In Your Dreams

Part 1

It was a calm and peaceful night. The stars were out, the Kaiba Corp. blimp was just making it's way out of Domino City with little to no turbulence, and the tournament had ended on a good-ish note. The sleep curfew had ended long since then, and everyone had seemed quite content with that decision after such a long day of intense card playing. But there was one soul that remained awake upon the vessel and he was finding it rather hard to keep quiet about it at this point.

Yami emerged from his soul room and was visible in his ghost-like form sitting beside Yugi on his bed. Yami sat there quietly, staring at Yugi, expecting him to wake up now that he had come out of his soul room. Instead, Yugi remained on his side, asleep. Yami frowned, knowing that his boredom had to be sufficed soon or else, he felt, he might explode. Yami scooted over to Yugi and poked him softly.

"…Yugi…" Yami whispered, staring wide-eyed at being that lay beside him. But Yugi did not stir. Yami poked him again.

"…Yugi…" Yugi made no sign of waking up. Now Yami was getting annoyed. Yami poked him repeatedly several times. "Yugi… Yugi! Wake up… Please? Yugi… I'm bored. Let's play a card game! I promise I'll let you win… Yugi… Yugi!"

Yugi rolled onto his side but still remained asleep. Yami was frustrated at this point. He couldn't sleep at all and hadn't had a single duel in hours. Yami didn't understand how Tea and Tristan could simply stand around the whole time watching card games. It was SO boring. But with these thoughts aside, Yami shrugged and decided to return to his soul room.

When he arrived back into his soul room, Yami was less than pleased. He was still bored. Yami looked around the room at all the stairways and doors, and neither of them were pleasing to his bored mind. Yami crossed his arms.

"It's no fair. Yugi gets a bunch of toys and what do I get? Stairs. Wow… how excited. I can really have a lot of fun with that." Now Yami was talking to himself. This was becoming bad. But the thought of Yugi's soul room did bring about a whole new idea. Yami turned and walked over to the door way, opening it slowly and looking at the door in front of it.

It was Yugi's soul room. It was like the room was gleaming in the faint light, full of opportunity and wonder but most of all; fun. Yami chuckled with a clever smile and tip toed over to the room. Observing the room carefully, he found the device he was looking for around the frame of the door. A tiny button sticking out from the wall. Yami's finger approached the button and pressed it.

Within seconds, Yami sprinted out of sight and hid in the shadows of the hallway. The soul room's door opened and Yugi walked out, looking around.

"Hello?" He called, looking down both ways of the hallway. Yami held a hand over his mouth, containing his laughter as best he could just as Yugi shrugged and went back into his room. With precise quickness, Yami made another run towards the door, pressed the bell once more, and ran once more down the opposite end of the hallway. Once again, the door was opened and Yugi revealed himself again.

"Hello?" Yugi asked, "Is somebody there?" This time Yami couldn't contain all his laughter, letting one laugh slip out. Yugi's attention was drawn and looked down the hallway.

"Pharaoh? Is that you?" Yami remained perfectly still and swallowed down all his laughter. Yugi sighed with frustration and put his hands on his hips, "Okay Pharaoh, seriously. Who else could it possibly be? You're the only one who has access to my soul room. Come on out." Yami got up and walked towards him.

"Technically Shadi could get in here." Yugi rolled his eyes and turned to walk back into his soul room.

"Go back to your room, Pharaoh, I'm kind of busy." Yami quickly ran ahead and caught up with Yugi before he could close the door.

"Wait, Yugi," Yugi turned around when he was standing in his room.


"Wanna play a card game or two?" Yugi sighed.

"Haven't you had enough card games for one day? You're the only one who even gets to play them most of the time." Yami frowned.

"Nu-uh! That's not always true." Yugi put up his hand and signaled Yami to be quiet.

"Sorry Pharaoh, but I'm a little busy." Yami bent over to the side to get a sneak peak into Yugi's room. There was an assortment of army soldiers lined up in a battle formation; the soldiers had been dived between gray and green.

"You're not busy, you're just playing army men!" Yugi had his hand on the door now, and slowly started to make his way to close it.

