Hey guys! Songbird4890 here! I'm so excited to be writing again and hopefully this story will go over well! Many thanks to my beta, and best friend, Inuhanyou20356! She is not only my beta, for she also helped co-author certain parts of this story! Much love my friend!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters affiliated with Harry Potter. They belong to the fabulous J.K. Rowling. However some of the characters are mine, as well as my beta's.

Chapter 1

It was a warm, late July night in Hertfordshire, England. In the distance, a large manor, well, mansion is more like it, loomed foreboding and grey in the distance. She stared at it intently, instantly getting that feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.

'This is going to be a LONG night,' the teen thought as she walked up the long drive toward Malfoy Manor. 'I mean, I haven't seen Draco since I was 9, what if he doesn't even know me? But wait. Why do I care? Because he's bloody hot, that's why. He was listed as one of the hottest teen wizards in that magazine in France. Damn, he looked so good.' She wobbled on a small stone, and mentally cursed her silver metallic Mary Jane pumps. She loved those shoes. Mentally, she went over a checklist of everything she had on: her cobalt blue knee-length dress, her silver shawl, and her favorite pumps. Good. Her hair, a dark chocolate, curly brown, had been pulled half up in an intricate weaving of curls, secured in a silver barrette, her makeup just so.

"Mum, is this really necessary?" she asked, motioning to the ominous manor. "I haven't seen Draco in years. It won't kill me to wait a little bit longer."

"Camille Elizabeth Gordon, you will be cordial to the Malfoys, as they intend to help your transition to living in Britain again," her mother, Matilda Parkinson Gordon, stated severely as she took her husband, Frederick Gordon's, arm. Camille's mother was a stunning woman, the epitome of beauty. She always made Camille, or Cam as she was commonly called, feel inadequate, ugly, and honestly, like a whale, which she was not.

"Yes, ma'am."

As they neared the manor's large and exquisite front door, a house elf appeared, and bowed deeply to them. "Welcome to Malfoy Manor. The Malfoys are honored you have graced their home today. If you will please follow me." He opened the door and led them inside.

Cam smiled sadly at the poor creature. On looking up to see the magnificent house, she groaned internally. Her father gently hitting her arm broke her from her train of thought. She raised her eyes, and they immediately went to Draco. 'Man, he's stunning.'

The Malfoys, posing as the typical poster children for fake rich hosts, stood waiting for them. Draco, looking dashing in his grey slacks, cobalt blue T-shirt, and grey sports coat, seemed to be bored out of his skull. He stared at the ceiling. Camille was happy he had been distracted; grateful he hadn't caught her staring. Camille, felt a sharp pain on the back of her upper arm from her mother, and took it as her cue to speak.

"Oh. Ehem. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, it's a pleasure to see you again after so long," she began quite elegantly. "Thank you ever so much for inviting us to your lovely home, and offering me a place to call home during the school year while my parents finish business in France. The sudden decision to transfer me back to Hogwarts after so long at Beaubatons, has left a lot of unfinished business." She extended her hand to Lucius, who kissed it eying Cam a little too kindly. She then went to hug Narcissa, air kissing her on each cheek. She then moved to Draco, but lost her cool demeanor, suddenly nervous at meeting him for the second time around. Nervously excited, she looked up at Draco. "Hello, Draco." Cam extended her hand once again.

"Hello, Cami," came his reply, as he brought her hand to his lips, brushing them against her knuckles gently. "You look lovely. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Just a little bit," she said coolly, regaining her composure after blushing furiously at Draco's greeting and compliment. She smiled, getting more comfortable and gaining confidence. "You look dashing yourself. You clean up quite nicely," she said playfully, winking at him.

"Thanks," he said, as a slightly arrogant grin crossed his face. "Care to join in my escape of the boring old people talk?" he asked, nodding toward their parents, who at the time were greeting one another like family in a very loud manor, uncommon to the often stuffy Pureblood morale.

"Most definitely," Cam nodded, taking the hand he had extended. "This place would drive me absolutely wonky. Don't you ever get lost?" Cam circled around herself, gaping at the multiple doors, hallways, et cetera.

"I've lived here my entire life, so not really. But sometimes, I do get turned around when I return home for the holidays."

"So, how have you been? Last time I saw you, we were swimming in that lake, and you had just told me that you wanted to marry me, in a high pitched voice," she said, laughing musically at the memory.

"Then you were snatched away by your mother, and I haven't seen you since until tonight. But honestly, I feel like I'm on house arrest or something. I can't leave and we have someone over about every other day to discuss 'business' if you know what I mean."

"I'm sorry you've been trapped. And about the 'business,' I'm well aware of that. My mother has been over here for several of the business meetings. She's really pushing for me to get the Dark Mark. She says I'm special."

