I had to delete the original one because it wasn't getting enough hits yet. Technically, it was half-done, so this is the upgraded completed version.

So, we are now in the first Gundam Seed story in between the two great stories, Masked Hero With the Frozen Heart and the new proposed Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: A Hero's Chronicles.

This fic will cover the ZAFT academy, since this is in C.E. 68, going to C.E. 69 when the PLANTs are in a state of rebellion.

So, here's the people that will attend the ZAFT Academy from the Narutoverse: Naruto, Shinosuke, Amaya, Koyuki, Itachi, Mamoru, Matsuhito, Mayura, Yugito, Fubuki, Midore and Nadare. Le Creuset will be there, as will another OC who will be related to Andrew Wedgeback. So here's her profile:

Amelia Wedgeback

Age: 21

Genetic: Coordinator with a Newtype spatial awareness

Born: C.E. 47, June 22

Rank: Officer Cadet

Love interest: none so far.

Nationality: Oceania Union of mized Australian and New Zealandic descent.

Comments: The sister of the PLANT assistant representative Andrew Wedgeback, she is currently a ZAFT officer cadet since she just enlisted.

Well, this is all there is, but there will be more. So stayed tuned!

Phase 01: Lives on the Outside World

As the shuttle was approachng the hourglass features of the PLANTs, the shinobi on hiatus looked to see more ships being docked into the docking system as it unloaded more migrants from Earth. Naruto and Koyuki were sleeping as Patrick shook them to wake up. As they got up from their sleep, they had their briefcase and luggage unloaded from the compartment and were standing up in the ship waiting for it to dock in a PLANT called December Five.

"We're here at last." Naruto said as Siegel came by to talk to him.

"There will be procedures with the immigration, because of the security issues." Siegel explained as the ship had docked in the deck. "Be sure to present your papers to the officers there. After that, you all will proceed with Representative Zala to the ZAFT Academy office."

The newcomers then proceeded to the immigration booth where an officer was checking the papers of each person arriving. When Naruto approached the booth, he opened his briefcase to show the officer the papers. Finally, the officer nodded as he smiled at the blond jinchuuriki. After the processing, the Yuki group then follwed Patrick as they walked for thirty minutes to the ZAFT academy office where a ZAFT officer was doing some paperwork. He saluted when Patrick saluted to him and he saluted back.

"So, I've got some interesting bunch of people that will join our cause through education in this academy. I'm not bringing Athrun yet though." Patrick said as the Yuki group then handed their papers to the ZAFT clerk.

"Hmm." he said. "Well, it seems to be in order, but the academy has already started. They'll need to do some remedial courses this year before attempting to go on to the regular year."

"We don't have that much of a time." Patrick replied. "The Natural still outnumbered us by so much, so we need to get these guys caught up. They are hard working and diligent in learning. Especially the blond boy right here."

The clerk then looked at Naruto, and nodded. "This must be the boy that Durandal was talking about."

"The man with the knowledge on Newtypes must know him, since he was the byproduct of the rumored Ultimate Coordinator Project." Patrick replied. The officer then looked at more of the papers that the rest of the group had brought. After ten minutes of the scanning of their paperwork, the officer then asked another question.

"Did they fill these out themselves?" he asked.

"Yes, we did on the ship, but we did it before leaving." Naruto replied as he looked at the officer. He then nodded as another officer then came up to them.

"Well, let's see if we can get these newcomers into their lessons right away." the officer said as the second officer gestured for the Yuki group to follow him.

When they entered the hallway, they were being led into a room where the cadet dresses are located. the storesperson then issued out their uniforms and explained about it.

"These cadet uniforms will prove your status as ZAFT cadets." the storesperson explained as she handed out more of those uniforms. "You will be in the academy for a year, but since you guys came a little late, you will need to work extra hard to catch up."

"We'll work hard." Mamoru said as the storesperson smiled. "We joined ZAFT to protect more of our people."

"That's the spirit." she replied as they left the room.

The Yuki group then went to the administration office as the officer that led them went inside and talked to the administration staff. They were talking about setting up a financial account for the Yuki group since they are going to be paid in PLANT currency.

"So, I would have to get the guys to set up an account, right?" the lead officer asked.

"That's right." an admin replied as the Yuki group arrived in the admin office. "They will need to set up an account since we'll pay their salaries."