"Yes, and I intend to finish the Battle of Yorktown before the night is over. Sorry Pharaoh, why don't you go visit someone else?" Yami opened his mouth to protest, but before he could, Yugi had closed to door on him. Yami frowned, unable to figure out what he was suppose to do next. Visit someone else? Yami was sure he didn't have the power to simply walk into people's minds, that was Shadi's job.

Yami came out once more in his ghost form, coming to the conclusion that it both his and Yugi's soul room could no longer be used as an option to go and find entertainment in. Yami began to wander around the blimp, hovering along the floor, and gliding into the first room he came to.

It was Joey's room; Joey was sprawled out on the bed, with his clothes scattered all over the room. It was easy to see that Joey was sound asleep. Yami was about to leave, when he spotted, what appeared to be, a fluffy-looking cloud of some sort just above Joey's bed. Yami eyed it curiously and walked over to it to observe it from a closer range.

Yami felt like he knew what this was, but the word simply wasn't coming to him at that moment. He put his hand to his head, wishing he could remember the one word that defined what this cloud thing was. There was a connection between this and Joey sleeping. Then Yami all of the sudden remembered. A dream; that was what it was!

Yami held out his hand towards the dream cloud, and suddenly everything went white. When Yami re-opened his eyes, he was no longer standing in the middle of Joey's room, but in some sort of street on the bad side of town. Yami looked around, the place was deserted. Everything that surrounded him was in pretty bad condition, and he found himself pondering whether this was actually a dream or not.

Gun shots were heard, and Yami fell to the ground as a common instinct. When he looked up, he saw Joey standing nearby him.

"Yeah, take dat ya gang bangas!" Yami blinked once or twice before getting up. He couldn't believe his eyes. It was Joey… only in a tuxedo, and holding an M16 in his hand.

"…Joey? Is that you?" Joey turned around, but lowered his gun when he saw that it was Yami.

"Oh Yug, didn't think I'd see you here." Yami raised one eyebrow, his eyes remained glued to the gun Joey had in his hands.

"Um, Joey… why do you have a gun?"

"GET DOWN!" Joey shoved Yami to the ground, just before taking up his gun once more and firing it into the alleyway up ahead. There were a couple of thugs with AK47s hiding out there, trying to get a good aim and kill Joey. "You wanta piece o dis? Come and get it ya jerks!" Joey kept firing all the bullets until he was out of rounds. When he was, he held out a hand to Yami.

"Yugi, I don't think this is the safest place to talk, let us step into my office."

"You have an office?" Joey nodded, saying nothing more but instructed Yami to follow him all the same. Yami walked close behind him, as they went through a dark hallway, went down a secret staircase, and came out into an underground hide out of some sort. There were all sorts of thugs around the place, staring at Yami.

"Eh Boss, who's da twerp?" Joey glared at him, the man instantly regretted his words.

"He's wit me," Joey said in a low voice. The rest of the people in the room didn't look too confident either as Joey walked by. Yami was baffled to see that Joey seemed to rule this place like it was his own crib. Joey entered a small room right next to the bar that had been set up down there, and walked over to a big chair that was behind a huge desk.

"Now Yug, before you can join our gang, I have at know…" Joey reached down and pulled something from under his desk, "Have you ever used one of these?" Joey placed a machine gun on full display in front of Yami. Yami's eyes grew big and he gulped.

"Um… no." Joey sat there silently, studying Yami's every move.

"Okay, now answer me this. Have you ever worked in the mafia before?" Yami got up.

"Uh, yeah, I'm going to go now, Joey." Joey got up.

"Hey! Where do you think you're goin hot stuff?" Yami quickened his pace.

"I have to get out of here…" Joey lifted the machine gun off the desk and fired at Yami. Yami fell to the ground and began to sink through the floor, before looking up at Joey's face. He was laughing like a crazed maniac.

"BAM! Right in the kisser!"

Yami flew out and fell onto the ground. He blinked for a moment and felt his face. He was… alive? And still breathing too! But how? Yami got up and looked around. He was back in Joey's room. Yami gazed at Joey, whom was still in a cradled position, curled up on his bed. There was a demonic smile across his sleeping face. Yami shivered at the thought of what else was going on in Joey's dream, but didn't care to find out.

