AN: Okay I know I haven't updated in a few months and I'm really sorry about it. I have been so busy with so many other things that I have neglected this story and I'm really sorry, from the bottom of my heart.

So anyway here is another chapter from me and I hope you enjoy it. I'm going to try and post as much as I can this week and maybe end this and start something I've been thinking about. So enjoy and remember to review.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except some characters.

Chapter 15: Here comes trouble

They pulled away from the kiss with their foreheads attached. A night of them in a fight is the longest they have gone without any communication and it was definitely killing them both. They both looked at each for a while before they were interrupted by Andy, again. The moment Troy laid eyes on his sister he lost all the calmness in his body and anger was all that was left. He removed the beautiful girl from his arms and turned to his sister.

"Andy, what on earth were you thinking lying to mom and dad like that?! You had us all worried about you! And don't get me started on-" he was interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

"At least you're talking to me again." Andy said cautiously.

"Andy this is not the time for your jokes and sarcasm! Now I want you to get in the car right this instant!" Troy exclaimed looking at his sister furiously. Before Andy could even make a move to say anything to her brother, Gabriella moved in between both of them. Whilst Troy was screaming at his sister he seemed to have moved closer to her.

"Now Troy calm down and let her explain herself to you before you kill her!" Gabriella told him calmly.

"No! I refuse to listen to anything she says. She always ends saying something that will make want to kill her more." Gabriella looked at him and lost her patience with him. He always had to be stubborn and difficult.

"TROY ALEXANDER BOLTON, you will sit down right now and listen to your sister," Gabriella said loudly but in a stern voice that frightened both of the siblings in the room," are we clear?"

Troy gulped and nodded his head vigorously. "Yes mam!" He quickly, fast walked to the living room and sat down on the couch with his sister following behind trying to contain her laughter.

They each took a seat on their own couches, each facing each other. "Okay now Troy you're going to listen to your sister without any interruptions." It felt like she was talking to two five year olds.

"First of all, I'm really sorry Troy. I didn't mean to hurt I just didn't want to lose my big brother." Troy looked like he was about to say something but Andy beat him to it. "I know it may all seem confusing but it felt like I was going to lose you to Gabi. I had this feeling that she would replace me. The way you looked at her gave it all away." Now everything seemed so clear. They spoke for what seemed like hours, but in reality was minutes, about everything and how Andy ended up at Gabriella's.


Troy and Gabriella were left with their relationship unsettled. After their heart to heart, Troy asked Andy to get her things whilst he talked to Gabriella.

"I'm sorry about everything and what happened yesterday." Troy was nervous about what the results to their conversation will be. Will they end it forever? Will they try to make it work? He really hopes they will try to make work.

"I know Troy. I just didn't want to come in between you and your family. It felt like I was going to be the one to end a family. All my life, Troy, I didn't get a chance to have a big family and have my family treat me the way they treat you, and I just can't come between that." By this time Gabriella had tears falling from her eyes. She didn't want to lose the man she loved.

"Abi, you don't realize the affect you have on me? Even though my family and I will have a fight over you it doesn't mean we won't work it out in the end. Any case if they really Love me and want me to be happy they will learn to accept you." He looked at her with sincerity in his eyes, showing her that he was serious about what he was telling her.

"I love you Troy, I really do," she smiled at him, "but I really don't-"

"Abi, I don't even want you to think about ending this ok? I love you more than anything and I'm not about to lose you over something like this. My family loves you! I mean your even going shopping with my sister which doesn't always happen. My mom even asked me when were going to get married for heaven's sake! So we are going to make this work ok?" Troy had tears in his eyes after his speech, but made sure they didn't fall down.

Gabriella looked at him with love and adoration. She couldn't think of words to tell him so all she did was kiss him with all the love and passion she had for him. The kiss was so powerful that she felt her knees go weak. Troy quickly held onto her so that she wouldn't fall over and hurt herself.

They pulled away at the sound of feet coming down the stairs.

"I'll come by later, ok?" Troy asked knowing they had to solve everything.

"Ok, just call first in case I'm not here." Gabriella whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"I love you, remember that ok?!" He stated more than questioned.

He looked at his sister and motioned for them to leave. Troy opened the door for them to leave and was surprised when his sister engulfed his girlfriend in a big hug.

"Thanks Gabi you're the best and I'm sorry for the pain I caused." With that she walked out the door leaving the two adults in shock at her words and action.

Troy smiled at Gabriella and walked out the door, getting in the car and driving off to an all too familiar place.


The car ride was silent but a good type of silent. They were both lost in their own thoughts. One thinking about the trouble she is in when she gets home, the other about his relationship with a certain Latina. They were in such a deep thought they didn't see the robot light had turned green. They were brought back by the honks of cars behind them. After a while they were on the road again. Suddenly, Troy's phone started buzzing in his pocket and he pulled it out and gave it to his sister to answer, since he was driving.

"Hello, Troy's phone, how may I help you?"

"Young lady you better be on your way back here!" she heard her father's voice from the was she in trouble.

"Yes daddy we're in the car as we speak."

"You better be ready for 3 months of grounding!" With that the phone was hung up.

She looked at her brother with fear in her eyes. Her father had never ever sounded so angry in the time she knew him, which is a long time. He looked at her with a pointed look as is saying he was definitely not getting involved in it.

"You were asking for it." He stated simply.

"Don't make me feel as bad as I already feel, okay?" She said glaring at him.

"Yea well whatever, we're here." He said stopping the car and getting out, her following after him.

They opened the door and were greeted with 4 worried or in Jack's case, furious faces.

Thanks for reading this guys even though I haven't updated in such a long time. Once again I aplogize for the late update.