After the set up of the account, the Yuki group then were led into the classrooms and an instructor then saluted to Patrick as he saluted back.

"Representative Zala, what a surprise, sir." he said as Patrick had gestured the said group to sit down in the chairs. They recognized Le Creuset sitting in one of the chairs and sat beside him. "Well, you newcomers can introduce yourselves."

Naruto then got up from his seat as he introduced himself. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, and I love to eat ramen and many different kinds of ramen. My goal is to become an effective leader in the ZAFT forces."

Shinosuke was the next one to introduce himself. "My name is Shinosuke Asuka, and my hobbies are training and sports. My goal is to become a mobile suit ace."

"Hi, I'm Amaya Musashi, and I like to play sports and doing martial arts. My goal is to become a commander in the ZAFT forces." Amaya said as Koyuki was next to introduce herself.

"My name is Koyuki Kazahana, and I am a leader in my own country." she said as the students gaped at her. "I'm also an actress and my goal is to become a legendary ace, like Shinosuke and Amaya."

Mamoru, Fubuki, Midore and Nadare then gave out their names and finally, Itachi stood up and introduced himself.

"I'm Itachi Uchiha, and I'm a Newtype. My goal is to defeat my foolish otoutou in battle." he said as the students clapped their hands together. The instructor then saluted to Patrick and he left, leaving the instructor to return to his class.

Some say the land of peace was truly a peaceful place to live. That was what would anyone say about the beauties of the Orb Union. As the newly proclaimed Konoha Freedom Front and their families had stood in front of the immigration office, as their friend Naruto had done up in space, they couldn't help but notice the silence of the said nation.

"Man, I can't believe that we're homeless." Shikamaru said as his father and mother looked at him.

"Don't worry. We'll get your friend back. It is our fault in the first place that we couldn't take care of him because of the council's decision." Shikaku replied as they went through the lines and had their passports stamped. In the distance, a tall man with the purple dress and a long beard had approached them with a welcoming sight.

"I see that you have made yourselves welcome to this country." the man said as a blonde girl had approached him. "I'm the leader of this nation. I'm Uzumi Nara Attha, and you must be refugees."

"We're more than just refugees. We're the lost group of people that came from the Arctic, but we lived beneath the underneath." Tsunade said as she shook Uzumi's hands. "We're the Konoha Freedom Front and we came here to support the true ideals of humanity."

"Then I guess that you would be joining Orb's armed forces, I presume?" Uzumi said.

"Yes, we'll join them. But we have a mission to do, and that is to bring back a long lost friend that was lost in the darkness." Tsunade replied as the blonde girl approached them.

"We can do that, as long as you don't bring Orb into any conflict." she said as she shook Tsunade's hands. "I'm Cagalli Yula Attha, and my father is right here."

"Nice to meet you." Tsunade replied.

"Then, let's get into the military headquarters and get acquainted with the remaining military." Uzumi said as he led the way. The Konoha Freedom Front then looked around to see the friendliness of the civilians that were walking around. Finally, they reached the Orb Military Headquarters where the contigent of the Orb officers were working. They saluted the moment that they saw Uzumi. There was one offficer that went up to them and gave out the appplications for enlistment.

"These are the forms that you need to fill out to join the Orb forces. Please note that you will be enlisted as an auxilliary since you're not Orb citizens." the officer called Todaka said as the Konoha Freedom Front received the papers. "You will be taking classes for the specific occupations that you have chosen."

"Is there a position for the front line fighting?" Ino asked as Todaka answered the question.

"Yes, but the mobile suit corps hasn't been developed yet since we haven't developed the machines for that job. If you want, we can assign you all to Heliopolis for that task." Todaka replied.

"Yes, and we'll have to learn how to command ships as well." Tsunade said as the Konoha jonins on hiatus nodded.

"Very well, welcome to Orb." Todaka said as he turned around and went back to work.

Experiencing the first day of the class at the ZAFT academy after a long journey from the Hidden Continent was a herculean task that the Yuki group had done. Naruto, Shinosuke and Amaya along with Koyuki went to look around the PLANTs The sights were amazing by the minute that thye have passed. They didn't notice a brown haired man approaching them with a suitcase.

"Excuse me, comrades." he said in a Russian accent. "Is one of you named Naruto Namikaze?"

Naruto then answered the summons. "Yes, that is me. What is it?"

