Hey Everyone! I hope you guys like the first chapter of my first WOWP story:D
I do not own anything in this story accept for the plot!
I hope you guys all enjoy it!
The Seduction of One Justin Russo
Alex's P.o.v
I woke up this morning to an arm around my waist and the sound of light snoring in my ear. I looked up to see the face of my handsome brother. Yup thats right I, Alex Russo was indeed lying naked in my bed with my brother Justin Russo. Your probably wondering how this all happened. The truth is it all started one Saturday afternoon.
Alex's pov
" Alex! Alex, guess what?!" I heard a voice shout.
I turned around to see my younger brother running towards me.
" What is it Max" I asked.
"Well I was going through Justin's room to find my video game, but instead I found his journal!"
" Ouuu good job Max! Now hand it over!"
" Not unless you give me 5" he told me with a smirk.
"Fine..." I quickly took a 5 bill from my pocket and shoved it into his hand.
" Here ya go!" he handed it to me.
Once I had it I went back to my room, closed the door and jumped onto the bed opening the journal at a random page and began to read.
"Dear Journal,
Today was sooo much fun! I started off the day with a math quizz that I so totally aced..."
Boring...I fliped it to another page.
" Dear journal,
I finally asked Miranda out today. We went to the movies to see Indiana Jones. Needless to say we didn't do must watching if you know what I mean. We..."
Ok...awkward...I fliped it to another page.
"Dear Journal,
Something is wrong with me lately. I mean all I can think about is my baby sister Alex. I think about her smile, the smell of her hair, her enchanting eyes, her beauty. I mean I've just begun to notice how much she's grown. Mentally AND physically. Everytime I look at her I just want to push her up against the wall and ravish her...but who am I kiddin if I ever told her that or did that she would be traumatized. I guess ill just have to keep it in my thoughts..."
I smirked to myself, now THATS interesting...
End flashback
So that was when I first planed to execute plan "The seduction of Justin". My goal for this plan was to tempt Justin into acting on all his...shall we say naughty thoughts? With him of course not knowing that it was on purpose or that secretly I had been having similar thoughts. Anyways back to the story...
After I had put the journal back in his room, I had walked by the bathroom only to notice that Justin was almost done. This would be perfect for the first event of the "Seduction of Justin". I quickly ran back to my room, got rid of all my clothes and wraped a towel around myslef tying my hair up in a messy bun at the same time. I stood by the door, and the second I heard Justin walking by, I flung the door open and fell on top of him.
Hope you guys like it sooo far! Whats gonna happen next? Review and find out!:D