Walking out of the room and down the hall once more, Yami was staring at his hands in disbelief. He could go into people's dreams! Not only that, but he could see and experience what they were doing! Yami couldn't wait to experience more. Yami took the next opportunity he could to slip into the room next to Joey's and see who's room it was.

It was Tea's room. A grin formed along Yami's face. He couldn't wait to see what Tea's dream was like. Maybe this would hold the key to the answer of which Yugi Tea was truly in love with the most. Yami brushed his two hands together as he approached the fluffy cloud hovering over Tea's head. Yami shot out his hand and let himself get zapped into Tea's dream world.

Suddenly he was standing in a tuxedo of his own with his hair slicked back and a flower pinned to his suit. Yami was puzzled by his appearance but when he looked up, Tea was there and grabbed his hand. She was in a sparkling gown; looking absolutely fantastic. Yami's eyes nearly exploded after getting one look at her.

"There you are! I've been looking for you all over! They just announced the other actors and actresses competing for my award." Tea dragged Yami through the many tables and people in the rather large and extravagant room. Tea pulled him down into his seat and squeezed his hand tightly.

Yami still didn't know what was going on, but he did like Tea's hand being around her. There was a tall man upon ahead on the stage in front of the room, he was standing at a podium and speaking into the microphone. A very attractive woman handed him an envelope the second he held his hand out to retrieve it.

"And the winner is…" the man said, with his voice lingering in the air. Yami looked around, everyone was on the edge of their seat, awaiting the final name to be called out. "Tea Gardner!" Tea let out a loud squeal and jumped to her feet. She pulled Yami up as well and hugged him to the point where he sure his lungs wouldn't recover.

"I can't believe it! I won!" Tea cried happily, kissing Yami on the cheek before running up to the stage. By this time, the man had a trophy in his hand and held it out to Tea. She humbly took it and stared at it's golden beauty before approaching the podium herself. Yami was curious as to what the award was for, he was sure it was for something involving her dance abilities considering becoming a famous dancer had been Tea's long life dream. It would only make sense to actually dream about it while one was asleep.

Tea took in a deep breath and leaned in towards the microphone.

"I'd first like to thank everyone who ever believed in me and always told me I could do it. You guys were sometimes the only things that kept me going. And… I'd like to thank all my supporters and fans. Lastly, I'd like to thank my one true love for always being there for me." The camera turned to Yami and Yami shyly waved at the camera. "I love you more than anything in the world." Yami smiled and Tea nodded as she began to finish up her speech.

"I guess there's nothing else to say except thank you to everyone for giving me the Ultimate Fluffy Pink Sparkles Friendship Award! Have a good night!" Yami's mouth dropped. The what what what award? Yami slapped his forehead, just before he spotted Tea running towards him. "Come see my trophy, dear!" Yami shook his head. He had to get out of here, this was simply too much.

Within a fracture of a second, Yami was back in Tea's room. Tea had her arms tightly wound around the fluffy pillow in her arms. Yami had seen enough of this and slowly made his way out of the room. That was odd, yet slightly amusing in a way on after it was all over. He headed down the same path he had been on until he came across another room across the hall, close to where Tea's room had been.

Yami popped his head in, a little anxious to see who it was. Yami recognized Tristan sleeping in the room he was looking into. Yami almost had the urge to leave right then and there; considering Tristan was such a… bland character of sorts. But he did have the urge to see what Tristan kept up there in that cheerleader head of his. Maybe Tristan was a completely different person on the inside. Yami wanted to find out for himself.

Yami inched closer and closer and let the dream consume him in a heart beat. Yami expected to be zapped into a completely different place he had never been in, but instead… he was in an all white room. There was literally nothing. Yami found this to be strange to say the least. His eyes found what seemed to look like a motorcycle nearby. Yami ran towards it with anticipation of seeing something cool.

But as he approached it, he became more and more disappointed. The motorcycle was in motion, it was rocking back and forth like a crib. There was a coin collector machine in front of it, a sticker that read 25 cents on the label. Yami looked more closely at the toy's brand name, but all he could find was "5'Ds! The Future of GX and the End of the World As You Know It!" Yami found that to be quite… odd.

"Hey Yugi," A muffled voice could be heard from inside the machine. As Yami took a closer look, he recognized Tristan within the ride. Yami moved in closer and cocked his head to the side.