"And what are your feelings on the Mark?"

"I'm not sure at all. My father says I could be quite the asset. I'm quick with my wand, and can do magic without my wand, like Harry Potter, and can Apperate on the run. I'm completely undecided."

"Well, if you ever need it-I'm here to help," Draco said as he smiled down at her. He then pulled up his left coat sleeve to reveal the sinister looking mark of Voldemort.

Cam, who had been half-dazzled by Draco's warm smile, gulped at the sight of his arm. "Did it hurt?"

"Not at all. Okay, okay. It felt like I was being branded by an iron." He noticed Cam's eyes widen in fear. "Like I said, I'm here to help."

"Well, thanks." Cam searched for a way to change the subject. "So, I noticed you grimace when I mentioned Harry Potter. What do you think of him?"

"I personally don't like him. We've been rivals since the first day in the train to Hogwarts. I suppose it's the Slytherin-Gryffindor relationship, but to me it's been getting more and more personal." Draco's eyes darkened.

Cam took notice of his sudden, unfriendly demeanor, and said, "Sorry for bringing it up. Of course my parents hate him, I've just never met him so I was just wondering."

"It's alright," Draco said, shaking his head. "You were curious, asked a question, and I answered honestly."

"Well, thank you for being honest." Cam caught sight of something moving in her peripheral vision, and turned to look at the approaching house elf.

"You have been requested in the dining room, Master Draco, Miss Camille," the house elf croaked. He began to walk away motioning for them to follow.

"Looks like we have to go back and face the boring old people talk again," Draco laughed, taking Cam's hand and leading her to the dining room.

As the pair entered the over done dining room, they were hit with the smell of Italian food. Cam closed her eyes, and inhaled deeply, "This smells wonderful," she complimented.

Draco pulled out a chair for Camille, and then sat down beside her. She smiled a 'thank you' and turned her attentions to the food in front of her. Her eyes bugged at the amount of food there was: first an Italian salad, and then a huge bowl of tortellini. Lucius began to eat, which cued everyone else to dig in.

"Camille, darling," Narcissa began, "your parents said you are a bit reluctant to join the Death Eaters. Is that correct?" Narcissa glared at Cam, as she ate a bite of tortellini.

Cam swallowed hard, her face turning a rosy color. "I'm just confused is all," she stated, trying to cover herself. "I'm not too crazy about the whole branded for life thing." She instantly regretted her choice of words, and began to think of ways to cover the blunder but failed. "Well…umm…" She turned a deeper shade of red, as Draco began snickering, quickly composing himself so he wouldn't get in trouble.

"Well, you have quite the opinion, Camille," Narcissa said glaring down her nose at Cam.

"Don't worry, Camille WILL be joining us in the near future, Narcissa. No need to fret," Matilda growled in Cam's direction, kicking her hard under the table.

Cam grimaced slightly. She looked up to see Lucius staring at her. "I bit my tongue," she lied, giving him a sheepish grin. She wished she could just drop off the face of the planet, and grew, if possible, a darker shade of red. She closed her eyes in a desperate attempt to compose herself.

"Good," Narcissa replied, grinning evilly.

Camille continued eating, her head bowed, for the rest of her meal. Draco did the same, and kept stealing glances at Cam, his brows furrowed slightly. Eventually the pair locked eyes, and Camille threw Draco a pleading look.

"Mother, may Camille and I be excused? I wanted to show her the garden."

"Sure, my dearest. But first come here." Draco got up and swaggered over to his mother. "Now, Draco, Matilda and I have formulated a plan to ensure Camille joins us," Narcissa whispered in her son's ear. "You are to woo Camille between now and winter holiday and when you come home, we will put the Dark Lord's mark on her. If she still does not comply you are to torture her into submission."

Meanwhile, Camille sat patiently at the table waiting for what seemed like an eternity. She drummed her fingers quietly against her leg. Suddenly, she saw Draco nod his head and mutter something that sounded like "Yes, Mother." He came over to Camille, helped her out of the chair, and led her outside.

Once outside, and out of earshot, Cam breathed a sigh of relief. "Phew! I was beginning to suffocate in there. I needed the fresh air," she smiled as a gentle cool breeze blew against her face.

"I noticed. I am truly sorry about that. My parents can get a little obsessive compulsive when it comes to the Death Eaters."

"I know the feeling." Cam conjured a bottle of Firewhiskey and took a sip. In the awkward silence, Draco raised an eyebrow at her bold choice of drink. "What? It takes the edge off." She continued to drink it staring out into the garden. Draco conjured his own, and stared out as well.

Another awkward silence followed. You'd think that the two would find something to talk about after being apart for so many years. But alas, nothing.

