This will likely be the second last chapter guys. I'm getting kind of annoyed with this fic(lol I can only imagine what the people who have stuck around feel!) and I move from fandom to fandom rather quickly and don't like to be tied down to one if I'm not playing or watching the series/game ^^; But I wanted to finish this anyway because I have a tendency to abandon stories ha ha. So thanks to the people who suffered through the chapters upon chapters of no getting it on :'D I promise you some action soon!

Chapter 11

Where's dad? He hasn't been around… He roamed the house aimlessly, not really looking for anything but noticing that his dad was noticeably absent. …What if he's having an affair? Not that he'd really thought of it before-being the product of an adulterous relationship. And he hadn't thought about what it meant to Sora who never saw his real mom almost ever. But what he did know was that he needed to talk to Sora. Because he knew that the Disney couple had broken up. Seeing as all Sora had been doing for the past couple days was walk around in a daze, occasionally shedding a few tears. I guess we both have bad luck lately… His brother sat on the couch staring at the TV without watching it. He could tell only because the news was on and Sora never watched the News.

Roxas sat next to him, "so what happened?"

"He…found out I felt bad for him. He said…" and then he burst into tears. Uh oh…He'll probably want to watch chick flicks tonight… "I-I-If you don't e-e-e-even like me why bother?"

"He…Uh, well, maybe it's for the best."

"But I re-really d-d-do like him!" one of his sibling's hands grabbed onto the blonde's shirt, "AM I GAY ROX?!"

"Uh…no? Probably not…? I mean…you've only ever liked Riku, right? You said yourself that you can appreciate hot people regardless of sex…"

"Y-Yeah. I-I j-just don't want him to h-h-hate me!"

I doubt that would happen…The fair haired boy patted him on the back, "Why didn't you tell him? He's your best friend, right? I don't think he'd hate you. Besides…you do stupid things trying to be nice all the time."

"B-B-But R-Roxas! I could t-tell he-"

"Don't. If Riku hates you then I'll start listening to your stupid music. Just let him calm down and he'll come around."

"You're such a good brother!" the brunette pushed him into the couch arm with a hug. He didn't even try to get away for the moment. He could use a hug even if he didn't want to admit it to himself. I can't believe they broke up. I mean…they looked like they liked each other so much…Why wouldn't they be together…Roxas stared blankly at the wall. In his despair Sora didn't notice how incredibly unresponsive his brother was being luckily for the blonde. Why does it make so much sense when I'm thinking of other people?


"Axel~! I got news from Roxy!"

The red head lay on his bed with his eyes closed and only grunted in response.

"He says that Sora and Riku broke up! Oh no!"


Those two? How the hell did that happen? That's like Demyx and Xigbar breaking up. It's just not natural. He turned his head towards Demyx, trying to grasp how the disgustingly lovey dovey couple had come to the conclusion that they should break up. They were so gross together but…they liked each other a lot so what's the… …


"Huh? Why're you swearin' Axy?" the musician put a hand to his mouth as he glanced at his cellphone, "Xiggy you're such a perv!"

"You know how my date went Dem? Shit. Zexion is so…fuck."

"…You didn't DO IT did you?!"

Axel rolled his eyes, "yes Demyx. I just went and had sex with Zexion."

It made him shudder just to think of it. Obviously he wanted to. But…Shit…

Zexion pushed him down onto his bed, hair falling down far enough that it tickled Axel's nose. The steel haired man pressed his lips to the other's so quickly their teeth clacked together but they both ignored it for the time being. The gamer's breath smelled like thousand island salad dressing with a hint of beer-in other words, awful. At least Roxas had clean teeth…Still in full winter gear Axel found himself too hot and went to pull off his coat at least but was prevented from even moving.

"Zexion, shit, lemme take off my coat."


If desperation could be attributed to a scent he would forever relate it to the graphic design student's breath right at this moment. Nevermind that Roxas had been trying to get in his pants for weeks but he hadn't gotten laid since he'd met the kid. I should want this. So why don't I? His hand rested on his-no, Roxas'-scarf and he sat up.

"I'm gonna go, got it memorized?"