"My name is Alexei Romanov, and I am here to bring you this top secret case of classified documents." Romanov said as he handed him the suitcase containing a set of documents. "These contain the plans for a new ship that you will eventually command."

"Thanks." Naruto said as he shook Romanov's hand. Romanov then left the group, leaving Naruto and his friends to bring in the case to their new home close to the ZAFT Academy.

As they entered their new home, they can't surpress their excitement as the home was filled with advanced technology. Naruto then went to his new room as he opened up the case. Inside were blueprints for a different looking ship. Another note was attached to the documents as Naruto read it.

Dear sender,

If you have recieved this, this is a model for the F.L.E.E.T. project as we construct these new ships for you. We know, since you are the fated child that would bring peace to the world. Comrade, if you're reading this, please burn it after you finish reading. We cannot allow this note to fall into the wrong hands.

This blueprint of the new ships have these weapons:

Three barreled beam cannons- Codename: Tchaikovsky (x4)

Linear cannons- Codename: Chekhov (x4)

Anti-ship missile launchers- Codename: Taneyev (x36)

atmospheric missile launchers- Codename: Tolstoy (x54)

SAM heavy missile launchers- Codename: Khlebnikov (x24)

SAM light missile launchers- Codename: Glazunov (x48)

Positron cannon- Codename: Soltzhenistyn (x5)

75 mm Laser clustered CIWS (x32)

These schematics will help you in your battles. It will be built during your stay in the PLANTs.


Alexei Romanov

Social Revolutionary Liberation Union

Naruto then placed the documents back in the suitcase as he closed it. He did notice Shinosuke enter the room and smiled at him.

"Shinosuke, do you remember the man that gave me the suitcase?" Naruto said as the elder Asuka nodded. "He said that it's top secret information."

"I see. Well, you may have to tell it to some people that will be captaining these ships, such as that Yugito person." Shinosuke replied as Amaya came in to the room. "Naruto received some documents from that Romanov person."

"It must be a secret weapon. I know, since the Earth Forces haven't constructed even a single assault ship yet." Amaya replied as the three teens had went out the door, but not before Naruto placed the suitcase in a secret safe that was provided.

The first full day of the classes were mainly on practical mobile suit course and tactics as well as advanced mathematics and physics. While the classes were going, the instructor by the name of O'Connor was explaining about the tactics of the war.

"So the basic thing that you need to know about the Earth Forces is that they would be fighting to kill us. They may have numerical superiority in terms of manpower and resources, but we are technologically superior because of our mobile suits the GINNs." O'Connor said as Naruto raised his hand. "Yes, Cadet Namikaze?"

"Sir, the GINNs may be superior, but are there any other mobile suits that ZAFT possess right now?" he asked.

"Well, we have a lot of GINN Variants, such as the High Maneuver 01 and the famed CGUE for commanders." O'Connor replied as the class started to write down the notes. "These mobile suits are the core of our fighting strength."

The class continued to take down notes as they listened to the lectures. O'Connor continued to give out the lecture until the first class was over by the bell. When it was over, Naruto and his friends were discussing the lesson of the day.

"Well, the class was certainly interesting." Shinosuke said as Fubuki came up to him.

"At least we know what mobile suits are we most likely to pilot in the war." she replied as Naruto then explained the lesson in depth.

"The problem is that the mobile suits are using machine guns as their armament. If they can invent a mobile suit that can use beams." Naruto said. "The GINNs, CGUEs, and many more of those machines are pretty useful against mobile armors, from what I heard."

"The ships that ZAFT is using are beam weapon based ones, such as the Laurasias and the Nazcas." Amaya interjected as they entered the next classroom, which was the leadership course.

When the leadership class started, a purple coated woman by the name of McGrady came in the classroom and the cadetsw then saluted. She returned the salute and started to speak.

"This class will all be about the leadership skills that you need to know as future commanders." McGrady said as everyone listened. "As you all know, our forces are in a dire need of capable commanders that will bring this rebellion to an end in our favor. Can anyone tell me what is the basic necessity of leadership?"

Shinosuke was the first to raise his hand. "Anyone should be an experienced soldier if he can become an effective leader. The leader also has to be quick thinking and decisive if he or she will become victorious."

"Correct, but the leader must also influence his or her subordinates in order to groom them as future leaders in case the current leader falls in battle." McGrady replied as the class took doen some notes and listened.

