I have returned! Kinda... :D

Chapter 25: Reunited; Part One

The TARDIS landed and began to materialise. Inside, Jack stood up from his chair and immediently ran to the doors, trying to pull them open so he could run home. However, the TARDIS had other ideas.
She had locked the doors and was making long, sad droning sounds.

"Come on girl." Jack whispered, stroking the wall next to the door. "I'm not going forever." The Captains reassuring words had no affect on the TARDIS. She kept on moaning.
"Please darling." He tried. "I need to go and see Ianto. Remember Ianto?"

The lights flickered at the sound of the young Welshman. The Yarn-toe man. The man that makes Mister Jack so happy...

"Remember how I said he got hurt? Well, I need to go see him and check that he's okay." Jack pleaded, continuing to caress the TARDIS wall.

Mister Jack looks so sad. He must really care for this Yarn-toe man. Almost as much as I care for Mister Jack. But if I let him go, I might not see him for years, and I've only just got him back."Please girl, open the doors and let me go home." Jack's voice cracked and hot tears began to spill down his cheeks.

Don't be sad Mister Jack.

A small click let Jack know that the TARDIS doors had been unlocked. Letting out a small cheer of thanks, Jack opened the doors wide, and ran straight into the arms of Gwen Cooper.

Chapter 25: Reunited; Part 2"

I can't believe someone would do that to him." Gwen said sadly, nodding in the direction of the sleeping man on the sofa. Owen and Tosh nodded in agreement and looked at each other.
"You should have seen him when Jack found him." The Japanese woman whispered, sadness embedded in her voice. Owen reached up his hand and placed it on his girlfriend's shoulders. "He really was in a bad way."
Gwen leant against the kitchen counter and sighed miserably. "I really wish that there was something I could do for him. He's still so young - he shouldn't have to be going through things like this."

Toshiko smiled. "I really hope that Jack gets his revenge. It's the least that bastard Hart deserves."
"I hope he kicks the fucking shit out of him." Owen spat angrily, smacking his hand down on the table.

Gwen was about to open her mouth and speak when a whirring sound emitted from near the water tower and wind swept up the papers on the desk.
"JACK!" The trio yelled, running towards the blue police box that was materialising in the middle of the hub. It took a long time before the blue doors actually opened, but when they did, Jack ran out, straight into Gwen, who was standing in front of them.

"Jack!" Gwen whispered, engulfing the Captain into a large hug. The man whispered her name into her hair and looked up at Tosh and Owen.
"Where is he?" Jack whispered, pushing the Welshwoman away from his body.
The medic pointed in the direction of the sofa, and smiled as Jack swiftly walked over to the sleeping man.

Jack crouched down next to the sofa and let the tears fall down his cheeks. Ianto looked so pale and fragile. Jack placed and hand to his lover's cheek and kissed him gently on the lips.
"I'm home Yan. I promised I'd come home." The Captain kept placing kisses along Ianto's bruised face, in hope that he would wake up.

Owen walked over to the two men and placed a hand on the elders shoulder. "He should wake up soon. The sedative worn off about twenty minutes ago." Jack smiled brightly, and went back to kissing Ianto, but this time, be picked up the mans battered hand and placed soft, chaste kisses against it.

Tosh joined her boyfriend by the sofa. "So…did it work?" Tosh whispered hopefully. It took a few seconds before the Captain turned round.
"Yes. He's Retconned back to the ice age and left on a planet 300,000 years in the future."

The whoop that Gwen, Tosh and Owen let out was loud enough to wake the sleeping man from his stupor.

The Welshman let out a small groan and his whole body tensed. Jack leapt from the floor and sat on the edge of the sofa, leaning down and pressing their foreheads together.

"Come on Ianto. Please wake up. Open those beautiful eyes." Jack whispered repeatedly, wrapping his free hand around his lovers'.
After a few seconds, Ianto's eyes fluttered open and he looked straight into the eyes of his lover. "Jack…" he croaked softly.
"I'm home Yan." Jack said, his eyes filling with tears of happiness.
"Jack…" Ianto whispered, clenching his hand around Jack's. "Home..?"
"Yeah..." The Captain leaned forward and placed a kiss on Ianto's mouth. "I'm never going to let you go. Never ever."

The Doctor walked out of the TARDIS and smiled happily at the scene playing out in front of him. Inside, the TARDIS purred with contentment, sensing her Master was in high spirits.