"Um… hey Tristan. What are you doing?"

"Riding a motorcycle." Yami was silent for a bit. "…Oh, that's cool." Tristan nodded, his hands were fasted on the little handlebars that the person was supposed to hold onto during the ride. Yami sighed loudly and spoke once more. "So… you getting a little bored in there?" Tristan shook his head.

"Nope, not at all. This is the most action I get all day." Yami's eye twitched.

"So out of all the dreams you could be having, you decided to go with this?" Tristan turned his head and looked at Yami as if he was a crazy person.

"What are you saying? That this doesn't look fun to you?"

"Well… yes."

"Psh-you don't know what you're missing." Tristan turned back towards the game, completely ignoring Yami from this point on. Yami shook his head with disappointment; somehow he had expected more from Tristan, and he wasn't really sure why. Yami started walking away, he didn't want to waste anymore of his dream catching time here in this boring dream.

Yami came back to the real world, leaving Tristan's dream for good as well as his room. Yami did have to admit, he was a bit surprised at some of the dreams he did end up experiencing on this bizarre jaunt he was on. But he wasn't done yet. There were still a bunch of people on the blimp, all waiting for Yami to discover what they're most in depth dreams were.

When Yami spotted a new room, he decided to play a little game as well. He would close his eyes, enter the room without seeing who the person was, and zap himself into their dream. Yami could barely contain himself, this was simply too much fun to be had by just one person in one night!

Yami neared the room, and did as he had instructed himself to do and closed his eyes. Yami made sure to stray away from all walls and move towards the most likely place where a bed would be found. The flash happened, and Yami could feel his body being transported through dimensions into someone's dream.

When the movement had stopped, Yami opened his eyes and found he was in a huge coliseum of some sort. Yami's jaw gaped at the fascination, there were crowds of people sitting all around the arena in the middle, cheering and calling out to the champion. Yami made his way towards the arena and towards one side where one of the competitors was sitting.

Yami rushed over to see if maybe a card game was being played, but instead he found something much, much different.

"And now I activate another handy capsule of mine, and attack with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon! I'm afraid that's it for the rest of your life points!" The opponent on the other end turned away in shame and ran off from the arena. The small winner stood up and held his arms in the air. The crowd was cheering his name, telling him he was the champion of capsules.

"Mokuba?" Mokuba looked down at Yami and smiled.

"Hey Yugi!" Mokuba jumped down from his seat and ran over to him, "I didn't know you were coming. Did you come to see me claim my championship, AGAIN?" Yami shrugged.

"I guess so. So what exactly are you the champion of? Duel monsters, like your big brother?" Mokuba shook his head.

"Nah, capsule monsters. Seto and I agreed in the manga that he would be champion of duel monsters and I would be champion of capsule monsters. And so far it's worked out." Yami could tell by the way Mokuba was talking that he probably shouldn't mention taking that very champion title away from Seto.

"Well that's sounds pretty cool," Yami said in reply, "What do you plan to do next?" Mokuba gazed upon all the fans and spectators in the stadium and smiled at them, giving them a wave or two. A roar of cheers and claps exploded once Mokuba did. Afterwards, Mokuba turned back to Yami.

"I'm not sure yet. I'm thinking I'll bask in my glory for a bit, just before they make some sort of spin off show about this."

"Spin off show, eh?" Mokuba nodded proudly, crossing his arms.

"It'll be the coolest show ever. And I just know when they make it, I'm going to be the star!" Yami smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm sure you will be, Mokuba, I'm sure you will be." Yami turned and started walking away. He hadn't really meant what he said, but he did wish the best to Mokuba all the same. After all, in a world where him and Yugi technically were the stars, Mokuba should've been allowed to dream. Then a sudden question popped into his mind and he turned back around.

"Oh Mokuba!"

"Yeah?" Mokuba looked towards him. Yami ran back over to where Mokuba was standing.

"Hey, I was wondering, if I were to, I don't know, be able to jump into dreams and experience them. Do you think Kaiba would be dreaming at this time of night?" Mokuba scratched his chin and pondered this thought. His brother rarely got sleep, especially during tournaments. Seto was very much so into insomnia when it came right down to it.

