I honestly was going to post this chapter sooner, but I kept rereading it and editing it. But here's the final product, hopefully not to many mistakes.

"You don't know what your talking about!"

"Why else would she be unconscious. You push her too far, like you do everything else."

... Who?... who is that?... Whats going on...

"Stop it you two. Not now, not in front of the kids!"

Kids?... What kids...

Is mama going to be alright?... Why is Mama not waking up?!... Mama!

Mama... Isamu!

Opening her eyes quickly Kagome brown eyes clash, with wet light brown that has a strike of dark blue.


Mama!" Isamu yelled pouncing on Kagome " You are okay!"

"Kagome! Are you alright?" Worried voices shouted around her.

Hugging her crying son close to her chest, Kagome attempted to sit up, but quickly forgot the idea when her head begin to spin.

"Mama... I was scared." Isamu sob tighten his arms around his mother neck "Mama"

Blinking Kagome look around meeting worried eyes, before turning her attention back to the most important person in her life. Stroking her son head she gave him kisses and words of comfort.

"Its okay baby. Mama okay. She's sorry, she didn't mean to frighten you." Kagome pulled Isamu back, wiping his tears off his face. "I'm okay now. I'm sorry."

"Are you sure?" Isamu search his mother eyes, not yet trusting her words.

Isamu your mother is going to be alright." Inuyasha said coming closer too the two, and brushing his finger down his face wiping away a stray tear.

"You promise?" Isamu sniffed turning his attention to Inuyasha, while keeping a tight grip on his mother.

"Always." Inuyasha promise keeping eye contact with Isamu.

Isamu nodded straightening up, and wiping his face. "I believe you since we Takahashi men should always keep our word."

"Damn straight!" Inuyasha grab Isamu off Kagome lap and toss him up in the air before catching his laughing body. Placing a kiss on top of his head and holding him tight to his chest.

"Hey Isamu why don't we go down stairs and grab some cookies." Rin suggested from somewhere in the room.

"Can I have brownie instead?" Isamu ask his little ear flicking.

"Yes." A Deep voice rumble in answer.

"Come on Isamu lets go." Satoru shouted rushing over to his uncle and pulling on Isamu pants leg.

Wiggling to get out of Inuyasha arms, Isamu grab Satoru hand and begin to rush out the room together, but stop short of leaving out the door to glance back at his mother. "You... Will come down stairs after?"

Choking back a sob, Kagome nodded her head, making Isamu smile brightly and exit the room with treats him his mind.

"We're just going to go down stairs and make sure Isamu do not eat everything." Rin said dragging a taller, and older looking Silver hair Demon away. "Lets go Sesshy, you know how Satoru get when it comes to treats."

The older demon sigh heavily, and looked down at the toddler in his arms, his daughter had her whole attention on her father. " Ready little one, let's go stop your brother before he becomes a sugar demon."

The family left the room with a trail of child giggling in there wake, leaving only Inuyasha and Kagome alone. Walking over to the open door Inuyasa closed it, then turn his attention to a confused looking Kagome.

"Hey are you alrgiht?" Inuyasha ask coming over to sit next to her on the bed. "You really scared us you know."

"Yeah." Kagome looked at her hands "I'm not sure what happen exactly. All I remember is us talking and then everything went black."

"Kagome I want you to go see a doctor." Inuyasha said stroking her long black silky hair. "I want to make sure you're all right."

"No. I'm fine." Kagome shook her head vigorously, but keeping her head down "I'm fine really."

"Kagome you scared the hell out of Isamu and I. Not to mention my brother and Rin." Inuyasha's voice got slightly louder, but you can hear it full of concern. "I just want to make sure that you're really okay."

"Inuyasha. " Kagome finally looked up "I don't want to go to the doctors. I understand your concern but I'm fine really."


"Enough Inuyasha." Kagome glared. "I know your concern, but I feel fine. Stop trying to push me to do something I don't want to do."

Glaring back at her Inuyasha growled, which made Kagome eyes narrow even more in annoyance.

How dare he try to tell her what to do, she knew what was wrong with her body... Or assume she knew was was wrong with her body. Probably low sugar since she haven't eaten since earlier. Or maybe it's from finding out about her past. Either way she didn't want him telling her what she can and cannot do, she was her own person.

Becoming even more annoyed with him, Kagome went to stand from the bed to get away from him, but he trapped her with his arms on either side of her body. Feeling slightly embarrass , but still annoyed Kagome did not back down. Getting close to her face Inuyasha growled once again at her. Kagome feeling trap did the one thing they wanted the most.

Kissed him for all she was worth.

Feeling Inuyasha tense over her in surprise did not stop Kagome. As mad as she was at him, she wanted to feel him close to her like he was in the vision. Opening her mouth a little, she flicked her tongue across his bottom lip. When he did nothing but continue to stay as he was Kagome flicked her tongue again over his fuller bottom lip. Growling Inuyasha capture her tongue in her mouth and sucked on it. Before thrusting his tongue into her mouth, and leaning his body more onto her's.

