A\N: All good things must come to an end...but not before a sweet, sappy moment. Thanks for all the reviews, guys! You're the best ever! Oh, and I modified the proposal scene from A Purple Illusion, a Power Rangers slash fic. It's good! Go read the whole series (it's not too long) by Baby Kitty. She's the best male slash author ever!

I am so nervous.

I mean, okay, the world's saved. Kim and I are living peacefully in California ("But it's California!" was Kim's exact argument), where we can kick GJ's ass if they come by and still save the world. I even help Kim occasionally.

But proposing to Kim? Scary, scary, scary.

Luckily I think I've set it up right. There's soft jazz playing and the perfect Italian dinner on the porch. It's lit with so many candles the fire department might get called in, and the ring is beautiful. I look at it again, a ruby carved to look like a rose set in a gold band.

Please, say yes.

Kim walks out. She's blindfolded, and I told her to wait. I chuckle. "Impaitant, aren't we?"

"C'mon, Shego, lemme take this off." She whines.

I walk up behind her and kiss her neck. She moans softly, then asks, "So this is where you seduce me?"

"Nah." I tug the blindfold off.

She gasps. "Oh, wow. Oh, wow..." She turns to me. "This is incredible, Branwen."

Our lips meet in a kiss, and I smile. "Let's eat, Princess."

The meal is wonderful, our conversation happy and light, and for once we manage to pull off romantic without diving into pure sex. Not that pure sex is a bad thing...

At the end of the meal, I kneel in front of Kim, holding out the ring. "Kim? Will...will you marry me?"

"Yes." Kim whispers, kissing me again, this time with more fire than I usually ever see. "A hundred times yes."

My life is perfect. I slip the ring onto her finger, saying gently, "It goes well with your hair."

She grins. "Quit teasing me."

"I'm not! It looks good. Really." I smile. "Come on. I'll do dishes tonight, okay? Later." My smile gets mischevious.

She blushes. We haven't been lovers for that long. She likes taking things slow, and she still gets a little embarassed when I'm outright sexual.

"Maybe later than you think."

I glance at Betty. She's obviously older, her hair greying and her face slightly wrinkled. But she hasn't lost a step.

"And you got around my security systym how?" I snap, plasma charging my hands. "Oh, well, doesn't matter."

"You do remember we're on the same side now, right?" Betty asks. "Anyway, I came to ask for help."

My plasma vanishes. "I'm listening."

Betty smiles. "I thought you would."