This story is very random and if you do not like it then I don't care! YIPPEEE! Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic! Only the randomness!

So there they were. Blue hedgie versus black hedgie…

"So it finally ends here…" The ebony hedgehog snorted.

"I guess so…" the royal blue hedgehog retorted.

Before anyone could react, Sonic raised his hand……….

"May I be excused?!"

Shadow had an anime sweat drop moment.

"Can I be your friend?" The sweat drop asked in such a cute way that you'd have to tear your own hair out to withstand the cuteness in its voice. Luckily Shadow was oblivious to its adorableness.

"NO! GO AWAY!" Shadow kicked the sweat drop. But the sweat drop evaporated into nothingness before the hit, so he kicked himself in the head instead.

"OWIE!" Shadow fell over in pain.

"I NEED to be excused!" Sonic crossed his legs. He needed a bathroom unless you couldn't tell.

Suddenly Tails flew in scene recklessly. So recklessly that he hit Sonic in the bladder.

"NOOOOOOO!" Sonic cried as he wet himself.

Tails walked away whistling the theme from Sesame Street.

"Why?! WHYYYYY?!" Sonic ran off in the distance leaving a puddle behind him.

In a speed car going 99 miles per hour, Amy Rose follows Sonic in pursuit. But it just so happens that she runs into the puddle of urine and skids out of control into a twinkie factory. She is alive, but covered in twinkies. That is until she says the magic word of the day and a huge building crushes her from the sky!

No one will forget her… Except for the ones who forget.

Knuckles suddenly appeared from the mountain of twinkies and began break dancing! Jet the Hawk fell from the sky in his attempts to fly and challenged Knuckles to a dance off. Knuckles REFUSED. But they danced anyway.

"You'll never win Echidna!" Jet announced, doing a front flip.

"That's what you think Usopp! –Err, I mean Jet!" Knuckles stuttered, spinning on his head.

It seemed like the dance off would never end. That it would go on and on forever. Well it did and they never stopped.

The En-

"HOLD IT!" A pubescent voice rasped.

"What?!" I spat. Fire spit actually.

It was Silver. A hedgehog that will now shut up because he interrupted me!

"Wait!" the idiot continued, "don't I get a role in this story?"

"You just did!" I corrected.

"Liiieeesssss!" Silver hissed while pointing a finger in my face. So I bit his finger off and he ran away screaming. Now that he is gone, I declare this story ove-

"Now wait just one second!" A shrill girly voice called.

It was Cream with her friend Big.

"I just gave Big a brain!" the rabbit cheered.

Big stepped up looking fat as usual. He cleared his throat stupidly and began to speak…stupidly.

"I do say ol' chap, you are in such a rush to end this story and what not?"

It was then the apocalypse came. The sky turned red and black and aliens fell from the sky! Oh wait, this is just another blackarms invasion… Well I'm skipping that!


Now we return Mobius to its STUPID IDIOTIC SELF! KAZAAAM!

Before I ended the story I became a hero and destroyed the evil broccoli of Suibom!

"NO you didn't!" Blaze yelled in my ear with a megaphone.

"YEAS I DID!" I hollered into the now deaf Blaze with a ULTRAphone.

Everyone ate pie soon after THE END!