"What? Why?!" Zexion's mouth turned down into a deeper frown. He wrapped a hand around one of Axel's wrists, "is this because of that kid?"

"Honestly? Yeah. I'll see you around."

He closed the door resolutely behind him with an audible click. Dammit…Why does it have to be like this?

"You couldn't do it because of Roxy, right?"

"Yeah…He's making me into such a girl, Dem."

"Wh-don't be upset Axy! It's not girly to feel strong emotions for someone you like!" Demyx nodded, a knowing look on his face.

"But he's only a kid."

"If you like someone you should chase them! It's okay that he's younger than you, it's fine. As long as you like him."

I know you told me about Sora so this would happen Roxas. He put a hand to his forehead. Even though you said that you don't care about us anymore. Though Roxas had never said that-he'd just said he was giving up. There was only one thing that he could do in this situation. I've gotta call him.


Axel had called at 10pm and told him, among other things, that they had to talk. Not that Roxas could leave the house now since his mom had looked more than a little angry at the entire world today. His foot tapped against the floor as he tried to write an essay as a measure of his impatience. The entire situation was making his stomach leap unpleasantly with every ring of the home phone or knock at the door. Of course he wouldn't come to the house this late but for whatever reason Roxas still kind of hoped. What does he even want to talk about? If it's about us…What'll I say? He'd called Olette and she told him to follow his heart. Whatever that meant. But what if I don't know what to do? Now he could see why Axel got sick when he got too nervous.

The blonde finished the last of his essay then lay in bed for the rest of the night running through possible conversations in his head. Half of them ended in him saying 'screw off' and the others 'I like you a lot'. No matter how much he wondered nothing satisfied him and he couldn't force his eyes to close. He just couldn't figure out what he'd say or what Axel would say. Morning came soon enough though and he had to drag himself downstairs to eat breakfast. Where his mom sat drinking at cup of coffee, her lips pursed and eyes narrowed to little slits.

"M-Mom? What's wrong…?"

"Oh I'll tell you Roxas. I'll tell you! I'm sure you already know why Sora is only your half brother. Well I guess I'm not the only 'other woman' your father has."

I knew it. He stared at his feet, unsure what to say on the matter. Does that mean we'll have to move away from everyone? I don't wanna live with some other family! Why does dad have to be such a…

"Men are pigs Roxas. So be careful or you might find yourself on your own."

Why are you saying this to me?! …She can't know about Axel…She would kill me if she knew…

"I…don't get it."

"Oh god Roxas, I'm your mother of course I know about you. And I know about Sora and Riku too. They broke up didn't they? I don't know who you're after but I have an idea. Mothers always know these kind of things. Here, have a cup of coffee or you'll be dead all day."

She poured him a cup despite her always telling him that the stuff was bad for his height. …I'm already short enough as it is…If I don't grow Axel… But he drank it anyway. How did she know though? I didn't tell her…And Olette probably didn't. And I wasn't being stupid about how I liked Axel…Was I?

Either way he drank his coffee, ate his toast and was out the door. Only he didn't go to school. Axel had said to come over any time and he was taking that literally. I don't care if it's 5:20am. He got on the bus and moved to the back.

"Yeah Olette, I'm getting on now. I probably won't be in homeroom so just say I'm sick…See you at lunch. Bye."

The caffeinated beverage did nothing for his energy level. Neither did the slow emo song being pumped through his headphones. Maybe I'll just…Why did this feel vaguely familiar? His head rested against the window letting it vibrate slightly with the movement of the bus and motor. Tired… but he felt someone sit down next to him. He didn't have to open his eyes to know it was Axel. And he didn't bother acknowledging the man's presence either. His head now rested on the college student's shoulder. Maybe he drooled a bit on the red head's jacket but it didn't matter.

"I know you're awake."

"Shut up."

"Is that any way to treat me Roxy? I'm hurt."

"I think you'll survive."

"Yeah, I'm sure I will. How've you been?"

He sighed, "fine…"

"Hm. You know, this isn't a TV show. I'd rather not have this conversation on the bus, got it memorized?"