Putting more of his weight on top of her, Inuyasha pushed kagome to lay on her back and place more of his weight onto her. Moaning into his mouth Kagome ran her hands over his shoulders to the mane he called hair. Feeling his thick mane in her hands she tighten her hold and pulled his face away from her's.

Taking a deep breath and ignoring his annoyed snarled, Kagome looked him in the eyes. "Inuyasha. You have to learn to respect what I tell you."

Growling at her Inuyasha ignore the slight sting from his head, and nipped at her neck. Hearing her moan Inuyasha licked a wet line down her neck, and bit her between her neck and her shoulder.

Feeling her arch up in pleasure, Inuyasha did it again. "Found your sweet spot."

"Inuyasha." Kagome pulled on his hair again, trying to ignore what her body was feeling. "Listen.'

"I'm not ignoring you, or disrespecting you." Inuyasha mumble, pulling away too look in her slightly red face. "I'm worried about you Kagome. You're my mate, and the mother of my kid. I want to make sure you're one hundred percent okay."

Inuyasha thrust his own hand into Kagome hair "So if that means bullying you into making sure you do what you need to. I will do that. Because Takahashi men do not break there promises."

Staring at his serious but determine eyes, Kagome gave with a sigh. "Fine. But what the hell is with Isamu saying what you just said. 'Takahashi men don't break promises'?! He's not a Takahashi, he's a Higash-"

Kissing the daylights out of her Inuyasha wouldn't let her complete her sentence. Yanking her head to the side, Kagome tired to yell at him but ended up moaning when he lick and sucked on her neck. While pushing himself more firmly into her private area, between her legs.

"Inuyasha you're not playing fair."

"You started this." He groan rotating his hips, grinding against her. "Izsamu is my son as well. He should have my last name. End of discussion."

Kagome pulled on his little ears on top of his head "End of discussion my ass. This is far from over."

Growling down at her, Inuyasha pulled back head, his little ears twitching in annoyance. Glaring up at him Kagome made to pull his ear again, but he grab her hand and put it above her head.

"Inuyasha." Kagome said in a tone that a mother would use on a misbehaving child.

"Kagome." He mimick back

Trying not to laugh at his childish act. Kagome smile at him. "You're still in trouble . We haven't know each other for that long for you to go and make that decision. He is my son."

"As well as mine. ." Inuyasha quickly grab her other hand before it can grab his ear and place it next to the other one above her head. "Not so quick are you."

"That's not my name." Kagome glared at him amusing expression

"That is your name." He grinned down at her.



"You're being ridicious"

"You're being ridiclous."





Kagome busted out laughing at him mimicking her, which made him smile and nuzzle her on the side of her face. Placing kissing on her cheek and neck, but keeping her hands above her, Kagome smiled at the big dummy. When he suddenly pulled back, chucking under his breath. Raising an eye brow in question, Inuyasha shook his head and release Kagome hands so she can sit up. About to ask him what was wrong Inuyasha shook his head once again, placing his index finger on his mouth in a shh motion.

With a confuse look Kagome stayed quiet and listen. Not hearing anything for a couple of seconds, she went to ask him what he heard when she heard whispers and giggles. Grinning now she sat up more in the bed until she was on her knees with Inuyasha, and mouth 'Where?'

Pointing at the foot of the bed Inuyasha move silently off the bed to catch the little rascal. Covering her mouth to prevent herself from laughing out loud. She waited until Inuyasha snuck closes and said in a deep booming voice. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Hearing screaming laughter made Kagome laugh out loud with them. The two small forms jump up from there hiding spot with there hands up.

"What are you two doing back in here?" Inuyasha ask the two boys with his arms cross over his chest.

"Uh..." Both Isamu and Satoru stumble at the same time. Looking at one another for an answer.

"You didn't come down right away." Izumi piped up crossing his arms as well.

"Yeah." Satoru mimic Izumi posture. "And we was told we can't have anymore sweets until you guys came down."

Laughing at the two, who was copying Inuyasha body movement, Kagome got off the bed and walk over three facing off.

"Okay, we're sorry. Lets go down stairs." She giggle clapping her hands together to get all three attention. "Ready?"

Giving a shout of joy the two ran out the once close door and down the stairs.

"How long do you think they been there?" Kagome asked smiling tangling her hand with Inuyasha's.

"Hopefully, not for long." Inuyasha sigh tugging Kagome closer to his body to drop a kiss on top of her head. "Lets go before they come back up to see what we're up to."



"We're still going to talk about what you've been speaking about with Isamu."

Inuyasha grunted tugging a laughing Kagome out of the room behind him.

"Kagome it's nice to see you once again." Sesshomaru smile giving her a warm hug. "Even if it was not under the best circumstance."

"I'm sorry I just don't remember..." Kagome started pulling back from the hug to stare at the same amber eyes as Inuyasha's. "But thank you."