"You might be able to catch him dozing off, but his dream portal would probably fade in and out since my brother tends to do that a lot. That's how much sleep he survives on daily." Yami's mouth dropped open.

"Are you serious?" Mokuba nodded, "Wow… I wonder how that guy functions." Mokuba held up his hands in the air.

"It still baffles me to this day."

"Alright, well I'll see you on the flip side Mokuba!" Yami ran the opposite direction and flew out of Mokuba's dream. This time he skillfully landed on his feet instead of hitting the floor. Yami was getting much better at this. He turned back and looked at Mokuba, whom was asleep in a computer chair with Seto's coat drooped over him. Yami wanted to admire the adorable shot, but he was much too excited to see what Seto's dream would be like. He was sure it would definitely have something to do with him, and most likely dueling. Yami couldn't wait.

Turning to his left, he saw Seto over on a computer chair. His back was hunched over and his eyes were slowly moving up and down like he were drifting in and out of sleep. Yami inched near him and noticed that his dream cloud was fading in and out. Rubbing his hands together, he waited for the perfect chance, right before leaping into the cloud with much care and consideration.

Yami was transported to some sort of dark realm. There were flames all around him, scary ghouls coming towards him, evil human-eating plants growing from the ground, with bullets and arrows flying all through-out the air. If you could imagine hell, well, this was it. Yami was looking all around in astonishment. Seto must've had one messed up brain to think up this kind of stuff. Speak of the devil(Yami proceeded to chuckle once he had thought that one up) he saw Seto up ahead.

Yami ran towards him and tapped him on the shoulder. Seto turned around, his arms were crossed, and he had his normal displeased look on his face.

"Muto? What are you doing here?" Seto was talking like he was surprised, but he sure didn't look it.

"I just decided to bop into your dream to see what it was like, although…" Yami looked all around him, "Now that I see it, I'm not sure I want to stay for much longer. How were you able to think all this stuff up?" Seto shrugged.

"Oh, you know, the normal stuff. Mainly my childhood though." Yami's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"This was what your childhood was like?!" Seto shrugged.

"Basically. Unless you can think of a worse hell then this." Yami scratched his head and turned back towards Seto.

"Wow Kaiba, you're one messed up guy."

"I'd like to think we're all a little insane on the inside." Yami was beginning to wish he hadn't even entered Seto's dream. Some of the stuff he could see crawling around him was creepy enough to scare him in HIS dreams. Yami wasn't going to be able to stand it for much longer.

Then Yami saw it. The scariest thing of them all. A huge black demon, about ten times the size of Seto standing in front of them both. His body was made up of mostly shadows, his eyes were blood red, and he had fangs as if he were a vampire and claws like he were a wolf. It was down right the most demonic monster he had ever seen before; possibly even more frightening than all the god cards put together. Yami turned to Seto once more.

"Um… and what might that be?" Seto was standing there, staring at the beast straight in the eyes, barely unfazed.

"Oh, that would be my step father." Yami gulped.

"Wow Kaiba… that's just… wow."

"Now do you see why I don't sleep?" Yami nodded slowly, still staring at the monster in disbelief and slowly inching away at the same time. Seto could see him doing this out of the corner of his eye and simply had to ask; "Where are you going?"

"Uh… out of this dream?"

"Correction; nightmare."

"Oh, right… yeah, well whatever it is, I'm leaving."

"Smart choice." When it seemed safe enough, Yami turned all the way around and started running farther and farther away from Seto until he found himself popping out of Seto's dream and back into his room. Yami sighed, what a creepy dream. He had to remind himself to stay away from Seto for a while, that was scary enough to change your whole perspective about a guy. Yami knew Seto was a little off the deep end, but that? Wow.

But Yami put it all behind him as he walked into the hallway. He rubbed his hands together with a devilish smile on his face. There were still many more passengers on the blimp and he couldn't wait to see what they were dreaming about.

Anything would be better than Seto's dream. That guy seriously needed to think about getting some therapy.

A/N: If you're thinking I'm putting all my homework and responsibilities to the side, than yes, you are absolutely right. I'm not only updating one story, but starting up another. But don't get two excited, there's only two parts in this story which means it shall be ending next chapter. Yami was a little OOC I was told, but that's okay, I'm sure you guys still want to hug his brains out. Thanks for checking it out!