Roxas nodded-Yeah. Everyone's looking at us like we're the next big soap opera or something… so they disembarked the motor coach at the next stop and walked in no particular direction. I shouldn't have worn my uniform…Now everyone'll know I'm skipping. Don't police arrest you for that? The two walked close enough for their hands to brush but he refused to go to Axel. If he's really gonna say the age difference doesn't matter…he can come to me. It was cold enough that he wished he had his scarf-which he realized was still over at the red head's at that very moment. It's almost like… …no, I'm not saying it. There's no such thing as fate! Almost no one else walked beside them, not that he blamed them. Again Axel had demonstrated his poor clothing choices by only wearing a hoodie which didn't appear to have the ability to zip up. Not that Roxas could talk too much-in his half asleep state he'd completely forgotten his own jacket. But at least he had a long sleeved shirt and a vest for his winter uniform.

Neither of them spoke. Words that could've been spoken died on his lips even if he wanted to say them he couldn't force them to live past his thoughts. The blonde sighed. If Axel wasn't going to talk then what was the point in them meeting? He looked up-was the distance getting smaller?-Axel's eyes lingered on him for a second before flicking away to look at something else. Yeah, because everything around here is so interesting. But his face was paler than usual; his lips crushed together in a thin line-he looked scared. Or as scared as a guy would allow himself to look he supposed. I guess I'm kind of exempt from that…seeing as all I've done is cry in front of everyone like a baby.

"What're those tattoos for?"

He shrugged, "to look cool? No…it was the first thing I did when I turned 18. Because my parents said they'd disown me if I ever got a tattoo on my face."

"Did they?"

"Ha…No. They're dead so…"


"Don't go there. I'm over it. Anyway, all they did was tell me what I couldn't do. So…I could care less now, got it memorized?" Axel didn't make eye contact while he said it though. Liar. Who says that about their parents and means it?

"Anyway, I wanted to tell you….I'm sorry about the drama I caused. I'm sorry I fucked up your life because I can't make up my mind about things."

"I don't think you fucked up my entire life Axel. I just want the truth."

"Yeah. The truth is I was… scared got it memorized? And I know you told me about Riku and Sora to make a point," the college student murmured.

"It made me think too. So…"

"Yeah. Listen Roxas…I can't promise everything will go smoothly. And…I probably won't live up to your expectations but…if you still want to…"

He let his mouth do the talking-but not by speaking. They'd done too much of that already. Too much trying to force themselves into one type of relationship and failing. Too much stumbling over words when they could've communicated in other ways. And way too much ignoring what they really wanted to tell the other. Axel's lips were chapped, not soft like all of the stupid romance novels described, he didn't whisper sweet nothings in his ear and they certainly didn't look graceful. Elbows collided, they knocked teeth and Axel had to hunch over like Quasimodo but he still felt relief. The chase was great but feeling his mouth connected to the red head's was even better. His hand wrapped around the man's forearm, holding him where he was. Because there was no way he was letting Axel get away now.

They pulled away then stared at each other.

"You want to come over? Demyx is out."

"I should go to school. But I'll come over after…okay?"

The man smirked, "sure. You remember how to get to my room?"

"I got it memorized," Roxas smiled, then kissed him again before letting go of his arm.

"I've got some things to do around here but I'll wait with you for the bu-Oh. Here comes one now."

"I'll see you later," the teen felt his face burning. But luckily he was able to hop on the bus before Axel had a chance to laugh at him. His mouth refused to move out of a smile the rest of the way to school and to his 10:30am class, even when he nearly fell down the stairs on the way to his locker. Everything felt…lighter. Not that he didn't know why of course. Now all he had to was get through the day. And call mom to tell her I'll be late. …I still can't believe she knows…Whatever…As long as she's not annoying about it. With that he sat down at his desk and focused on the chalkboard-all he had to do was finish the day. How hard could it be?

End Chapter

LOL disembarked the motor coach. I stole that line from Little Britian XD "I was disembarking the motor coach when I took a tumble, ho ho ho" "So you fell off the bus" "Ye~es." :'D

YES YES YES YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. FINALLY. FINALLY. FINALLY! I'm happy I finally got them to actually kiss!(again). Next chapter will be the last for sure I think. But we'll see. J