O.K, sadly we have reached the final chapter of "I'll be Fine". And I want to thank everyone who has read and reviewed all of the previous chapters, you really kept me going with this. Of course, this won't be the last from me, because I still have a few other stories in the works and they will all be updated soon.

So, enough of me and on with the story!

Chapter 6

Pulling back from the kiss, Neela smiled as she looked at Ray, who, even in his state of ill health, still managed to give her that goofy grin that he always did, the one that made her knees go weak. Pushing himself up, Ray cupped Neela's cheek with his hand, running his thumb lightly over her cheek as he looked her in the eyes and said,

"Too bad I'm sick because-"

"Ray!" Neela said, a blush creeping over her cheeks, knowing exactly what he was going to say. Laughing, Ray kissed her lightly before he said in a more serious tone,

"But really…thanks."

Smiling, Neela leaned into his touch as she said,

"You're welcome…" Feeling a little cheekier than her usual self, Neela grinned as she added in a low voice, her mouth next to his ear, "But you can make it up to me soon"

Pulling back, Ray smiled, looking like an excited kid as he raised an eyebrow and said,


Nodding her head, Neela pulled Ray down into another kiss, not knowing how she had went this long without ever kissing him.

"Shit! Sorry!" Abby's voice broke through the moment as she opened the door, quickly closing it upon seeing the scene in front of her. Laughing lightly, Ray leaned his forehead against Neela's as he said,

"Guess we should let her in, huh?"

Nodding her head, Neela laughed lightly as he got off the bed and walked over to the door, opening it to find a rather flustered looking Abby with a chart in her hands, obviously Rays, and said with a smile,

"You can come in"

Smirking, Abby gave Neela a knowing look before walking into the room and over to Rays bed,

"You're obviously feeling better"

Looking over at Neela briefly, Ray met Abby's eyes with a smile as he said,

"Yep…so when can I go home?" a hopeful smile on his face.

Shaking her head at his eagerness to leave, although she now knew why, she looked over at Neela before she said,

"You and Casanova have plans?"

Grinning, Neela walked over and sat on the edge of the bed beside Ray, taking his hand in hers as she looked at Abby and said,

"Funny…you know what he's like"

"He is sitting right here" Ray said as he looked between the two woman, earning a laugh from them both.

Looking at Ray, Abby flipped open his chart as she said,

"Well, the antibiotics seem to be working, but we want to keep you in overnight for observation, just to be safe"

Slouching back against the pillows, Ray groaned as he said,

"I live with a doctor…and I am a doctor, I can make sure I'm fine myself"

Laughing, Abby patted him on the shoulder before saying,

"I know, but you have to stay here…tomorrow you can come home"

Looking at Ray, Neela smiled as she said,

"I can stay"

Shaking her head, Abby said,

"God, you two are going to be in this 'sickly sweet love' stage for a while, aren't you?", before turning and leaving, muttering something about her and Luka never being like that.

Smiling, Ray leaned over and kissed Neela on the lips before pulling back and saying,

"No, you need to get some sleep yourself…you were on all morning"

Moving so that she was sitting on the bed beside him again, Neela wrapped her arms around him as she said,

"Are you sure, because I don't mind staying"

Smiling, Ray pulled her closer to him, nuzzling his nose into her neck before pulling back and saying with a cheeky grin,

"Positive…as much as I would like you lying in this bed with me all night"

It was the next morning and Neela was in the apartment getting some of Rays stuff so that he could go home. Abby had phoned her earlier to let her know what Ray was fit to go home and that he would just need to take it easy for a few days.

Walking into his room with a bag, intent on getting him some clothes to wear…the hospital gown and sweats look not really something she thought Ray would want to wear outdoors. Setting the bag down on his bed, Neela walked over to the set of drawers and pulled out a pair of boxers and socks before grabbing a pair of jeans and throwing them in too. Grabbing a t-shirt, one that she personally loved him wearing, Neela chucked it and his converse into the bag before grabbing her keys and coat and making her way out the door.

