I don't own these guys wish i did. Hope you enjoy :)

Diefenbaker's Ranch

Ray had been driving for hours as he pulled up to the gates of his destination. Ray looked at his watch he'd been driving 17 hours and 27 minutes had it really taken that long to drive from Chicago to Montana. Ray looked at the name that donned the Ranch, 'Diefenbaker's Ranch'.

Ray put his head on the steering wheel muttering to himself, "Shit had Willie sold the place or just got a new sponsor who changed the name. Did I drive all this way for noting"?

After a few minutes Ray decided to drive in. Maybe Willie did just do that after all. As Ray drove the long drive in he noticed a lot of changes. A lot more horses ran in the fields. Little cabins with stables attached where dotted around the place.

Stopping half way up the drive Ray got out and went to lean on the fence to watch the horses.

Thinking back to when he was first here. Remembering Willie teaching him how to ride. Willie helping him to get his licence and cert's to teach if he wanted to. Remembering Willie's words, "Ray Kowalski you're a natural. You ever fancy a career change my friend you look me up"? So here Ray was looking for that change.

Ray was so lost in thought that he didn't hear or see a young man approach him. The young man spoke trying to get his attention, "Sir, Sir, Sir are you ok Sir"?

Ray's head snapped up broke out of his thoughts, "Oh sorry I didn't see ya there".

The young man moved closer to Ray, "That's quite alright sir. Are you looking for someone"?

Ray looked around him, "Am yes. I was hoping to speak to Willie about a job, but it looks like he is gone"?

The young man studied Ray, "Your right sir Willie was last owner. But I'd say you're in luck. The new boss was actually going to send me into town tomorrow to put up a notice for someone new. So your timing is perfect".

Putting out his hand to Ray, "Look I'm Mickey. Why don't you follow me up to the main office and I'll fetch the boss"?

Ray shook his hand, "Hi Mickey I'm Ray Kowalski call me Ray. And you sure he won't mind"?

Mickey laughed, "Oh no, no, no he won't mind. He is a great boss. I'm sure if you work for him you'll love it. Come on it's not far"?

Ray hopped back into his GTO and followed Mickey back up to the main office and parked up. Mickey brought Ray in and sat him on the couch.

Standing in front of Ray, "Ray if you don't mind me saying so. You look hungry when the last time you ate something was"?

Ray shrugged his shoulders, "Am about 18 hours ago I guess".

Shaking his head Mickey starched his head, "Ok I'll get you something to eat with tea or coffee. Then I'll fetch the boss ok. And don't say no because I don't want you passing out before you meet him. Ok so what will it be soup and a sandwich or I can do a mean frozen meal? I have chicken, beef or pork"?

Ray looked up to Mickey, "I'll am ok the chicken sounds wonderful thanks and coffee would be perfect. Thank you really".

Waving a hand, "its ok I've a good feeling about you. Ok so I won't be a few minutes ok. Oh and just in case he comes in. A white wolf might come in don't worry he is friendly unless you try and hurt the boss. He might bribe you for a rub".

Ray's eyes widened, "You're shitting me a wolf. And want me not to be frightened".

Laughing, "I can promise you that your safe just no sudden movements only joking. Hi name is Diefenbaker but we call him Dief. And he is def do if he dose come in talk to his face he lips reads. Ok so I'll be back in a few minutes with your food ok".

Ray sat praying that the would didn't come in. just as Ray thought that their he was sitting in front of him wagging his tail.

Ray still and spoke to his face, "Hiya Dief. Hey buddy".

Dief jumped up and started to lick Ray all over his face. This made Ray laugh, "Ok, ok buddy I guess I like you to".

Diefenbaker curled up on the couch next to Ray as Mickey came back with Ray's meal and coffee.

Giving ray's his tray of food, "Ah I see Dief found you then. Good thing he seems to like you. That will bode well with the boss. I'll go get him now. Enjoy your meal. And Dief paws off that's Ray's dinner ok. You already stole that kid's lunch. Oh don't give me those eyes you know you did mister".

Ray took a bite, "Thanks Mickey this is great".

Mickey left to fetch the boss leaving Ray to laugh at their exchange and enjoy his meal. Which he ate with much vigour.

It was twenty minutes before Ray heard them come back. Ray looked up to see a very tall handsome man. Ray thought to himself since when do I think of other men as handsome. God I must be tired.

The man approached him taking off his coat, "Hi you must be Ray Kowalski Mickey was telling me about. I'm Ben Fraser the new owner of this place. Mickey said you knew Willie"?

Shaking Ben's hand, "Am yes I'm Ray. And ya I knew Willie. He said if I ever needed a career change to look him up. And I need a career change".

Now sitting at Ben's desk, "So Ray why do you want a career change"?

Ray shifted nervously in his chair, "Am do I have to go into that right now"?

Ben looked at Ray carefully, "Well Ray I would like to know. In case you're running from something. Something that might affect the business".

Ray looked sad, "Mr Fraser I can promise you that I'm not running from anything illegal I swear".

Ben locked his hands together, "Call me Ben. Look Ray I'd like to take your word or it. But I get a lot of runaways and other types coming through here. So I will need to know more I'm sorry".

Ray nodded, "Ok, ok Ben that's fair I guess. I would do the same in your shoes. I was a detective in Chicago. Very bad last case".

Looking down at his hands before going on, "Just couldn't do it anymore. So I quit and left. Decided to come up here and take Willie up on his offer. But I guess".

Ben sat back, "Actually Ray when I bought this place Willie did mention a Ray. He said if you were to ever come looking for work I was to help you out. So you must be the Ray he was talking about. And from what he told me about you you're just what I'm looking for. Are your licences and cert's up to date"?

Ray nodded, "Yes I keep them up to date all the time just in case".

Clapping his hands, "Ok Ray when can you start. But before you answer me I must tell you. The pay for your position is 14.50 an hour. Accommodation is included if you need it. You do pay for electrics' and your phone but that's very little. I'll explain why later. So what do you say"?

Ray smiled, "That sounds perfect. That's more then I made before. I can start whenever you want"?

Shaking Ray's hand, "Welcome Ray to Diefenbaker's Ranch. I hope you will be very happy here"?

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