah yeah)
a.n.g.e.l, a.n.g.e.l
I'm gonna be your a.n.g.e.l
I'll be your angel

Just like the moon
I'll step aside
And let your sun shine
While I follow behind
Cause baby what ya got
You deserve all the props
With everything I'm not
and I'm so glad your mine
Tell me what you wanted me to do
I'll make you great to be a man
With a woman who can stand
On every promise given
Making vows to please her man

If I could be your angel
Your angel, Your angel
Protect you from the pain
(from the pain)
I'll keep you safe from danger
from danger, from danger
You'll never hurt again
I'll be your a.n.g.e.l
(eh ey ay ey)
a.n.g.e.l, a.n.g.e.l
I'm gonna be your a.n.g.e.l
I'll be your angel

Tell me why there's so many good men
And the world's misunderstood
He's a dog, he's no good
I wish somebody would
Disrespect my man
You're gon' have to come see me
I go hard for my baby
He's all that I need

So if you got a good one
Put your hands up,
Come on girl and stand up
Go ahead lift your man up
Get up
If you got a good one
Put your hands up
Come on girl and stand up
Go ahead lift your man up
Get up

If I could be your angel
Your angel, Your angel
Protect you from the pain
(from the pain)
I'll keep you safe from danger
You'll never hurt again
I'll be your a.n.g.e.l
a.n.g.e.l, a.n.g.e.l
You'll never hurt again
a.n.g.e.l a.n.g.e.l a.n.g.e.l
I'm gona be your a.n.g.e.l
I'll be your angel"

"So Abella that was for you!"

"Alright, this next song is for my best friend, Sarah MacCartney who is in the hospital. Sarah, this is for you."

"A war is raging all around me
I'm weary, and battle worn
The forces of the night surround me
Threatening to destroy

And the battlefield is strong with broken lies
Torn and tattered in the struggle to survive
But I will not be a casualty of this war I didn't start
I'll fight it with a fearless heart

The darkness bades me to surrender
My weakness begs me to retreat
The faith sustains its true defenders with a promise of relief

And though the battlefield is strong with broken lies
Torn and tattered in the struggle to survive
I will not be a casualty of this war I didn't start
I'll fight it with a fearless heart

I will not lay my courage down
Until the enemy is bound
I will not bow

And though the battlefield is strong with broken lies
Torn and tattered in the struggle to survive
I will not be a casualty of this war I didn't start
I'll fight it with a fearless heart

Fearless heart..."

After singing a few more songs I walked off the stage and into my dressing room. I raced into Jessie's arms. He kissed my forehead then beckoned me to come with him. I let him lead me towards the back of the dressing room. He pulled me down onto the couch. He leaned forward and pulled something out from under the couch.

He brought out a purple box. "Tell Abella I hope she likes it." I smiled and took the box from him.

"I will; I gotta go home Jessie, and spend some time with my princess. You can come if you want, Abella would like it, but I'm sure you want to see your sister," I said as I hugged him. He smiled and left

When I got home, I could immediately feel in my gut that something was wrong. My walk turns into a run as I see the front door of our mansion is open.

I look around the kitchen, living room, and dinning room. I hear a scream and something break. I yell out. I knew that voice, it was Sally-May. I get to the top floor (also known as the game floor). The window is open and the first thing I see is a bloody Sally-May. I run to her side. My eyes mist as I look her over. Her shirt had been yanked off, and knifed into her stomach, were bloody words that sent tears down my cheeks… I'll be back.

A/N Poor Sally-May. But were are the rest of her children? Charlie? How is hurting her baby girl?

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