Walking through the doors to county, Neela smiled at Jerry who was standing at the desk, before making her way to Ray's room. Opening the door, she had to stifle her laugh at the sight before her. In his boredom, Ray had begun to flick through the channels of the TV in the room, finding that only soap operas where on…and there was no way that Ray Barnett was going to watch something as cheesy as "Days of Our Lives". Of course, the fact that he had been ordered by Carter that he wasn't to leave the bed unless it was absolutely necessary meant that he couldn't even walk around the room and stretch his legs for a bit. So he had fallen asleep, one arm lying across his chest, barely holding onto the magazine that he had been reading, and the other dangling over the edge of the bed.

Walking over to him, Neela took the magazine from his hand before setting the bag down. Leaning down, she placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, smiling when he shifted and opened his eyes to look at her.

"Hey" Ray said as he pulled Neela down onto the bed beside him, earning a startled yelp from the latter. Wrapping his arms around her, Ray nuzzled her neck as he said in a mumbled voice,

"Don't ever leave me here alone again…I think I'll kill myself"

Laughing slightly, Neela pulled back and kissed the tip of his nose before running her hand through his hair, which was still in the state of bed head, and said in a cooing baby voice,

"You know I wouldn't do that", before laughing at the look he gave her, one eyebrow raised, his mouth turned up slightly.

Patting him on the leg, Neela pulled herself from his embrace, as much as she didn't want to, and went over to the beg of clothes she had brought for him, pulling them out as she said,

"Here's some clothes…I guessed you wouldn't want to go home dressed like that"

Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Ray stood up and walked over to her as he said,

"I would go home naked if it meant I could go home"

Feeling a blush on her face as she got images in her head of just what he had said, Neela handed Ray his clothes as she said hurriedly,

"Well I brought you these so now you don't have to"

Grinning, Ray pulled her closer to him as he said,

"But I was really looking forward to the look on their faces"

Kissing him, Neela ran her hands down Rays back, stopping at the small of his back and letting her hands rest there, as she said,

"Well, you can save walking around naked for later", a playful glint in her eyes.

They were finally back in the apartment, and Neela grinned as Ray walked over and flopped down onto the sofa, looking at her as he said,

"You know how much I missed this place after one night?"

Walking over to him, Neela sat down beside him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her. Closing her eyes as she breathed him in, Neela smiled as she said,

"It seemed so empty without you in it"

Kissing the top of her head, Ray closed his eyes as he rested his cheek against her hair and said in a soft voice,

"Well, I don't plan on leaving any time soon"

Lifting her head and kissing him on the neck, Neela cupped his face with her hand as she said,

"I'm glad…because I don't want you to"

Looking into her eyes, Ray could see the love in them, certain that his own eyes where reflecting the same look to her. He had fallen for her the first time he had met her, and even though at times they bickered and moaned at one another, Ray knew that it was one of the things he loved. He loved that she was so passionate about something that she would care so much to even give a damn about it. Leaning down, Ray kissed her, tangling his hands in her hair as she deepened the kiss before moving so that she was sitting in his lap.

Pulling back after a few breathless seconds, Neela looked in Ray's eyes and seen the lust and craving in them, moving her hands so that they were resting on his chest, feeling the muscles underneath. Pushing his hands under her shirt, Ray rested his hands on the skin of her lower back, feeling the heat coming of it. Kissing her again, Ray smiled as he felt her pushing his t-shirt higher, however he wasn't ready to move his hands, and so Neela changed path and began unbuckling his belt.

Pulling back, Neela looked at Ray as she said,

"You're room or mine?" knowing that if they didn't go now they wouldn't go at all. And she didn't want her first time being with Ray to be on the sofa in their living room where the majority of his band mates had slept before.

Smiling, Ray stood up, Neela wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Kissing her, Ray made his way to his room, kicking the door shut behind him.

"That was amazing" Neela said in a soft voice as she drew lazy circles on Ray's chest with her fingers, listening to his heart beating beneath her ear.

"I know" Ray said with a smile on his face as he kissed her forehead.

Pushing herself up on one elbow, Neela smirked as she said,

"You certainly have stamina for someone who was lying in a hospital bed last night"

Leaning up to kiss her, Ray grinned as he ran his hand up and down her arm and said with a glint in his eyes,

"Didn't I tell you I would be fine"

The End

A/N OK, there you have it…the final chapter of "I'll Be Fine". I hope that you all liked how this story ended, and please review and let me know what you thought.