After the class ended, the Yuki group then went to the cafeteria and got their lunch. they sat down in the cafeteria table as three young women sat beside them. Itachi then looked at them as Shinosuke started to talk.

"Itachi, what is it?" Shinosuke asked.

"Nothing." Itachi replied as he started to eat his meal. They kept on talking until lunch was over.

December, C.E. 68. Two weeks before christmas, and already those two months were filled with the lessons on practicing with the GINN trainers as the cadets were listening to the instructor about the uses of the mobile suit.

"Originally, the GINN was used for mining purposes. But with the rebellion going on, we refitted the GINN to its battle hardened status." the instructor said. "Now, we had built more variants as the war grow closer to breaking out."

The cadets then went into each GINN trainer as they experimented with the modules and the data that was given. The same instructor then explained over the comm about the procedures.

"You want to inspect the mobile suit before you get out into the battlefield, or you're more likely to die as soon as you started to fight." he said as Naruto started to type in the GINN keyboard about the recalibrations.

The cadets then learned how to move the machines as the GINN trainers clumsily moved like a baby learning its first steps.

"As you continue to practice the machine, you gain confidence in learning how to operate it. Soon, you'll learn how to fly it." the instructor said as the cadets started to fly their GINN trainers in a low altitude. "That's it, keep it going."

The Yuki group was the only group that managed to get the hang of flying the machine successfully as other cadets started to take note of what the instructor had said and also started to fly successfully.

"All right, enough for today." the instructor replied as the GINN trainers had come down and shut off as the cadets had exited from their machines. "And by the way, Christmas is coming, so you'd better rest up."

Christmas in the PLANTs were not something the Naruto and company had known, seeing as they grew up in the Hidden Continent, of course. But the spirit of the holiday was exciting in the air as the last moments of year 68 of the cosmic era was windng down and 69 C.E. was about to start. At first, Naruto didn't know what they were supposed to do at christmas, but a laughing Patrick Zala explained that the holiday was emant to celebrate with their families and that they give each other presents. So Naruto then gave everyone a great present in the form of a Christmas card and an album of their time back in Yukigakure together. Shinosuke received a letter from Shinn in the Orb Union explaining how they were celebrating their christmas, amid the terror of the Blue Cosmos. It was not new to them, seeing as they had met the Konoha Freedom Front and Shinn almost started a fight with them. It was the calmer heads that Shinn's parents and Mayu and the reassurances of a certain lazy Nara that convinced that a fight wouldn't be adivsable.

New Years' Day was another exciting event, seeing as that the festivities involved drinking. But for the Yuki group, they never drank at all, and it was during that time that they had ran into none other than Rau Le Creuset.

"Le Creuset-san!" Naruto said as he shook the clone's hands.

"I trust that you and the rest of the guys are enjoying the stay in the PLANTs?" Le Creuset asked as another blond boy came up to them. "This is my younger brother, Rey Za Burrel."

"Nice to meet you, Rey-kun." Naruto said as he shook Rey's hands. "Le Creuset-san, how long 'till the classes are over?"

"About six more months." Le Creuset said seriously as he and Rey had seen the rest of the Yuki group. "And you must be the same woman that I've met before."

"Yes, I remember you." Koyuki said as Le Creuset hugged her and Rey also hugged her as well. "It seems taht you two have a lot in common."

"Oh yeah." Le Creuset replied as the cheers of happy new year were heard in the air. It was going to be a long time before the classes resume.

The new year was filled with more constant demands for mastery as the cadets were struggling to master every chapter of their textbooks and reviewing their notes. Even Naruto started to get exhausted as Shinosuke and Itachi grew even more tired. Amaya and Koyuki were barely holding up as the jonins started to fall asleep. It was not until five months later that the month of review was at its highest as more classes were on teh mode of review to the exam stage. Naruto and his friends were found studying in the library the whole two weeks as they started quizzing each other.

After the entire month of reviews, it was time for the exam.

"Good luck, guys." Amaya said as the rest of the cadets then went into the exam room and started to get into their seats and started to write the test.

The day of graduation had come as Naruto and his friends are now full fledged ZAFT soldiers. But the rebellion in what will become one of the most bloodiest wars will break out.

Next on Stars of the Future: Graduation

ZAFT, field your strongest soldiers!