"It's beautif-"

"Do you want know what my mother told me?"

"Huh?" Cam asked.

"What? Uh, you first," Draco stammered.

"Oh. I just said it sure was beautiful out here. That's it. What did you say?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to know what my mother told me."

"It involves me doesn't it?" Cam looked up at him, and took a swig of her drink.

Draco simply nodded, meeting her gaze.

"Then yes, I do want to know."

"Well, I'm supposed to...how'd she put it…oh! I'm supposed to 'woo' you between now and winter holiday to make you join us."

Cam raised an eyebrow. "Wow. That's low even for Death Eater standards," Cam scoffed. "I'm actually kind of flattered. They think the only way I'm going to join the ranks is if you seduce me and get in my pants. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Cam laughed musically, throwing her head back, no doubt the Firewhiskey talking a little bit. "But maybe it won't be so hard. You are quite attractive. And that smile is dazzling," she rambled on. Oh yeah. It was the Firewhiskey.

"Well, I do tend to have that effect on women." He flashed that trademark smirk playfully.

"Oh really? I happen to know you are not currently dating. Apparently, you just ended a two-year relationship with my cousin, Pansy. My mother conveniently told me that on the way here."

"Yeah. And I wouldn't call it a relationship. She hung all over me, and I finally got tired of it. Wait. She's your cousin?!"

"Yeah. Such a gem. Our moms are sisters. It's quite unfortunate."

"I still can't honestly believe that you and that pug-faced slut are related. Your mother obviously got the good genes." Draco thought about mentioning the torture bit after buttering her up with compliments, but decided against it. He didn't know how everything would turn out anyway. "And she obviously gave them to you," he added cheekily.

"Oh please." Cam rolled her eyes in a very exaggerated manner. "I guess we better out up a good charade then. I would hate to disappoint. So, Draco, begin your wooing magic." Camille laughed again, feeling a little tipsy. "What's your first move?"

"Well, first I would flirt with you for a while, then take you on a romantic first date. After that, I would let things go with flow, depending on how the date goes."

"I see." Cam swished her wand, and soft jazz music began to play. She noticed her mother and Narcissa in the window, and nodded toward them as a warning to Draco. She sat down on the bench behind her. "Draco, our mothers are watching. Ask me to dance," she whispered.

Draco held his hand out to her, and said loudly, "May I have this dance?"

"Of course!" Cam answered loudly as well.

Draco helped her up, slid one arm around her waist and held the other out for hers. Cam worked her way to her feet, placed her hand tentatively on his shoulder. She pressed her hand into his, realizing how gently his hand held hers. She expected it to be rough from playing Quidditch, but they were not. She hardly realized the two of them were moving to the music. Draco was a fabulous dancer. Cam noticed that the over bearing mothers had left, and began to pull away, but Draco's arms held her close.

"What?" she asked.

"You aren't enjoying this the slightest bit, Cami?" he asked, using the name he called her as a child. "I'm hurt."

"Well…" Cam thought about it and realized how strong his arms were, and how safe she felt. Even if she did end up getting branded, she still had Draco to fall back on. "Maybe it won't kill me," she finished playfully. She placed her hand on his shoulder again, and he pulled her close again.

Their dance continued, and Draco continued to move their bodies gracefully around the balcony. He spun Camille out and then back in, reveling in the sound of her delightful, soft squeals as she spun quickly and landed in his arms once again. He really had meant what he said all those years ago. Draco did intend on marrying Camille. He finally felt whole again with her back in his life, though he'd never show it. I mean he was Draco Malfoy, for Merlin's sake.

Cam hesitantly laid her head on his shoulder. "It's been so long since anyone has asked me to dance," she mused.

"And why would that be? How long has it been?" Draco couldn't believe that no one had asked her to dance in a long time.

"It's been four years. Yeah. I know. I went through an ugly phase, and just grew out of it over the summer."

"An ugly phase, huh? How ugly would you say? Worse than a troll?"

"Pretty much," Cam replied. "I still don't think I'm pretty though. I'm just an average girl, who unfortunately has one of the most beautiful creatures as a mother. I could never actually win the heart of someone like you."

Draco shook his head, and lowered Cam into a deep dip. "You, Cami, are anything but average. You are pretty, and maybe you could win my heart." He said the last part playfully, but meant every word. Cam had his heart 8 years ago when they were nine. She had it now, but didn't know it…yet.

It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Hogwarts' resident bad boy/playboy was putty in her hands. And the new girl wondered if maybe she wasn't as ugly as her mother told her she was. Things were headed in a whole new direction, but little did either of them know that things were about to get a little bit closer, a little more awkward, and a little more intimate.