"Come. Come." Rin wave Kagome over to the couch where she had her daughter sitting her a lap, with a toy in her hands. "We have so much to talk about."

"Including the way you drove to meet me." Sesshomaru glared at his wife, as the others made their way to the couches. "Do not think I forgot about this Rin!"

"A different day dear" Rin smile sweetly at her annoyed husband, while cuddling their daughter closer to her chest. "I'm sure our guest would not want to hear about my fabulous driving skills."

"Our guest is my idiot of a brother and Kagome." Sesshomaru mumble, all the while being shush and wave down by his wife to settle down.

Once everyone was seated minus the two little boys running around playing with one another. Sesshomaru turn his attention once again to Kagome.

"Rin explain to me to me about your memory lost. I have an idea of how to recover it but you may not like it." Sesshomaru stare hard at her, "Its a risk that you may end up losing some of your present memory just to gain your past memory."

"Then why in the hell would you even suggest something like that!" Inuyasha shouted jumping up from his seat, causing the two boys to stop playing and focus on the adults,

"Inuyasha!" Kagome hissed pulling at his shirt, "Your causing a scene. Stop it."

whipping his head toward her he growl "I'll make any damn scene I want to woman, stay out of it."

"Dumb ass." Rin commented before giving her daughter a kiss on the head and placing her on her fathers lap, much to the toddler delight and stood up.

"Rin." Sesshomaru watch is wife warily while she stretch her arms and legs out.

"Excuse you," Kagome glared at Inuyasha, standing up as well. "Who do you think you're speaking to like that Inuyasha!"

"Uh Oh." Izumi whisper to Satoru "That's mom scary voice. He's in big trouble now."

"Uncle Inuyasha is in a world of pain." Satoru whisper back with a wince making both boys back up even more from the adults. All the while keeping their eyes on both their mother's and the unaware dog demon.

"Who else am I speaking to." Inuyasha turn is body around to face the enrage woman. Which was his mistake, for he did not notice the small woman coming up behind him. "You have no idea what memories he can take away from you. I'm not going to allow you to even think that this is a good idea."

"ALLOW ME." Kagome all but scream, he fist tighten at her side. Taking a step back she tried to breath through her rage, which was hard considering the idiot in front of her was digging his own grave. Though she knew where his concern was coming from, the way he was acting was not okay. "Inuyasha, I understand your concern. But this is my decision, if I choose to do so. I haven't agree or disagree yet, you just jump the gun and started yelling. Let Sesshomaru tell..."

"Tell you what Kagome!" He shove a hand through his hair in aggravation. "That this is the only way for you to regain your memory! No get it through your head this is not happening."

"Shut up Inuyasha!" Kagone screamed at him " You're not the boss of me. If I bloody choose to do this thing he's trying to explain I damn will. And their's not a damn thing you can do about it."

"The hell you will." Inuyasha snarled stomping closer to her to give her a shake when his knees went out from under him. "What the hell."

All Inuyasha will remember is whipping his head around to see Sesshomaru wince, Ryoko eyes wide, the two boys little handle covering their mouths, and Rin leg rushing toward his face, before everything went black.

"Now that stupid is knocked out, maybe we can have an adult conversation." Rin huffed wiping her hands.

"Uh..." Kagome look at Rin before looking down at Inuyasha "Will he be.."

"He's fine." Sesshomaru shrug putting his daughter on the floor so she can crawl around. "Believe it or not but this is not the first time she had to knock him out. Though I wish it was through a different way, and not in front of our daughter."

"What? Don't tell me you're complaining now." Rin place her hands on her waist "Do you have to be put to sleep as well?"

Moving faster then you can blink, he was in front of Rin lifting her off her feet by her waist, giving her a deep kiss. "Don't push it Love."

"Show off." Rin grumble at her husband as we walk over to the crowd of little children surrounding his younger brother.

"He's really knocked out huh?" Isamu whispered poking Inuyasha in his face.

"Yeah thats mom Famous kick, even uncle Miroku and uncle Koga get these kicks if they don't behave." Satoru whisper back with a shake of his head, as his younger sister pulled on his uncle ear's while tapping his face with her little hands.

"And this is why we behave when it comes to mom huh?" Sesshomaru hunch down next to them, picking up his daughter. " How about we take this to the kitchen, that way we can eat and talk."

"And have cake?" The boys shouted jumping up now focusing on something more important than the unconscious demon on the ground.

"Sure why not." Sesshomaru shrug getting a shout of excitement from the boys and a hug and kiss from his daughter.

"Sweetie." Sesshaomru pull his daughter back to look her in the eye. "Please don't copy that from mommy, daddy don't want to have to explain to the other parents that you're not a psycho like you're mother. And that you're the sweetest baby in the world."

"HEY!" Rin shouted, while Kagome laugh at Ryoko agreement to her father's request.

I hope you enjoy, Currently working on the next chapter, may take as long as this one. But at least there will be less mistakes hopefully.